p e r s o n a l |
Official rules of NFL
(30 Sep 2012 at 19:42) |
A few days ago I turned the very ripe age of 33. The NFL gave me two good presents: The regular refs are back (though based on today's games I am not sure it is fixing anything), but even more importantly, I noticed the Official Rules Of Football are finally available in all their 100+ page super precise glory with case law and the exact size shapes that the numbers on the field must be and the hand sign for "crowd noise", whatever that is. I can't wait to pour over this and generate some technicality-based trick plays! |
The Official Rules Of English Sec 34 Subpara B state that the idiom is "pore over"
Happy birthday! Coincidentally I just wrote a song (not recorded yet) that goes "Life gets better / when you're 33 / and you finally understand / what goes on". Let me know if it's true. I wrote it to stop despairing about my rapidly-advancing age relative to my not-so-rapidly-advancing accomplishments. |
Oh yeah and happy birthday! |