p e r s o n a l |
(02 Apr 2007 at 14:43) |
Well, the faux/real SIGBOVIK conference on April 1 was a staggering success. Basically, Harry Q. Bovik is a fake graduate student that the Computer Science Department uses for various purposes and in-jokes. His 64th birthday was this Sunday so we had a conference filled with joke papers and presentations in his honor.
The website has a full draft proceedings, and I think soon you'll be able to get a bound printed copy to enhance your office's gravitas or to place with randomly generated call numbers into your university's engineering and science library.
My papers were the utterly nonsensical "Generalized Super Mario Bros. is NP-Complete" (by Vargomax V. Vargomax), the one-joke "Level-of-Detail Typesetting of Academic Publications" and the entirely too much effort "Wikiplia: The Free Programming Language that Anyone Can Edit") (winner of the "Freedom to Receive Awards" award at SIGBOVIK).
If you hate reading you can watch the totally pre-recorded version of "Generalized Super Mario Bros. is NP-Complete" (make sure your sound is on, and wait for the whole thing to load before starting it) (warning: this is very immature) or look at the talk for Wikiplia (but this mostly consists of words). Both need the newest Flash player. Since I really implemented the latter (I think the only SIGBOVIK paper that comes even close to being real) you could also just use it, at least until I eventually shut it down for taking up too much of my office machine's resources. |
Have/will you post the Super Mario Bros. talk to youtube? I think it's great and I'll watch it and forward it to my friends to boost your youtube awesomeness. |
I'd like to, but I don't know how to export flash movie to AVI and have nested animations play (they always stay on the first frame). This is incredibly odd to me, but it's what happens... (The MOV export seems to almost work, but the sound is bizarrely chopped up and otherworldly.) Tips, anyone? |
Tom I have to admit; I can't figure out how to program anything... What's the status of the latest release? |
In Wikiplia? Well, there isn't really any documentation, sorry. You could look at w:compile.w to see a large program that uses most of the features that it implements (I think 'cond' is broken; don't use it). Or you could look at page:compile.w for a simpler program that might be more pleasant to modify.
Today I made it a little easier to navigate by implementing "default" actions for pages (and using those in links) and by making automatic links between source and compiled programs. It's a little weird because a page can be one of many different things: A program that's run to produce output, or source code that you want to look at, or raw CSS/SVG etc.
But you know, that's what you get for a SIGBOVIK... |
Awesome! |
Awesome indeed. |
Nice, but why not include hyperref and enable all those nice features? |
I don't know what that means. |
Oh, I see it is a latex package... well, the sigbovik print proceedings don't have clicky-capabilities! (PDF/X) |
Also, you're completely insane. :-) |
Is there somewhere in main.b that I can edit to add IPv6? |
Probably not... what do you have in mind? The web server is what provides the request's IP address, but the web server is only IPv4. |
Would your code go crazy if you gave the server an IPv6 address and someone connected? |
Dudetom - the feed I was feedreading your reads on my feedreader has stopped feeding me the reads:
why? why? |
Adam -> The program would have to open an ipv6 tcp listener socket before anyone could connect. An ipv6 address to the machine alone doesn't suffice. |
Rob: it appears that livejournal is being crapped by my "Space time" post, which contains some UTF-8 characters. I think it's basically broken on their end, alas. I don't know what I can do to fix it except post some more until that one is no longer on the head of the feed.
Adam: I'd need to port the networking library I'm using to IPv6. It probably wouldn't be hard, but right now the interface does assume IPv4. |
Rob I had the same problem.
Sad face. |
Google Reader now feadreads your feed for me to read, so goodbye tom7radar on Livejournal, you're not my friend anymore radar tower! |
Livejournal does sux |
You are genius. |
Do you even have free time? |
He writes WikiPLia for and April 1 conference, and you ask if he has free time? He obviously has way too much. |
The secret of grad school is doing things in the free time you don't have.
The Lulu proceedings are now linked to from sigbovik.org, and a copy ordered from them has been given to our secret nerd spy operative planted in a high-level position in the the library administration.
The book looks great, much better than depicted on the website. It is truly the super executive deluxe edition, for it has Mark Stehlik's (pseudonymous) contribution, and Greg Hanneman's "uh" paper, neither of which made it into the at-conference proceedings. |
Man I love Vargomax. |
Hee hee funny nubbies, you are a good academic. |
I finally did post the Super Mario Bros. video:
www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhGI-GqAK9c |
Here's a fresh paper about Super Mario and NP-completeness.
Greg Aloupis, Erik D. Demaine, Alan Guo, Classic Nintendo Games are (NP-)Hard, "htt p://arxiv.org/abs/1203.1895" .
This paper was supposed to be a direct satire of Erik Demaine's work, so I am glad it actually came to pass. :) |