Mission: Get done and post all the 70–99% complete projects I've got piled up. There are preposterously many. There are of course many more still in the -20–69% range, but that is normal for me. I'm talkin' about the ones that I've poured dozens of hours into and are circled or boxed in multiple different colors and dash styles on my To-Do list and I'm just not pulling the trigger for some weird reason.
Secret Project H Secret Project GV Secret Project SV Secret Project CT His Doctoral Effort (Annotated Edition) Brainpic CS Notes, final episode The 7evenths MP3s Secret Project SRT Tapes I finished Pac Tom level 1. Nothing happened, of course, but I have all of this incredibly detailed data now that I am trying to arrange in visually and cartographically appealing ways, and I'm obsessing about computational problems like correctly parsing XML documents and accurately computing great circle distances between lat/lon/elev points to millimeter accuracy or how to machinely learn a function of various run episode parameters (distance, "tags" (e.g. rain, hungry, Vhilly, hangover)) that determines my running performance. And then I'm thinkin', oh I've got a new camera coming soon so the photograph of this-or-that I can take with even more pointlessly high resolution, etc. I need to quit some of that shit and post my findings, because I'm already well into Level 2 activity now.
Realistically I can't hope to finish these all by the end of the year, but I can at least intend to start no new projects until I've knocked most of these off the list. And this is what I intend. |