p e r s o n a l |
ListenQuest mini 2005
(26 Apr 2005 at 09:25) |
This morning I finished listening to every MP3 on my computer with a rating of 3/5 stars (ie, songs that I specifically like) or better. This took me two weeks! It is a nice way to listen to music, though--much better than when I forced myself to listen to every CD in my collection, all the way through, even like the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie soundtrack. I did that in College, and it would be at least twice as hard today, especially since there are a number of discs I've almost totally grown out of.
Speaking of mini, the Famicompo Mini vol.2, which is an informal competition to make new Nintendo music, is currently underway. It ends with the month of April. In addition to extending my midimml software substantially (changes are secret to give me an edge in the contest!) I've written about half a song, but I need to pick up the pace... |  |
i *love* listening to music i thought i had grown out of. Prodigy - Experience was my latest retro-kick. |
ps, that was from philihp at phora.net |
Yeah, well listening to music that you *thought* you grew out of (e.g. but actually didn't) is great, but not so great to listen to music that you actually did grow out of. ;-)
I've actually been listening to nothing but early Tori Amos music this week, heh heh, a good example of this. I totally thought I had grown out of her music and for years never thought to test that theory by listening to her again, but then a friend of mine played "Under The Pink" for me while we fell asleep recently, and oh my, how my love sprung anew. So much that I re-routed a road trip with some friends this weekend in order to swing by my mama's house to pick up all of my Tori CDs! |
Geez, and here I've just been listening to music, like, normally. |
Yeah, I still like the first couple Tori albums, except for the recording. The new stuff is just atrocious, though. |
Heh, yes me too, I was always upset that she only had one well-produced album (Boys For Pele), and that it was that instead of one of her first two (although I still like that one a lot, but after that, it's all atrocious as you say). The ultra-slickshot production on the first album is so overwhelming that it almost ruins it for me.
And speaking of her atrocious recent music, did you ever hear her recentish album that makes use of some Destroy FX? I've never been motivated to try to track that down, but have always been curious... |
Does it use DFX? I downloaded a few songs, but they were pretty bad, so I didn't even really bother trying to listen to it. |
Yes, her producer (at least at the time) emailed us maybe a year or two ago to let us know (also about recent David Bowie and Jeff Beck albums that had our stuff in there, all the same producer). But I never looked into hearing any of that stuff... |
Hah, well here's a funny thing: So I decided to try to find that email (I didn't, though), but instead found a "Smartelectronix testimonial" emailed from that guy (which does list those things) which I never even posted at smartelectronix.com, heh heh. I guess I should do that... |
Oh, nevermind, I see why now: It wasn't really a testimonial, it was an email kinda responding and saying that he would finish the testimonial, but never did. |
heh heh, david bowie |
Any plans to distribute the new build of MIDIMML after the competition? Pretty please? |
Yes, of course! |
My famicompo entry is in, but maybe I'll try to make another one tomorrow too... |
I entered a second, much simpler song. |
Man i knew Bowie used geometer... |
I could swear I hear it on the new TMBG album, which is cool if true. |