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NEW: Album-a-day #18 ''Fake Mars''
(08 Aug 2004 at 17:00) |
This weekend I finally made a new album (my last one was over six months ago!). I think it came out pretty well, but you can judge for yourself by listening to Tom 7 AAD #18: Fake Mars. For those of you who are just joining us, almost all my music is made this way: in 24-hour explosions that I call album-a-day. |
get rich fast
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Eh, I made the above post as a joke, to see your response to what seemed like spam. I just realized that you might ban me because of it, and I don't want that. So, don't ban me!
Just a note this album was not actually called GGGCAGGG so edit your description on the album page and I will take a listen to your new tunes ASAP!
Crap, I discovered this while in the middle of listening to the Microphones' _The Glow Pt. 2_, so I have to finish that album before I can listen to this one. |
Okay, this is probably the best-sounding Tom 7 album yet. I think AAD2-5ish still have my favorite songs (Nasal-crap, Roger Aberfoyle, Castle Waxmud, Success, etc.), but the production value on these is top-notch. Nice nice! |
Mmmm, as much as I love many of Tom's albums, I don't really think there are any albums as good as "The Glow, Pt. 2" so that is a tricky one to follow. Anyway, am off to download Tom's latests... |
Mike: I don't have any special provisions against spam except deleting it, but it was pretty obvious yours was a joke since there are no links!
Heather: Sorry to impinge! Fixed!!1!
jetfuel: eesh, marc is right, The Glow pt.2 is a tough act to follow. Regarding production, this album is very loud and was recorded in stereo, which probably helps, but there are still levels problems all over the place. However, some of it was intentional (ie. Shithope, Mute Disc), in fact inspired by the Microphones among others.
Marc: Thanks for the encouragement. ;) |
huzzah, a new Tom7 album! I must download it tonight after work, and put it on my new iPod and listen. And I must put my craptacular new non-AAD album up somewhere too. |
I love this. It's second only to Earthquake Glue.
"I want free from fear-from lawnmower skies"
Thanks Mike!! It's nice to get feedback after a long weekend of work.. |
Wow, it looks like you eventually did get to hear The Microphones. I remember emailing you about them a couple of years ago because they seemed right up your alley. I'm glad you ended up digging them. :D |
I did. Several people have recommended them to me, actually! |
I think I am the only person in the world who likes Mount Eerie better... |
I haven't heard that yet, but I guess that means I can't like it better. |
Well you should check it out, just in case. |
What if it hurts The Glow's feelings? |
Well that foghorn-like tone at the end did seem to sound a bit more plaintive... Actually, the Microphones have officially changed their band name to "Mount Eerie" so that should be proof enough of its inherent superiority. |
Grrrrr... for some reason, I can get to radar.spacebar.org fine from work, but it doesn't connect at home. Maybe it's a DNS server problem or something? www.tom7.com works from home, but spacebar.org doesn't. |
The same computer is doing DNS as is serving the web pages. Can you get to spacebar.pc.cs.cmu.edu? That's done by CMU. There's really nothing funny about my DNS setup; I'm on a static IP on a multi-homed network, and connectivity is usually good here. You can try a traceroute to, too.
tom7.com is on a totally different server. (tom7.org, on the other hand, is the same as spacebar.org). |
Hmmm, when I go to spacebar.pc.cs.cmu.edu and, I get "No site is configured at this address. Did you want to go to..." (which I assume is what's supposed to be there).
However, going to www.spacebar.org gives me an MSN "We can't find spacebar.org" Search page or alternatively a "The page cannot be displayed" page.
Maybe my ISP has blocked tom7.org for some reason :-P
In any case, I was able to grab AAD18 using various anonymous web proxies. |
Everything is perfectly reachable from here... |
Uhhh.. well, it could be a transient DNS problem. If it keeps up that may be bad news for me... |
You think it's weird to like Mount Eerie best? I think I like Island Songs the best, followed by It Was Hot, We Stayed In The Water. They are all, of course, good, though. |
Max: What do you mean when you say that you like Mt. Eerie better than The Microphones? Cuz Phil hasn't actually released any music as Mt. Eerie yet (there was the album titled "Mt. Eerie" but released as being by The Microphones, and that latest "Live In Japan" album was also released as being by The Microphones, because Phil didn't want his first Mt. Eerie album to be that one, which I can understand cuz it's way by far his crappiest record). So are you referring to either of those, or do you mean that Phil playing live mid-2003 and beyond has been your favorite compared to his records and previous live performances? I'm just curious (I'm pretty obsessed with The Microphones / Mt. Eerie).
