p e r s o n a l |
Measure twice, order twice
(30 Apr 2018 at 23:01) |
Well, not a lot to report this month; I've been hard at work on this new project which I'll show off at the end of the month (Deconstruct and PoCSci, and probably a youtube video). It's turning out to be harder than I naively thought (isn't it always? and even taking that into account?) but at this point several things are working and I'm satisfied that it is at least possible, so I'm not giving up! Tonight I have to order some more printed circuit boards because the ones I got, although awesome, are very slightly wrong due to my own sloppy measurements. It's an amazing world we live in where you can get high quality custom PCBs from China in a week, but there are not many weeks left for me to wait for boards and realize I screwed up, so it's time to get this one right!
In post 1154 I mentioned that I had finished "most of the reasonable stuff" in Celeste, and now I've actually finished all of the reasonable stuff and some more possibly unreasonable stuff (all regular berries, b-sides, c-sides). That game continued to hold up for me through the c-sides, although it gets pretty grueling. I feel pretty good at it but then I watch the speedrunners and it's obvious I'm still in amateurville. But, I've had enough. Any new games to recommend?
Have kept up the running every day, now at like 8+ straight months. It's much easier now that the weather is getting nice and (especially) my neck is more or less okay. Not expecting to continue the every-day-no-excuses rule after the one year mark, though! |
> Any new games to recommend?
Well, I heard rumors to the effect that *The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild* is a pretty good game. Some gamers even called it the best game ever. |
Alas, I already played through that one! I did really like it, though. |
And I should have known that too, because you said it in the 2017-09-30 entry. |
Games-wise, I just finished Metroid: Samus Returns which was pretty solid, about what you would expect from a 2D metroid game. Not quite on the level of Super Metroid, but what is I suppose. I've also been playing a bunch of Horizon: Zero Dawn (also quite good and fairly similar to Breath of the Wild) and slowly grinding through a 100% run of the Final Fantasy XII remaster. |
Have you played La-Mulana? That seems up your alley. |
Let me Google that for me; apparently you played it three years ago! |
Damn, you'll have to backdate an entry by several hours again now. |
Yes, that was pretty inexcusable! Was thinking about it, but also procrastinating it, all week.
fet: Yes, loved La-Mulana! Would be very happy to play another game in that vein!
Adhesion: I conisdered Samus Returns, but the art just looks so bad to me, so lazy! Why can't they have some lovely pixel art?? I've had H: ZD recommended by a few people, so I might try that one, but I'm a little reluctant to add another console. Are there other can't-miss PS4 games? Detroit: Become Human? |
Sorry, it's my fault. I should have warned you earlier. |
Re:metroid art, I thought it looked okay but yeah pixel art would have been way better. I imagine there's some edict from Nintendo that all 3DS games must support the (fairly lame and pointless) stereoscopic 3D feature. Ah well.
For other PS4 games, Detroit seems cool (I enjoyed some of Quantic Dream's other games like Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain) though the social commentary side of it seems pretty tone deaf so I'm a little hesitant to play it. Bloodborne is an absolute must if you like souls games, it's one of my favorite games of all time. Until Dawn and Uncharted 4 are PS4 exclusive and both are really solid. There's also some more not-exclusive-but-more-at-home-on-console type games like Nier: Automata (haven't played this one yet but I've heard it's amazing) and Metal Gear Solid V, which I loved. |
Oh! I wonder if you’d like Opus Magnum? Not anything like any of the other games being discussed here but it really seems like something special that your brain might latch strongly onto. |
Apparently johannhowitzer says that the SNES puzzle game "Trodderls" is very well designed, and it looks like the sort of game you (Tom7) might like. |