u p d a t e |
Let's Adventure! version 62
(27 Nov 2005 at 01:34) |
I know that if your knuckles get too white gripping the keyboard in anticipation of the next version of my adventure game test (see amusingly minimal prior installments #3 and #54) that this can increase your risk of osteoarthritis, and I am not the kind of friend who increases the risk of osteoarthritis. Therefore I present adventure62.swf. Please shrink your browser to about 550x400 for best results. Most of the work on this version was actually tearing my hair out to fix a "bug" that you probably did not even encounter in the previous version, where the player would mysteriously disappear. This turned out to be due to an extremely bizarre "feature" of removeMovieClip in Flash (Query me for an animatedly exasperated technical explanation in person, if interested, especially if I am drunk). There are a lot of new little things to look for, though: now there are five rooms (find 'em!), the player can say things with LucasArts-style following text, there is the ability to pick up items by clicking (but then never use them), and fully working openable doors that actually prevent the player from walking through them when closed. Bug reports welcome.
Remember, to play: use the arrow keys to walk around (just press, don't hold) and Click! to activate things when you're near them. |
Why did I just my tardis on fire? |
set. set my tardis on fire. |
Whoa, sweet. (Especially the gratuitous fire.)
I've got a weird bug: sometimes when I start it up, all I get is the player against a solid black background. Pressing the arrows changes the direction of the player, but he doesn't move.
(This is with Firefox 1.0.7 and Flash on Windows XP SP2.) |
Thanks. ;)
Yeah, I know about the invisible world bug, and also the spinning in place bug. I believe it has to do with the way that Flash will start loading your movie (so you can do load screens or whatever) before the whole thing is downloaded--it never happens when I run it locally or when I reload. It should be no problem to add in some kind of load screen. |
Sweet, I found the secret basement. |
I bet you didn't even know you had one! |
In fact I did not! |
There are more things that you, and I, do not know yet. |
That's what keeps me adventuring. |
I need some hints. |
First hint: This game is totally not finished, so if you found the five rooms and had a tardis accident, then you've pretty much "won."
Second hint: clicking on stuff activates it.
Third hint: the five rooms are called "inside", "outside", "driveway", and "basement". |
oops, and "alley." |
Man you should have the credits roll when you set the tardis on fire. |
Heheh. |
If you find your way here after 2018, you can try the final version of this game at
I abandoned it in this unfinished state; you can't win it, but there is at least a few things you can do. :) |