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T7ES - Dil Pe Mat Le Yaars' Revenge
(03 Jul 2011 at 00:25) |
Toldja! This is a cover of Graham Smith (of Kleenex Girl Wonder)'s song Dil Pe Mat Le Yaar, ostensibly for his upcoming covers collection disc. Graphic to illustrate:  Dil Pe Mat Le Yaars' Revenge
The original song is one of the best off of Yes Boss, which is my second favorite G. Smith invention. If you've got time, listen to the original first. My version is an instrumental chiptune thingy. Unlike Graham's pithy piece, mine goes jarringly all over the place, but does at least visit all of the melodies in the original. "Dil Pe Mat Le Yaar" is Hindi for (I think) "Don't take it to heart", which is how I justify the excursion to "HEARTLE$$" in the middle. "Yars' Revenge" is an (I think well known?) old arcade game from the Atari era, "cleverly" reillustrated with authentic piano roll above. To proceed, Get MP3. |  |
Nice! I find both the original and cover quite enjoyable. |
Awesome!! Trying to reconcile the crazy rhythms of this with the beat-context-less intro of the original is breaking my brain, in a good way.
I'm having trouble the HEARTLE$$ bit though, which is kind of frustrating since I've listened to both of these songs tons of times. Is it the part at 1:34? It sounds kinda familiar but I can't identify it with anything.
Also if this KGW covers thing is actually going to come together I suppose I should start mine at some point. |
Thanks! Super Brain Damage!! :)
Nope, heartle$$ is at 1:14. "No need to be heartless...." I actually thought it was so obvious it was like a painful medley. 1:34 is from Dil Pe Mat Le Yaar, the part "If you tear a gory hole it comes with the territory, so quit actin' so smart..." Lots of parts are original though.
Graham seems to think the compilation will happen, but you never know. Having more tunes at the ready probably increases the chances, though. :) |
Aha, there it is, thanks. To me it seems to fit in pretty well - if I'm not paying close attention it just passes me by, probably partially because the rhythm is quite a bit different from the original song (ie, no swing). |