p e r s o n a l |
Your 2024 In Review
(31 Dec 2024 at 19:06) |
Good day and good year! At least in some ways!
The "mathematically complicated secret santa" video is up now. I'm in it. Some would say: Too much! I haven't played with my new camera enough, so I sent Matt a bunch of footage (including 90 seconds of completely blank silent 4k video, like a professional would!!) and only an appropriately appropriate fraction of the gags made the cut, so I'm all stocked up for next time I need video scene with some random number generation or where I receive a package in the mail. The santa protocol has some serious problems with it (especially the last minute revision; see my comment on the video) but it also has some good ideas. I have another iteration on it that we may try next year—if we survive! While I had the gear out I also recorded an unremarkable entry for the related say the prime project, which you can do too!
I have been doing relaxing programming over the winter break, both on the red and green grid, and on the deceptively hard old math problem where at this point my ability to optimize computer search with clever tricks and systems engineering is mostly resulting in me failing to solve the problem at truly unprecedented pace. This is not the first time this has happened! Hopefully I can salvage something from these for a SIGBOVIK paper or video soon, but I'm not letting myself get distracted by deadlines yet.
Like a Counter Strike Idiot, I kept playing COD Of Duty VI: Las Operaciones Negras for some reason. After the cheating cleared up, it became a regular Call of Duty game, and is fine and unremarkable, but I can't help but make the numbers go up. I also have been finally treating myself to UFO 50, which is a great collection of games for an apocryphal 1980s video game console, made by some of my favorite game designers (Spelunky, etc.). It's an impressive achievement in a number of ways, although some of the games are a bit too frustratingly authentic in their difficulty or speed. It's a lot like playing through Ludum Dare entries (if they were all made by Dream Teams), which I do enjoy.
Happy New Year and good luck! |  |
Matthew |
Some would say: too little! I like Matt's video's on the whole but whomever does his editing often makes some strange choices in what makes the cut, as they are often too long, though in this case it was at least 90 seconds too short. |
I didn't know Tom from Tom7 ran a blog. Color me surprised! You're a big inspiration for me and I love everything you have produced. Thank you for being you - and making it public for me and others to enjoy! |
AA: I assume you mean because he left out my 90 seconds of suspense-building, completely blank video! I am sympathetic to strange editing decisions, which I have done many times at the last minute (only recently have I learned the lesson that I should probably watch the final edit before uploading?). This one had a natural real-world deadline, and as deadlines approach, even the most cautious editor's x-acto becomes hyperbolic. Plus Matt told me he has 50 (!!) videos in progress?
scene: It's true, or close to true, but it's actually Tom 7 from Tom 7! Thanks for watching and for finding inspiration. You will find the blog—which mostly contains me repeatedly saying that I made a small amount of progress on a secret project—a balancing counterpoint for that inspiration. |
50 videos in progress(!!!) I'm not sure if that's inspirational or depressing.
No, actually I'm sure. That's depressing. And the difference between being a full-time dilettante and being a full-time "professional" youtuber. The amount of sustained effort to get noticed (and continue to hold attention) these days is a lot. |
It does seem like a major grind to try to do it professionally, but I do understand the appeal! I think my instinct to do everything from scratch by myself would be utterly disastrous, though.
Even absent the annoying pressure from the system to demand more and more numbers (which I am privileged to be able to mostly ignore), I don't think it's that unusual to have a lot of things in flight. Maybe it just depends on how you count. I seem to have 8 very concrete video projects right now. I think if I tallied my projects that I have put serious effort into (over ~decades!), but have not formally abandoned, it would exceed 50. Certainly more if I considered things that I have intention to do but haven't really started. I'm lucky that I don't need to make a business out of it, because honestly even the pressure to put out a decent SIGBOVIK effort once a year severely taxes my precious life-force as a 45 year-old. But I also do like to have finished things, so I could imagine that lifestyle being draining but also very satisfying. |
Careful with that! My old PI had about that many half finished projects cluttering up his lab and still somehow entertained the idea of finishing all or most of them. EG enough to at one point in the 2010s spend half a day showing me his old interrupt driven soft-realtime code written in Borland C 3.1 on a DOS 486, written back when that was contemporary technology. Needless to say that was the last time anybody touched that code or desk-full of hardware until surplus came to trash all the lab's junk about 5 years later when he retired, with perhaps only one more of those 40 or so projects finished meanwhile.
Not to say his soft real time interrupt based DOS code wasn't top-notch! I'm sure somebody could have done a very decent dissertation using that code and pile of equipment on that one desk. |