"go to the mirror to look it [sic] him- or herself"
- Is this an unintentional typo, Freudian slap [sac [sic]], or a hidden distress signal from the robot booger beings that have been kidnapped inside of Tom7's brain? You be the judge.
c o m m e n t
Tom 7
(h-67-100-132-83.phlapafg.dynamic.covad.net) – 12.30.04 11:06:01
Typo! Thanks! It will be fixed in the next edition...
c o m m e n t
(207-237-35-55.s55.tnt1.nywct.ny.dialup.rcn.com) – 12.30.04 14:49:14
Oh, while we're on the subject of typos:
p. 79 "Alexis wanders around until [sic] her new, barren apartment until she finds the refrigerator."