My favorite albums by Phil are "The Glow, Pt. 2" and "Mt. Eerie" followed by "Song Islands" and then "It Was Hot, We Stayed In The Water". |
I think he means that he likes Mt. Eerie the album better than The Glow. |
Yeah, Tom's right.
And I agree, "Live in Japan" was pretty awful aside from the first song.
But yeah, I thought The Glow Pt 2 was good, if a bit overhyped, but Mt. Eerie might be one of my favorite CDs of all time, and I've got well over 500... |
Just finished listening to the album for the first time.. I'll have to listen a few more times to figure out whether it's as good as Examine Machines and Enrich. What's the "obvious naming convention" used for it? Just using lyrics from each song for the title, or is there something more complex that I've missed? (e.g., anagrams?) |
No, they're just all two words and two syllables (except you might consider "shithope" one word).
EME is my favorite AAD, so if this one competes, then it's been successful! |
I liked this a lot. Thanks for all of the albombs tom7! |
Where did all of the fidelity come from? Is much better recorded than any of your previous albums.
So far I like a few of the songs a lot... |
huh.. well, whenever I make an album I set up all the equipment and then just leave it like that for the whole thing. This is the same equipment I've used since AAD#15, but maybe I just got lucky setting up this time.
I am using my brother's nice mic (along with my SM-94) and a m-audio preamp. The preamp helps a lot because I don't need to make up for my weak sound card with VstDynamics so much. |
Wow Tom... I think Examine Machines and Enrich might be my *least* favorite AAD. The only song I really like on there is Boarding School.
This is a popular weblog entry. |
Oh, it's totally the pre-amp. You can't really make up for lack of it later by boosting the gain of the recording, it never really works, the preamp is very important. |
marc: Well, I've used it before, but I guess the lesson is to turn it up loud.
mr. fuel: really? How strange... |
the number of comments keeps increasing...
Can't ... stop ... now ... must ... post ... MORE! |
Yeah, keep going! |
Oh, I misinterpretted what you said to mean that you hadn't been using the pre-amp before. Well, I dunno, maybe you are using it better now, or it's something else, but there's definitely a big difference particularly in how your acoustic guitar sounds on this one.
So, now that I've listened to this album many times, I can share my opinion. Generally, I think it's a pretty so-so one. But at least consistently, so there aren't many moments when I hate the song (only Math Gel [please no more songs like this one!], Old Chair, and Your Key, and actually hate is far too strong for those, they're just crummy and kind of annoying, but still not painfully so, well, except Math Gel actually is). About half of them I think are pretty alright, though not songs that I'd ever be motivated to specifically want to listen to, but they're okay (Fake Mars, Up Ten, Hurt Bolt, Mute Disc, Food Shape, Wall Jump, Song Ask, and Soft Church; those last 2 I actually like a little more than the rest of the list). Then there are my favorites, which are first and definitely #1 Shithope, and then Turk Punch and Lawn Sky. Those, especially Shithope, I actually do look forward to hearing. And the rest just pass by without me really noticing. |
This album is fabulous. I like the sound of your voice. |
Thanks Future Boy!
Marc, I'd love to not make songs that you hate, but I am still trying to figure you out after all these years. ;) Anyway, Math Gel is indeed a throwaway, but it's hard to avoid them! I don't think it's nearly as bad as Your Key. |
Or, more poignantly, Dark Carbs. You didn't even mention that one, probably because you deleted it straight way. |
there's this girl with a website who has used your font and claims she made the icons herself, and not giving credit to you. i thought i would point that out... and i took screen shots too. to see it, go here> http://www.geocities.com/carcasskill/K_I_L_L.html and click underneath "livejournal" heading to "icons" and you'll see. she claims they are copyrighted, but hey- go deal with her. |
Thanks for being on the lookout, cristina. =) Actually, although it's a little bit tasteless to not say anything when all the icons are made out of Tombats, I don't really mind when people do this kind of thing. After all, she can "own" her icons (which are quite nice, incidentally) at the same time that I can "own" my fonts, so why not? |
I kind of like Dark Carbs -- maybe it's the rich baritone voice you adopt, or maybe it's just the subject matter.
