p e r s o n a l |
30 Days Has September
(02 Sep 2002 at 04:19) |
The poem, you know, has it backwards. It's September that has 30 days, not the other way around.
Today is the 2nd day of September. It's almost unbelieveable that this early in the semester I'm already having an all-nighter! But it's a fun all-nighter, for the ICFP Programming Contest I mentioned in a previous weblog entry. Our virtual robot is wandering around, planning paths and avoiding enemies. He's knapsacking and flood-filling and priority-queueing. He even prints out a neat color map of what he sees. Though I'm sure we'll be competitive, I think we realized too late what the real "interesting" parts of the problem are and wasted too much time programming other parts to win it. But we'll see!
Note for those who want to send me prizes and wishes: Tom turns 23 on September 27! | |
So, where's the page for your bot? I see you reprised the team name. |
Working on one, Hock! |
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