p e r s o n a l |
T7ES - Theme from large dark
(29 Feb 2012 at 23:51) |
Today I wrote a new short music for February. It's pretty 16-bit.
 Tom 7 Entertainment System - Theme from large dark |
Do I hear a Yamaha YM2612 in there? |
A modern T7ES song entirely in 4/4? Preposterous!! Seriously though, this is great.
Seconding the wondering about the 2612 - I love that Genesis-style FM stuff, though if it's here it's a bit subtle. |
critical! |
Thanky guys. It's not a real Genesis (all the sounds still come from SC-880) but it was definitely a Nintendon't moment. So I'm happy with that sound idea. |
i had to sample it.
check my remix:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVLmlZM-IHE |
Yeah! I love it. Thanks for keeping the absurd slow chromatic portamento, which I think is my song's sole lasting contribution. Keep 'em coming!! |
You can dismiss it as a silly little 16-bit trampoline session if you want... but this is a strikingly beautiful piece of music, T7. Wow. Really stopped my ear in its tracks. |
Thank you for believing in me |