Tom 7 Radar: all comments

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9754. Dave ( – 30 Nov 2010 02:11:14 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
The problem still persists... However, I have had a couple of days with one machine fine and the other not so clearly the problem is not at your end. At the moment both wont behave (not tried the laptop). No amount of playing with modifiers seems to help. Je ne sais pas...
9753. radiant ( – 28 Nov 2010 05:40:13 Happy 10th Anniversary, Stalkertron 2000! ]
After 128 straight months, do the updates flip to negative and not count any more?
9752. Dave ( – 26 Nov 2010 17:23:14 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Thanks Tom. My keyboards are standard US (I assume) but my OS regional settings are different. Should I discover anything which might help you'll be the first to know...
9751. Tom 7 ( – 26 Nov 2010 12:05:35 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Dave: I have two ideas about what this might be. Are you using a custom (hear "custom" means non US English) keyboard layout? If so, SDL has some sloppy notions of how to map those keys to keyboard symbols, which I use throughout the game. I've heard complaints that on the German keyboard (QWERTZ) that some punctuation keys like '?' don't work in some contexts. I'm interested in fixing this, because Escape is played around the world.

The other possibility is that due to another SDL bug (or at least oddity), if you alt-tab away from Escape or to it, the modifier key can stick, because the game only receives one of the "ALT" key up or key down events. I think I could work around this with some difficulty; I've been hoping that SDL would just fix it but probably not, since it's been years now. If the game seems to strangely be ignoring some keys, try pressing the modifiers.
9750. Tom 7 ( – 26 Nov 2010 12:01:30 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Radiant's right (and thanks for pointing it out): The reason why teleports don't move you when you exit them is because every move has to finish in a finite amount of time. Teleport loops are trivial to construct. Allowing them to pass material through creates even more weird corner cases like you have in Chip's Challenge. Though I love that game and even its quirks, the intention is for Escape to have a cleaner semantics. Actually, you can be pretty confident that any object from CC, Adventures of Lolo, or Deadly Rooms of Death, I've thought about how it might integrate with Escape. (There are a number of things I think would integrate well and are on my long mental wishlist..)

The doc that Radiant is referring to that describes the "Escape laws of physics" is here:
9749. N7DOT ( – 25 Nov 2010 16:41:28 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Did that test work for you?
9748. Dave ( – 25 Nov 2010 03:57:47 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
I'm Anonymous, so what's new?
9747. Anonymous ( – 25 Nov 2010 03:49:41 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
I mentioned this once before as a bit of a joke but it's becoming really annoying: Why can't I type apostrophes or speechmarks in comments? They did start working for a while but that stopped at last server crash... is this a regional issue?

Used ctrl-0 to solve Control Boxy'd, but only after seeing noname's spoiler. Glad to know what it's really for.

9746. NEED HELP THANK YOU ( – 25 Nov 2010 01:13:27 BAD SAT SCORES ]
1770 SAT score
4.0 GPA
Student Council Executive
Played on Provincial Baseball Team
played varsity basketball and volleyball throughout highschool

do i have any chance at IVY's??
where do you suggest i should apply
9745. Anonymous ( – 23 Nov 2010 15:04:13 BAD SAT SCORES ]
I got a 1340 (new SAT) but have a GPA of 4.0. I guess it's community college for me -.-
9744. radiant ( – 21 Nov 2010 20:19:18 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
So basically like CC teleports, except you can't do partial posts or other such techniques, and it even breaks Escape's #1 guiding principle (finitism)?

When I was thinking up my first "real" level, I wanted to put portals to use, but I chose to go in a direction that worked with the game as it existed. The result was "Portal 17," which I don't know if you've played yet, but it might be a taking-off point to consider.

9743. N7DOT ( – 20 Nov 2010 21:07:59 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
portals may allow for stuff like rubik's cube levs.
9742. N7DOT ( – 20 Nov 2010 21:06:33 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Idea: Portals.

•They are tiles that are like floor in a way that things can pushed into it.

