p e r s o n a l |
Ludum Dare 23: T in Y World
(24 Apr 2012 at 23:37) |
 T in Y World - Play that thing!
Sup guys. I made this game in 48 hours for Ludum Dare #23, whose theme was "Tiny World". It is an experimental homage to an old game called ZZT, with some twists like that everyone can edit the game world, making it a Moderately Multiplayer On-Line Rule Playing Game. Other features:
Very expensive simulated color-ASCII graphics Content & technology double-whammy False dichotomy Four new music tracks, including shamelessly self-referential theme song You can turn off the annoying music Spoiler 1 Thrilling Computer Science based gameplay Integrated level editor Spoiler 2 Boss battle!!
You can play it or get the soundtrack, or both! |
Cool. Was stuck on "Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared" for a while but finally got it.
Here's an Action Jackson spotting: http://try.redis-db.com/ |
"Anonymous"?? What. I totally had "Scott F" in that name field. Your blog better not anonymize me this time too. |
Awesome!! I don't think I've ever seen anything like this in an LD game. It makes me feel dumb in a good way - I think. Totally blew my mind when I figured out the rule-affecting level. The hug level also gave me quite a bit of trouble, that was kind of annoying. Hopefully I can come up with something clever ("clever") to add.
Also I was gonna shamelessly plug my team's entry but you already played it :)
Argh!! That was me (adhesion) |
Sorry, "Anonymous" is a known bug that seems to come and go with Chrome. It's on the list...
Anyway, thanks! :) I regret "don't hug me" because it's too hard for its level of fun and there are better things I could have done, but one has to live with such things in a 48h contest. :) I'm looking forward to seeing your inventions, and future games! |
If the U isn't a safe letter, why is it colored like one?
Why doesn't the rule "?T^ vA=Y." do anything? |
Always a stickler. :) The colors aren't really meant to mean anything except that safe letters are "friendly" colors like blue and green while dangerous letters are "mean" colors like red and yellow and bright purple. I don't know if it was intentional for U to be dangerous, since it is a vowel (I wanted to make the "sometimes Y" joke here but it didn't quite work)... it was a long weekend!
Your rule, or in the simpler case ?T=Y., does match the T and write a Y on it, but it gets overwritten. When the rule phase begins, whatever is under the T gets saved, then a T is stored there for the sake of running rules, and then the saved letter is unconditionally placed back there. There might be something better to do here, but I think there has to be a special case for the T, so that's what it is. |
Hey Tom are you on Twitter? I have started using it, seems slightly less evil than other major social networking sites. I'm graue on there. Sorry for offtopic. |
Nope, not on Twitter. I don't have anything against it, and I often even use it to read some people's goings-on, but I haven't felt yet like I need another place to post short messages... |
Hey, Tom 7. I am making a game that is similar to this but has modified rule engine. Do you allow me to distribute my game? |
Is this game dead? |
Anonymous 1: Sure, go for it! It would be nice to have a thanks if it inspired your game, but do what you gotta do.
Anonymous 2: No? |
This is great game. More people need know about it.
Share it.
Much. |
Thanks! :) |
huh 2016
wow the vertical labels on the left are cool
i'm still enjoying this game. |
Yay! |
You might want to rewrite this in HTML5 and JavaScript; Chrome will stop supporting flash soon. |
I know, and lots of my jam games are in this state. :(
I have on my list to port them to JS. This one is easier than average because it doesn’t use any vector graphics, but it’s still annoying to have to rewrite weekend game jam projects, because the mindset when I’m writing them is definitely not “write good code so that when you port this to other technologies 8 years later it is easy to understand and you won’t be constantly tempted to rewrite/reimagine everything about it”. |
Why do missing pages (like 404) give a status code of 200? |
What do the ( and ) match? It's something about towards the T or away from the T, but what does that mean? Is it from the first element, or from the element before the ( or )? Why doesn't the bidirectional push work backwards? |
I ported it to python with curses. Can I edit the online levels as part of that? I fixed the parenthesis. (well I didn't, but someone gave me a pull request) The clone is at https://github.com/space-elephant/tinyworld-textmode/ |
I don't remember the rules about parentheses. :) I think some things that seem like they should be symmetric aren't, because you need to do the update scan in one order or another. Please feel free to port/modify/etc. (it is open source after all) but I guess I'd rather that you didn't modify the levels on the server, especially if you change the game's rules... I think that could interfere with players of the "main" game. Shouldn't be hard to build a new server, yeah? |
I don't know how to run a server, but it shouldn't be too much of a problem to just edit a local copy of the game. The rules are the same as far as I can tell, but I understand not wanting to break new levels for the main version if there are minor errors. Someone fixed the parentheses, so they now work. |
any plan to make user levels data public? |
They are public, right? Everybody edits the same game world. |
i mean the level files. if a level is not linked by another level, then we don't know it exists. if you decide to remove this game someday, we cannot access these levels any more. but if there is an index of literally all the levels even if they are not linked, then everyone could backup them |
Aha. I believe all the levels are listable by visiting the special world "all0", which then links to "all1", etc. |
Flash is dead. |
Well, on Chrome at least. |
Yeah I know! I hope to port this one to javascript as soon as I get some other stuff done :) |
<script>alert();<s/script> |
Error in xss. |
I finished T in Y world use google at https://github.com/space-elephant/tinyworld-textmode/. Google is now the default. On April 23, it will be ten years since ludam dare 23. It uses google firebase storage to store levels, so you can now play other peoples levels, and create your own.
I have some basic extensions to the rules such as:
"-" is like a direction, but within any one rule, it can be any direction.
"a>", where ">" is replaced by any direction including "-", is like "> ", but works whether or not it is space.
"r>" can be used for remote rules, like | ... | from puzzlescript.
Any platform with a terminal should work, as long as it has the required libraries. If it doesn't work on your system, create an issue and I will try to fix it. |
I see that someone created a "textmode" port of T in Y World, but I still really hope that you create a proper port someday Tom, because one of my favorite parts of the game is the graphics, I mean, I'd use those letters as an actual font on my PC, they're just so friggen' delightful!
...Also, I can't manage to install one of the dependencies for tinyworld-textmode (guess I need to file a bug?) |
how do i even create a level, i can't seem to find any way to get into the editor? |