q u e s t i o n |
Buying a good phone number?
(18 Oct 2007 at 09:46) |
Now that turtleneck sweater (this link destination is intended to be a joke about referring to people based on their characteristic clothing; I fear it will be too obscure unless I spell it out) has announced that he wants to let people develop for their iPhones I think it is time to get one. After I finish (sorry, I mean "devo hat finishes") writing Chapter 2 of the thesis, of course. Did you guys know that I am working full speed on writing my thesis right now? Of course I am; that is why I hardly post on my blog or play on-line board games with you on social networking sites and have like a 12% response rate on action-required e-mails. It is fun, I have 175 pages (100 pages of proofs), and I can't wait to slam its heft down on my advisors's desks. Soon.
Since I've never had a cell phone before, I have a question: is it possible to use the phone number portability rules to purchase from a third party a particularly good phone number when getting a phone? The reason is that I like when my phone number spells something and I also agonize over these kinds of name choice issues which is why I have several for example domain names that I have saved up just in case, but I always get assigned phone numbers with 1s and 0s in them, limiting the spelling opportunities. The only good one I ever got was when in college my dorm phone number was once NUDE-CMU, but backwards. So, possible? Or is there some other way of exercising my preference for memorable digits? |
My friend in college had the extension, 4-COCK, which was pretty rad. |
Oops, I fixed the devo hat link. |
awesome! will you your new toy by the time I visit the 'burgh? |
i was wondering how the bush was a devo hat ... |
In answer to your question: It indeed might be possible to get a phone number for a cell phone that way. When I was shopping for my cell phone, since I'm in the 610 area code, I wanted to get 610-987-1597 (hooray Fibonacci!). So doing a little research, I called the telephone company for the area where that number was apparently located. The person at the phone company was glad to help, but after I told her where my local cell phone store was, she said that they couldn't transfer the number because it wasn't in the same area or something.
As it turned out, the random number that I was given at the cell phone store actually spelled out "610 DJs: WU-TANG" (or WU-TAD). So it's worth trying; you might have more success with your preferred number, if you can find out who's in control of it. |
Get buddy-buddy with the store who sells you your phone and plan. A friend of mine worked at Radio Shack and always got himself and his friends nifty numbers. 99% of the time it's chosen at the point of sale from a list of numbers available at the moment to the store (at least for Radio Shack), so buy the retail monkey a snack and play nice. |
i need this is number 504-333-1010 |
It is probaply true, but in wikipedia says:
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012 |
how many time i do not do what i want to do but do what i dont want to do |
partment.Sharon Riehemann, manager of the Fifth Third Bank next door, said the costumed man |