p e r s o n a l |
It is almost done
(30 Apr 2023 at 22:54) |
Ha! Remember when in the last post I said "maybe this weekend" about the video version of my SIGBOVIK project? Well then I started seriously working on it and remembered how much work video editing is. Also once I got into making it, I realized that this one is not really for general audiences, and the only appropriate approach is the "relax with your weird friend Tom as he gives an hour-long lecture about esoteric computer things, with occasional slapstick, and then at the end you're like wait what happened?", which is one of the more involved styles of video (mainly because of the hour-longness). It's really almost ready now, but it's not going to be done in time for this blog post, so April Fool's On Me, I guess. Probably tomorrow?
Pac Tom is making the rounds in local media now, with the latest being in Pittsburgh Magazine, just in case you are somehow not yet tired of that! Since the new year I've been working on a different kind of running project, which is to run a 5 minute mile on the treadmill. Back when I was about 29 I came really close to five minutes on a track (it was like 5m05s). At the time I wasn't particularly trying; I mean I ran that mile as fast as I could, but not with any particular goal in mind. I always regretted that I didn't just go back every weekend until I came in under 5:00. The treadmill is definitely easier, both because you don't have any air resistance, and because it paces for you, but it's still a good challenge would probably help me put that ghost to rest. What I've been doing is putting the treadmill at 5m00s pace (and I found out that this is as fast as it'll go, 12mph) and trying to run as long as I can at that pace. I'm up to about three and a half minutes. I may already have it in me, but part of this is just the mental struggle of making myself feel like I can keep it up that long, so approaching it gradually seems better for that. (And anyway you don't want to finish your projects too fast, you know?) On the way I set some new treadmill 5k PRs, although these did have a little bit of handsy stuff (holding onto the bars, which you can pretend is for taking a heart rate measurement, but it's really just because it makes it easier) so I won't claim any specific times here. Hands are not allowed for real records, like the fantasized 5 min mile.
Video games: I did finish COD of Duty 2, by getting each gun to its maximum level. I do not recommend doing that. Then I played through The Entropy Centre, which is a Portal-alike 3D puzzle game (not bad; I did have fun "solving levels the wrong way") and then Shantae 1/2 Genie Hero. The latter is a platformer, maybe a "Metroidvania." Lots of Magic Girl Anime vibes / humor. I really liked the one before it in the series, "Shantae and the Pirate's Curse." This one was also fun but I was not a big fan of the 3D environments, especially since you end up replaying the same maps so many times? But now I'm on to Lone Fungus, another Metroidvania which is definitely not as good in the art department, but which does have a bunch of precision segments that I'm enjoying. In this game there keep being areas where I'm like "I bet I can do this jump already with damage boosting etc. even though I clearly don't have the right equipment yet," which of course I love and grind away at, but then the equipment I need is right on the next screen, which takes some of the fun out of it.
I think this is all. I'm going to put the final touches on this vid! |  |
> relax with your weird friend Tom as he gives an hour-long lecture about esoteric computer things
Yesss! |
Thank you for being excited by that idea :) |
tom i decided to add you to the list taped to my wall of people who i look to for inspiration. thanks |
Video is now out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ae9EKCyI1xU |
The main disappointing part was the moustache. I hope you did something more useful with it than what's in the video.
tom7 you are my hero! |
I don't know why but I feel like your life is my dream and that I'll consider it a success if I'm living it like that in the future. Amazing content. Love from India <3 |
Ah, random small games eh?
Ever run Across Ross's Game Dungeon? His videos have a very similar vibe to yours in a way. I definitely feel like there's a need for cross-pollination.
Anyways, i should probably get back to the Pactom vid because i was totally ultra-distracted by the existence of an OST for it--which incidentally landed me here???!
Been a huge fan ever since the generalized kerning video was fresh on the channel! The term "lexicographic ordering" has been burnt into my wrinkly brain fat for that whole time now. I might have run across that video a Lot sooner than even the other ones, because I check in every once in a while for updates. This discovery will have me clambering back more often.
Also your comment threads are...super bizarre. Can't tell if a) bots b) ESL c) ancient "netspeak" or some combination of the above. Quite the throwback at any rate. |
gav: Thanks! Try not to get tape on my arm hair because it is painful to remove!
jonas: But what can usefully be done with a moustache?
arkansan and DigiNova: :) thank you!
Blind Observer: Thank you for watching! I think I've finally dealt with the bots on the comment threads, so I maybe the HTML4 vibes just make people think of the good ol' days. |