p e r s o n a l |
FOG index
(25 Nov 2003 at 18:39) |
The Fog index, developed by Robert Gunning, is a well known and simple formula for measuring readability. The index indicates the number of years of formal education a reader of average intelligence would need to read the text once and understand that piece of writing with its word sentence workload. 18 | unreadable | 14 | difficult | 12 | ideal | 10 | acceptable | 8 | childish | The Flesch readability index, usually between 0 and 100, indicates how difficult the text is to read. Some examples for random material for various publications are: Comics | 95 | Consumer ads | 82 | Sports Illustrated | 65 | Time | 57 | New York Times | 39 | Auto Insurance Policy | 10 | IRS Code | -6 |
Analysis of sample chapter from my novel: FOG: | 185.31 | FLESCH: | -388.50 | KINCAID: | 178.25 |
In other words, you can understand my novel if you have 185 years of formal education. In other words, my novel rules!!
Word count: 41600 |
Congratulations...? I'll certainly give it a try, even in spite my 172-year disadvantage. |
tom, did you score them yourself based on a rubric or did you use some sort of program to analyse it? |
I used a program. I'd hate to count all those words and syllables by hand! |
are there any similar formulas for listenability? |
If only... |
what is the readability rate of barium induced fog? |
Very good question! |