p i c t u r e |
(30 Oct 2005 at 21:09) |
This was a pretty fun weekend. On friday was George's annual halloween party, which had some late night antics and a lot of great costumes. Can you guess which Russian president and Time Magazine "man of the decade" I went as? Party pictures, including illustrations of how to make your own "party" costume (warning: costume is fairly "permanent") are available here: Halloween '05.
On saturday I went to a Heinz School party way out in Bellevue, thanks to a tip from Jake D. No pictures from this one, and that's too bad because these folks take Halloween pretty seriously: Accoutrements included smoke machine, two blood fountains, dismembered eyeball candy, hand-shaped ice in the punch, and damn that was a sweet smoke machine. The whole block looked like it was on fire.
I mysteriously injured my foot last week right before Brian and Sarah's wedding, which has been driving me nuts all week because I haven't been able to run. But it seems better now, and I guess a week off was good for me, because I beat my best times on the two Shadyside routes that I run by quite a margin, on consecutive days. Based on my pace I could do a 5K in just about 20 minutes now, at least on a mostly flat course.
Today Brendan and I took advantage of the last gasp of fall (and his last day in Pittsburgh for a month or so) to go on a combo photography expedition and climbing trip. This worked out really great. I will post pictures from our industrial exploration soon. (Jeesh, I have quite a backlog now....) |  |
Next year you can skip the red makeup and go as Patrick Stewart. |
Man Smagill's Napoleon Dynamite is a pretty sweet costume, too. |
Andrew: You are not the only one to suggest this! I don't think I really look like him, though, so I'd need to put on a star trek uniform. I'm not comfortable with that. |
The red shirt is almost a star trek uniform. |
Killer deal on improving your running times. Now go try it in Squirrel Hill! I used to run in Shadyside, too, and was quite pleased with the speed I developed over my route. Then we moved to Squirrel Hill and the change in topography almost killed me -- for the same distance as I'd used on my Shadyside course, my times plummeted and I was totally exhausted. It was like being a beginner all over again. Eventually I got my speed up there, too, but it took a while. I was happy with the results, though, as my overall stamina was much greater than it had been. (Homewood and Smithfield Cemeteries are good places to practice running steep hills, if you're interested.)
Anyway, happy running!
p.s. Post the output of your photography expedition soon.
I wouldn't mind a more hilly course, but boy, it sure is convenient to start and end up at your own front door, you know? |