•When something gets pushed into it, the object vanishes through the portal and immediately re-appears out of thin air at a chosen destination and moves in the direction it was originally pushed in. If the object would move into a wall after moving, would spawn on a non-floor/panel tile, and is a tile (not a bot, ghost (currently just an idea) or player), the object will not pass through. ex:
p=portal; b=bot;c=player;s=steel;f=floor;w=wall;


(dest 11 right, 2 down)


p.s. here is a cipher to crack
(same cipher each time)

phrase 2:FAUT AR UOCTM

Can you solve them?
hint: o is o
9741. N7DOT ( – 19 Nov 2010 10:06:38 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Well... of course the AV programs are basically useless on an Ubuntu, since it's Linux and I don't think I've heard of a virus that attacks any sort of Linux OS, and I don't even think people care about attacking that system. I know Macs can, even though that doesn't happen as often.
9740. radiant ( – 18 Nov 2010 21:52:30 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Ctrl+0 within a level takes no arguments, and only checks the bookmarks for that particular level to see if any solutions pass through the same gamestate you're in right now, and if so then finish the level by appending the rest of the moves. It's useful if, say, you find a 2-move improvement early on in a long level but don't want to bother with remembering the rest of the moves. It won't look at solutions to any other level.

What Tom is suggesting is Ctrl+0 at the menu where you select a level, which then pops up a text input where you type in "N7DOT.esp" or whatever player file you want to look through. Then it proceeds to try out every stored solution in the file on every unsolved level in the folder you invoked Ctrl+0 from, and whenever it finds a match, copies that solution to associate it with the new level and moves on. This will take a while and can't be interrupted.

And I doubt any of those AV programs will do any good on a Ubuntu box.
9739. N7DOT ( – 18 Nov 2010 20:28:35 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
There is a bad level in one of the folders, apparently. (i think graveyard)
9738. N7DOT ( – 18 Nov 2010 20:27:05 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Is There Any reason why is so slow?

I think all this server screwiness could have to do with a virus, worm, or some other thing like that. These sorts of things can result from that sort of thing. Our Computer with my main N7DOT.esp File started throwing blue screens at times during start-up and then had a fake anti-virus software pop-up at one point (it was named something like YGOKblahblahblahblahblah.exe) before eventually displaying nothing but a black screen, no computer hard drive noise, period (turns out it's IDE cable's main hard drive connector plug was severed right off when checked after it stopped working).

I suggest a thorough anti-virus scan with a high-quality anti-virus software (better than Norton or AVG or maybe Avast!).
9737. N7DOT ( – 18 Nov 2010 18:55:17 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
The Ctrl-0 just says 'couldn't find solution' or something like that, even if there is a solution in the same folder. The recovery didn't recover a solution yet again - even though the change didn't matter (it didn't effect gameplay, just a fix).

It seems I am unable to get a decent style score on anything even if I put alot of work into it.

P.S. Any Thoughts On Ghosts? (scroll up and you will see it at some point)
9736. Tom 7 ( – 17 Nov 2010 22:37:39 NEW: Tom 7 Entertainment System site ]
9735. Tom 7 ( – 17 Nov 2010 22:37:32 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
What does it do?
9734. N7DOT ( – 17 Nov 2010 18:32:21 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Ctrl-0 has never ever worked for me, even if I know it should give me one, and it looks like my bookmark recovery system is broken.
9733. MAN WHO LOVES YOU ( – 16 Nov 2010 21:10:47 NEW: Tom 7 Entertainment System site ]
9732. Tom 7 ( – 16 Nov 2010 20:08:40 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Solutions are associated with levels by the hash of their content, so if you change the level (even just the title) the solutions aren't associated any more. The editor does try to see if the solutions work for the new level when you save, so it must have been a bit more complex than just saving. But you can probably get back the solution by selecting the level from the load screen and pressing ctrl-0, then typing the name of your player file. This tries out all the solutions in that file and if any work, saves them with the level.
9731. N7DOT ( – 16 Nov 2010 19:03:33 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
The Editor Erased My Elegant Solution just because I changed the name and saved! I was going to Upload it just so people could see it the solution (this Is still a level I made!) but it deleted it! Why?!?!?!?!?


'______ is not happy'
9730. Adhesion ( – 16 Nov 2010 11:47:50 Merry Christmas, Action Jackson ]
Haha good luck man, based on that review it sounds pretty terrible.

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