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02 May (02 May 2001 at 05:11)
Well, the System Is Going Down For Regular Reboot (5:00am), so it's time for a May Update. Forgive my crazy mind, it's not often that I Take Of The Caffiene in order to stay up all night to finish my Thesis Draft. (In fact, this is the only time so far, though I'm sure it will not be the last...)

Graduation is in less than three weeks. That is crazy. I'll bet my friends must be freaking out, because I'm pretty astonished that it's over and I am *staying* in school for several more years.

Speaking of which, some regular radar-readers have puzzled me by asking where I had decided on attending graduate school. I looked back and was surprised to find that I hadn't even posted here about that rather important decision. I am staying at CMU, which I guess was the plan from the beginning.

I signed a lease for a kick-ass apartment with my pal Dave Wang. I've known Dave since freshman year, when we lived on the same floor. That's what that "Donner Forever" thing means on his web page. I don't think anyone knows what "Botch!!!" means any more. Dave is staying for 1 year more to get his Masters in Electrical Computer Engineering or something. I keep meaning to draw a picture of that nice new apartment, but it's sort of fading from my mind and anyway I don't have time for that tonight.

Anyway, Don is going to work defending our fine country at Lockheed-Martin in Maryland. He says he doesn't know what he's doing, but I think I know what it is. He's going to be making some kind of secret virtual-reality something-or-other. Maybe he can get Security Clearance and steal nuclear secrets for me. I kind of wish Don would get a job at a video game company, complaining about how their games sucked. He is pretty good at that, and maybe he could get me an "in" on making video game music for real video games.

Karthik, Amy, and several other people don't know what the hell they're doing one month from now. That is hardcore, man. I don't know what I kind of wish they will do, but I hope it is something exciting and strange.

What else? I've got this page of five giant circles, each standing for one of the days that will suck until this school year is over. It is fun to cross them off; I will cross off one tomorrow-today after I finish this thesis draft. I think johnath is more neurotic: he types it up, sorts by date, indexes by weighting. And then he sets fire to it when he's done. I don't destroy things like that... I like my life to be monotonic.

OK, looks like the computers are back up. Awright, I get them all to myself!


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