In any case, yeah, Shithope. |
I just want to say that 'Song Ask' is one of the greatest things I've ever heard. |
All right!! |
Song Ask and Dark Carbs plus plus. Shithope is pretty good, but I don't see what everyone is getting all worked up about. I even dig Math Gel, Your Key, and Dark Carbs. I guess it says something that this is the first Tom 7 album ever to be added to my "Bearable Tom 7 Songs" playlist in its entirety. |
Yikes, "bearable"?
OMG, "dark carbs"? |
Well, if I didn't use a "Bearable" playlist, you never know when "Fungally Infected Paper" or "fat dogs" might pop up. That's a risk I don't think I'm willing to take. |
Heh heh, "Fat Dogs" sucks, but does always make me chuckle. "Fungally Infected Paper" does just suck. But jeez, you got flicted ears cuz I'll tell you, "Math Gel," "Your Key," and "Dark Carbs" all suck too, and "Song Ask," okay, not as bad as those, but still nothing I wanna go back and listen to again. |
Oh, and to respond to what Tom said much earlier: "Marc, I'd love to not make songs that you hate, but I am still trying to figure you out after all these years."
Well, don't worry, I'm still trying to figure me out, too. But here's what I meant when I said "please no more songs like this one!" It's not that "Math Gel" alone and in itself is such a terrible song, but it's that it's the latest iteration of a certain song that you keep making that gets more and more intolerable each time. The formula is something like: really banal and nondescript-pop melodies, detached singing, and lyrics about some exceptionally and often esoterically nerd topic relating to higher math, science, or computer science theory, or if not directly about those things, then indirectly (like in this case, the lyrics are about a math book but not the content of the book). You've done this I think at least 8 times now, thrown one song on the AAD like this. The first time I heard this formula, it kind of made me chuckle, it was sort of novel, going to the extreme of nerd-ass lyrics packaged in a really lumpy, boring song. But ugh, not something that ever needed to be repeated, and each time it is, I just hate it more and more. So does that make sense? That's what I'm talking about.
All that said, I still love "Shithope" and "Lawn Sky." |
eheheh, fungally infected paper. that one rocks. |
Well, what can I say? Song topics are hard to come by when AADing. But it's not a formula that I'm employing on purpose (like the "nintendo" template that makes it on just about every album), I guess it just happens. |
I really like fungally infected paper. (the song) |
Are some of the songs supposed to be cut off at the beginning/end?
The end of Math Gel, beginning of Up Ten, and end of Smooth Cask sound abruptly cut. The beginning of Up Ten sounds like a DestroyFX filter, so I'm assuming that's intentional, but the others don't.
Both Math Gel and Smooth Cask should sort of fade out. Maybe it's your player? The beginning of Up Ten is intentional. |
I liked "Dark Carbs" too, because it's so different and weird it's funny. Although I can't stop singing "Song Ask" and "Blast Child" (which cries out to be longer) to myself every chance I get. "Turk Punch" and "Hurt Bolt" are great too.
That being said, "Food Shape" has to be the most pointless song I have ever heard.
I don't know why any song needs to be longer than 46 seconds. |
PS. Thanks !! |
PWN!!!! I switched DNS servers and now I can get to here fine. It looks like somehow I didn't get all of Math Gel and Smooth Cask, I redownloaded them and now they work fine. |
".....Phil hasn't actually released any music as Mt. Eerie yet...."
i know that was an old post, but there are 2 vinyl only mt eerie records. if you use soul seek, add "nathanwaterman" and you can download them from me. or phil sells them at shows. |
I know I'm late to the party, but I have to jump in anyway. This is your strongest AAD -- I even like some of the B-list songs like "Hurt Bolt" and "Smooth Cask". Thanks.
I need to get my 4-track set up again and make one myself.
Thank you! Now that there's been some time, I can say confidently that albums #18 and #12 are my favorites, probably in that order. |
you are a googlewhack, you should know what one is but if you don't email albell224@hotmail.co.uk |
For what search terms? |
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This still holds up really well in 2023! |