u p d a t e |
Let's adventure! Part 2
(13 Nov 2005 at 20:29) |
I have continued work on my Adventure game test. You can play here: adventure54.swf by using the arrow keys (don't forget to click on it first, or it will probably ignore your keypresses). In this version I have added depth scaling of the player (omg TRUE 3D), improved the componentization of the code (not visible to you) and added doors so that there can be multiple rooms in the game! This was surprisingly hard to do right—flash has some really weird ideas about when certain objects should be recreated. I think I came up with a robust and convenient way to do it, though. Like a ZZT neophyte, I am merely adding onto the slapdash room that you've already seen. Once I get everything working I can think about actually doing a nice job of drawing stuff.
All you can do is walk around in the three rooms, so don't get too excited. Next, I need to figure out how the player actually interacts with the world (inventory and actions and stuff). I also need to improve the floor clipping to be a bit smoother, since it hard to walk around obstacles right now. |
Man this guy looks pretty nervous. |
He heard about the lasers in Escape. |
Neato. Don't think I've played a Flash game that looks like this. |
only 3 rooms? Tom, this is taking way too long and you're supposed to be working on NSANO. What you need to do is turn this into a open collaborative project like those binary fiction projects on snoot.org or level creation for Escape. This way your massive fan base does all the work for you. All you need to do is make some templates, some guidelines, and approve changes. Also, I keep pressing tab but I'm not getting inventory and it won't let me "get lamp". |
Believe me, I've thought about it...
Right now I'm just concentrating on getting features. I know doors sound easy, but it was a real pain in the ass to add multiple frames! But once I did that, the driveway took like 5 minutes to create... so if your metric of Great is number of rooms, I can achieve greatness very quickly now. |
Why is my poor skidding around like the GROUND IS COVERED IN ICE?!!
Also TARDIS! |
Don't hold the key, just press it to start walking like Sierra style. |
Is this going to have a text parser, or is it going to be a new-old Sierra style game with look, pick up, and lick buttons?
Also, I've started to tag my mp3 collection with lyrics and need some words verified from your albums-a-day. Is it better to ask here, so that everyone can see & update their notes, or should I email you? If you want, I could just email you all of the aad lyrics I've transcribed so far, so that you can easily put them into text files for everyone to see (since it looks like only aad 13-16, 18, 19 have text files with lyrics). |
I'm not sure many people have AAD lyric nots, but you could just ask me here just in case. ;)I actually do have lyrics written down for most of the albums, but often not in a state that I wanted to put up with them. |
Oops: If I were doing this in a language other than Flash, I'd be tempted to write a text parser, but I'm pretty sure that would be a nightmare here. It's going to be some kind of clicking interface that I haven't figured out yet. |
Alrighty - so far, the lines I'm not sure about are:
Sam's Play
tour(?) genres start to vanish
Double Billed
I was double billed
I only meant to pay once
but I was charged
half as much
In North Carolina
please try(?) the mountain to see
Liso Y Sedoso
el soldedor(?) de arco(?)
Sam's play: It's "Tor" genres; Tor is a very popular publisher of pulp fantasy and science fiction
Double Billed: "I only meant to pay it once"
but I was charged
(... uh, I can't figure it out either, sorry...)
In North Carolina: "Please try the Mountain to Sea", where the Mountain to Sea is a hiking trail on Mt. Mitchell.
Liso Y Sedoso: "El soldedor de arco" is right; it's the babelfish translation of "soldering iron." (I wouldn't look for much meaning in the Spanish lyrics..) |
Hooray for Tor and Ender's Game!
Which album is that on? *taking notes* |
I adblocked your game. Filtered! |
Dag |
Wm: Sam's Play is on #17, GGGCAGGG. |
I think I figured out "Double Billed" while listening on headphones today:
I was double-billed
I only meant to pay it once
but I was charged
multiple times (?)
my credit card
is worth half as much |