p e r s o n a l |
(31 Mar 2023 at 23:55) |
We did it! Due to mysterious heroes and a fortunate time anomaly, they managed to get a SIGBOVIK together after all. The proceedings are like 350 pages, with papers from all over the place! They are supposed to be up on the SIGBOVIK 2023 website soon. The conference went pretty smoothly although we didn't get everything done as slickly (no livestream, etc.) as has happened in the past. There were a number of people who wanted to meet me at the event (and/or sign their body parts, etc.), including some students who made the trip from Rochester (!), which is cool but also still a strange experience.
I submitted one paper, which is called GradIEEEnt Half Decent, though it is a multi-part affair. I gave a talk today, and I'm working on a video for it, although it's a bit much to get a long paper, a talk, and a video all done for the same moment these days. Maybe this weekend, or otherwise soon because I'm eager to be done with this darn thing (and excited about the projects that are queued up!)
Speaking of eager to be done, I am still addicted to COD of Duty 2: Modern Warfare 2, but I decided that I can retire once I get every gun to its maximum level. I am almost done with this, and I already did all the intolerable ones like the riot shield and PILA (more like PILE A' shit, amirite?), so that will be nice, and I can move back to the artful games before no doubt getting sucked into the Breath of the Wild sequel.
Lastly, the local NPR station did a segment about my "Pac Tom" project, which aired on Wednesday. You can listen or read on their site. I like the way it came out (though I wish I had provided a better audio feed—I must have screwed something up hooking it into Zoom, which I was using for the first time!) and a lot of people mentioned that they heard it on the radio, so I was also happy to learn that radio lives on! |  |
I like your paper and I'm looking forward to the video. Funny coincidence as I also submitted a paper on optimization and gradient descent. But where you went half, I went larger. |
Wish there were a livestream! Would be great for next year. Though already excited to read through GradIEEEnt descent (great title) and the many other exciting titles seen skimming the contents to check for mine.
Loved the Pac Tom project, and am excited for your paper video whenever you eagerly get it done! |
Thanks both! I'm looking forward to reading the proceedings but I like to do it on a paper copy, like an old bearded professor! |
Amazing and beautiful as always! I very much enjoyed your general approach of taking a model and making a chess strategy out of it. That part made me wonder how learnfun/playfun would do in Elo World. I expect it would be quite a chore because you would have to be running learnfun and performing all the chessmaster memory shenanigans, but this time with other engine's moves. |
Looking forward to the video. I have not read the full paper yet (do not want to spoil the premium experience), but based on the introduction, I am certain this is going to be so much fun.
Tom, all your work is utterly brilliant: the wit, the art, the humour, the storytelling. Your YouTube channel is by far the best on the whole platform, I swear. Thank you for being an inspiration. I love you. |
After droning without end to my daughter about the limitations of digital computers (and the fact that their reals are fake), she passed this video on, and I must say, sir, you are (a) brilliant and (b) funny as hell (for my kind of funny, that is). Made me laugh out load quite a few times. Impressed as well.
One thing I noticed when skimming the paper afterwards. The name is either spelled Gödel or Goedel. The umlaut is a shorthand for the additional e (or the e is a replacement for the original umlaut for when umlauts are not available, I don't really know). I don't think English has the German ö sound. Anyway, not Goëdel, but Gödel. |
I was notified that, even though it's not linked from the SIGBOVIK 2023 website, there is a booklet resembling proceedings available at "http://sigbovik.org/2023/proceedings.pdf" . |
gctwnl: Ugh, of course. I do know that but I must have been up too late!