u p d a t e |
AAD-21: Exile on Atari ST
(17 Feb 2007 at 20:08) |

My 21st Album-a-day is now available! It's called Exile on Atari ST. The Atari ST was the computer that I grew up on... I pretty much learned to program on that thing. I think part of the reason that it took me a year to get around to making another album was that I really liked my last one and I was worried about whether I could repeat that success. I feel like this one is not as good, but then again I do always think that right after I've finished.
I also entered Songfight, which is why one of the songs is called "House of Hodgman." |
Hooray! Now you just have to wait for that Tom 7 guy to update the AAD page and list it. That guy can be sooooo slow.
So now you're tied with me again, eh? 20 solo AADs each. I'm actually feeling the same way you are, like my last effort Decent was so good I'm afraid I can't top it. But so what? It's crap art, quantity over quality, right? Nobody said anything about topping anything.
Or repeating successes, for that matter.
Finally! You should make an AAD every month (instead of every year) like all the cool people do. Or at least all the cool people used to do, I guess...
Only listened once so far, but it definitely seems like a worthy successor to #20. House of Hodgman and Free State Project are especially awesome.
Also, why did you go back to 128kpbs MP3? It doesn't sound too bad but it would be nice to have better quality. There's always the internet archive if you need space.
Oh, and why is free state project labeled as track 13 in its id3 tags? |
Tom, based on a first listen, I like this better than your last AAD (which I liked a lot). It has its awkward moments, but even those are awkward in a good way. In fact, "awkward in a good way" is something you're pretty good at. My favorites at the moment are tracks 5, 7, 10, and 12.
Graue: I'll do the AAD updates tomorrow... one good thing about being the maintainer is that I can get them up as fast as I want. ;) But this was my 21st... unless you don't think the first one counts as solo?
Adhesion: I generated 128kbps MP3s because that's what last.fm requires; it's easy to generate better quality ones so maybe I'll do that for the download page. Maybe I'll just upload FLAC to internet archive, even.
I am glad you guys are digging some songs and I am proud to be awkward in a good way. |
Yes, I was only counting the solo ones. Counting collaborations, you're still ahead of me 23 to 21 due to the TBQ albums, right?
On a whim I decided to create an Album-a-Day message board:
I will post there with my progress when I do an AAD tomorrow.
The lyrics for "Too Early to Call..." weren't in the lyrics/chords file, so here's my transcription of it (but I couldn't tell what parts of the third verse are):
Despite all of our tests
it's a misnomer
our scientists try their best
but it's well over
we know you wanted to use that phrase
describing the swampy black haze
"too early to call the stagnant liquid
a toxic soup"
and that's too bad for you
I'll tell ya the ??
tested and ???
but our grant's running thin
and I think they'll begin
to cash our rainchecks
"too early to call the stagnant liquid
a toxic soup"
G: There are also three Marm and Toc albums (I'm not sure if I ever posted all of those?) so make that total 26!
TB: Thanks, basically right; the missing paragraph is:
and that's too bad for you
I'll tell ya the techs persevered
gram tested and turbidimetered
but our grant's running thin
and I think they'll begin
to cash our rainchecks |
yeah, i'm really liking this one. i think it's comparable or better than BATKOC. seems like its sequenced so that there's an acoustic song and then an electronic song and back, and so on, which is cool. you seem to have developed two distinct styles that are your own and both work, the acoustic and the video-game-ish stuff. vocals seem to have more rhythmic complexity too than the past stuff. i'm envious of your lyrical abilities! good stuff! |
Judging from your ultrasecret opendir mp3 site, you only posted an image from the third Marm & Toc albums: http://mp3.tom7.org/aad-mat3/14990011.jpg
(and I won't bug you on Spastic Moose anymore... ;-) )
Still listening to this new album. I like it so far! |
Hmm... we used to have those all on mp3.com before it shut down; I guess that was just me saving that image so it wouldn't get lost. But I ought to upload that album! |
Oh, heh, hmmm, that might also be cuz I never really mixed that album (Centipede Medicine Box). The rough mix is pretty shit. Insert excuses here... |
Yeah, it's kinda crumb but no worse than lots of other stuff I've posted to the internet! |
Its a good thing you didn't do song fight last week, because you definitely would have gotten whomped by that Emergency Pizza Party. (totally juevenille and sweete song, btw). The field is looking pretty weak this round -- so far you've still got the crucial Neal vote, but its tenuous.
Also, you sampled in this ADD: -1000 points. |
Yeah, EPP was pretty funny...
Feel free to vote for mine if you think it's the best, but I don't want my friends stuffing the ballot!
What did I sample? Or do you mean ripped off some tunes without realizing it at the time? (Because I can think of at least one or two...) |
And since when can you not sample in an AAD? I sampled lots in my second solo one (though mostly samples of myself, and mostly samples that I created that day), and Tom and I also sampled drumming for Phyzical Romance on our second AAD. I defy any such rule, utter bullwonk! |
after listening to the album some more, some of the songs are growing on me, but i'm at work now so detailed comments on it will wait for another time
do you generally record guitar + vocals at the same time, or separately and combine them in postprocessing? i've got alternate lyrics of some of your songs in my head, and was wondering whether it would be possible to get just the guitar parts for some (since i can't play guitar etc.) to record my own remix/parody/whatever versions of them
right now, i'm thinking of "Waiting Game" and that song that has lyrics of "colored to do list and pokemon jars" that I can't remember the name of at the moment |
Tadbot: Yeah, I usually record them separately, so I could probably hook you up with karaoke versions. The main problem is just finding those files and then opening them, since the older it gets, the less likely it is that I have the application still...
The pokemon jars one is "Permission." |
I could probably find a way of opening sound files, assuming they're labeled sufficiently for you to figure out which album/track they're from. I'll try to figure out what other songs I'd be interested in first, so that you won't have to dig through the files for one song at a time. |
You should upload all your albums in FLAC to the Internet Archive, where possible. That would be awesome. I like that idea.
I finally submitted the AAD I did -- also I resubmitted my friend's AAD, "10:03pm" by Mr Truffle, which apparently I forgot to include a link for before? (Based on an HTML comment in the listing.) If you were waiting for my submission before updating the site, that's really nice of you, and thank you, and you may update it now. If it was just a coincidence, well then, it worked out nicely!
T: Well, give me a short list and I'll look for 'em... maybe the guitar wav tracks on their own would be good enough for remixing, but there's usually effects involved and sometimes multiple synchronized tracks, even without singing. So it's probably best if I can open them and export a mixed karaoke version.
G: Nope, I've just been slacking! But I'll try to get to it this weekend... |
I've totally fallen in love with You Were Injured. I love how I always learn new words from your AADs, like sobriquet (from #20) and now clarion. Keep up the great work! |
Thanks P! I guess I never know which ones people will like... IMO the punching in and out (a consequence of the badly structured guitar) is kind of annoying on that one. |
Wow!! all these songs are amazing! I love them so much. I do not have a favorite or a least favorite i adore them all equaly. Marry me. |
Thanks trousers! If you want to marry me you gotta get a ring or something. |
Wow !
you have come so far :-D . I love your music, it's amazing, and original.
Keep on recording. Atari ST whooooo !!!!!
Thank you Gem! Try out albums 22 and 23 too! |
I recently found AAD on stumble. Started listening. And I really like it. Keep up the good work man. I'll be waiting for more of your stuff. |
Thanks! :) |
Welcome. I'm thinking about doing an AAD with a friend of mine. so you may see that later. :D |