p e r s o n a l |
Sick Ridiculous - Soup 'n Uts
(02 Nov 2012 at 18:20) |
 Sick Ridiculous and the Sick Ridiculous - Soup 'n Uts
I have a bunch of new Sick Ridiculous et al. recordings which I will share as I mix them. It takes a while and I never feel quite satisfied with the results, but I can't just hoard them on my hard drive! This is a song about soup and anaphylaxis that we wrote for the Pittsburgh artist event "Soup n'at" (n'at is Pittsburgh vernacular for "etc.", roughly). It's called Soup 'n Uts. |
You seem to never write Pac Tom updates. We can't tell how many neighbourhoods are still closed. Do you want to keep us in the dark till you surprise us with the “achievement unlocked” message? |
I can write more updates, sorry. :) My progress has been kind of slow, but I am still working on it, and I always upload the records to pac.tom7.org (see "graphics") so you could peek at that. The short story is that I mostly just have 2 large neighborhoods on the north side to finish, and then a few runs' worth of cleanup. Getting close... |
Loved the song. Had a tangentially related story that I had to share about eating and uts. Luckily no anaphylaxis though.
When my daughter was younger, we would sometimes force her to eat her vegetables. She would try to wash them down with milk and inevitably gag. For some reason, she began to describe this event as "ut in the cup". As in, "If you make me eat that soup I'll ut in my cup!"
This may become our dinner time theme song! |
Came for the Super Mario Bros. automated information stayed for the music. |