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Destroy FX interview
(04 Aug 2006 at 18:23) |
 755×2088 version I was cleaning out my room today and found this two-part interview of Destroy FX in the very cool and beautiful Spanish magazine Serie B. It is fun to see my words (which I don't remember; the interview was long ago) translated so that I can practice my high school Spanish to try to figure out what I said. Esto es punk! |
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Interview: Smartelectronix Crew
(16 Nov 2003 at 11:51) |
Here's an interview with me and the rest of the smartelectronix crew at D-I-R-T-Y, a French music magazine.
Word count: 25661 |
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UPD: smartelectronix.com
(20 May 2003 at 12:32) |
The new smartelectronix site has opened, finally! Our Destroy FX project is part of smartelectronix, and I helped with some stuff on the main site, like the random slogan generator at the top. |
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NEW: DFX Geometer
(10 Aug 2002 at 16:45) |
Finally, my new VST plugin "Geometer" is released. You can find it on the Destroy FX main page. Don't miss the demo song "Theme from shaskell/geometer"; it's pretty wacked and can give you an idea of what Geometer can do! |
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UPD: Destroy FX
(08 Jul 2002 at 20:51) |
Super Destroy FX, our collection of VST plugins (computer music) have been updated with one brand new plugin Scrubby and a bunch of changes on the old plugins. There's also a new donate page where you can send us cash, if you want. At least look at the tear-jerking cartoon! |
w e b l i n k |
(18 Jun 2002 at 21:48) |
Tom 'n Marc are all over osxaudio.com today for our plugins! |
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DFX Scrubby Preview
(03 May 2002 at 00:44) |
 512×512 version Here's a preview of the GUI I made for a new Destroy FX plugin called DFX Scrubby. This one (mostly Marc's doing) and Geometer (mostly my doing) will be released on our web page pretty soon... |
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DFX Geometer Preview
(02 Apr 2002 at 23:41) |
 516×516 version We're working hard on DestroyFX this week. I am trying to finish up my "Geometer" plugin; here's a nice mockup of what its GUI will look like... |
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UPD: Super Destroy FX
(30 Sep 2001 at 21:14) |
We released my new plugin, transverb, over at Destroy FX. Fun! |
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Hipy Papy Bdthdh
(27 Sep 2001 at 01:27) |
Today's my birthday! (Falling again on "Tom Kippur"). I have the smell of new Nintendo products...
Check out the preview GUI for transverb, one of my VST plugins. It should go up this weekend. Our site is really popular; over 10,000 downloads this week...! |