u p d a t e |
UPD: radar
(08 Jan 2002 at 15:16) |
As a result of my continuing Livejournal envy, I've added the ability for visitors to comment on entires in the Radar. Just click on the [comment] link below each entry. I also made some very subtle cleanups that you probably won't be able to notice. |  |
woo hoo ! ! does this make me the first non-tom commenter? *does a lil happy dance* keep up the geekliness, mr tom, and good luck gettin Piled Higher and Deeper.... |
Hello there, silly person.
LiveJournal envy is understandable, but the thing about LJ is that it lets you catch up with several blogs at once. If you were to blog on LJ, you'd be on my list and I could read you regularly. This way, I have to remember to visit every once in a while, which is inevitably less than I refresh my mostly-always-open LJ friends view.
Too bad.
In case you wonder who I am, I've been enjoying snoot.com, your free fonts, and even your old DOS games, for a couple of years now.
Oh, and another thing! Since I don't get to leave my e-mail here, I will never know if/when you reply, unless I obsessively check this page forever, or until you do. Oy.
(find me at http://livejournal.com/~ijon)