p e r s o n a l |
Feeling the Berne
(31 Jan 2017 at 21:21) |
Hello, three remaining readers of my dwindling weblog. It's not late at night but it feels that way, because I just returned from a work trip / vacation combo in Switzerland. We went to Zurich, Grindelwald, Jungfraujoch, and Berne. I almost fell asleep before jerking awake with alarm that I had not posted this month, but I think I'm too tired to write anything interesting about the trip, and my ongoing secret project is still secret, so I guess this is just another apology post. Probably needs a category tag, or perhaps everything else should have a not-apology tag so that these can be avoided.
Updated with this Vacation Photo to make the post less boring:  Alps and scalps It's of course impossible to capture the majesty in photographs, and this one is not even good, but it was towards the top of my hike/run up the mountain called Schwarzhorn. The peak behind me is Wetterhorn. Most mountains are named after horns or eggs. For example there is Kleine Scheidegg. Since Scheide is "stealth", I think this means "little stealth mountain." |
Count me among the 3! |
:) |
Do you think you'll ever start uploading to YouTube more frequently? |
Ah, man, I'd need more time. I have a full-time job and the videos themselves take some time to make, plus I need to do the work in order to have a subject to make a video about, and I even have several other hobbies. :) But right now I'm up early on Saturday morning working on a project that will probably become a video, though! And I appreciate the enthusiasm :) |
Thanks for the reply, I appreciate you're a busy man. Your videos are entertaining and pretty great etc etc I'm sure you know that already. Have you ever thought about vlogging some of your hobbies or anything like that? |
yeah yeah im here.
nice view! |
Monism: Well kinda. The Unibicle thing was sort of my attempt to "vlog" a project, but I seem to gravitate towards the more polished format rather than just talking into the camera. Maybe some day I'll try something more extemporaneous to see how I feel about it. Right now I'm knee-deep in a complex project and not enough time to even do it! |
Hey Tom, one of the 3 here. Glad you still update us every month. I always enjoy seeing what you're up to. Just wondering if you have any thing you're submitting to Sigbovik this year. Good hearing from you |
Hi! Glad we accounted for all three. :) I do have an ambitious and weird project for SIGBOVIK this year, which I worked on all weekend and hopefully can get done in time. Watch this spot! |