p e r s o n a l |
November Rain
(30 Nov 2020 at 21:07) |
Good day!
This month I did some UI work for our Destroy FX plugins, mostly on the Rez Synth plugin, which now looks like this:

Since the plugins often need to grow as we add new features, I've been experimenting with automatically generating the background images, at least. Here that allows for some fancy details that nobody will ever notice, like how the thingies that span two cells don't ever cross certain zones. Was also recently turned on to "blue noise" as a much better way of creating random graphics but avoiding detectable lumps. That set me on a tangent of building a little tool that let me see the live Fourier Transform of image data while drawing it, or conversely to draw directly in the Fourier domain and have it reflected in the image, but it turns out that this is completely unintuitive and less fun than it sounds!
Continued running >10k every day this month, usually doing about 50 miles per week, and 90+ days on the 10,000 steps/day streak. I'm on track for 2000 miles in 2020 (I just realized I should probably make it 2020 miles?), with the main obstacle being the increasingly shitty weather and short days. In Pac Tom I finished the whole North Side (including Herr's Island). Yesterday I ran 17 miles to New Homestead to do 157 feet of ambiguous road that had been haunting me for years, since it was so far away and not obviously a real road. But better safe than sorry. So that definitively finishes New Homestead too. Only a few straggling streets in a few neighborhoods in the South Side are left now. It's probably doable in one trip but I think I'll leave something so that I can be very confident that the final run is indeed the final one (there's always some chance I'll miss something and only discover it when I curate the map data later).
I only played Spelunky 2 this month. It's a fantastic game. I finally got the speedrun achievement (7m58s) after a few extremely close calls (like one finish 4 seconds too slow, or having one of Tiamat's bees kill me as I was approaching the final door!). Now I've gotten close to the medium-hard ending. Dunno if I'll ever have the skills for the hardest ending, but like Celeste, one of the best things about this game is the design of its smooth but lengthy difficulty curve.
Over Thanksgiving break I did let myself start a small-ish programming project, this one involving fonts! We'll see if it goes anywhere. |  |
Me and a cross-country buddy of mine have been loving Spelunky 2's online multiplayer. It is indeed a fantastic game.
I wanted to say: your YouTube videos inspired me to finish a programming project and an accompanying analytical writeup. It pertained to Magic the Gathering, and a bunch of nerds read it and said nice things. It was very gratifying, so thanks for that! Now I just need your video editing and illustration skills. |
Thanks Tom 2! :) Don't forget about SIGBOVIK if you can't find any nerds to read your next project! |