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12432. invest ( – 09 Mar 2014 07:43:54 KILLER JAPANESE SEIZURE ROBOTS ]
A series of true different colours is programmed in the display, and the transmission quick through spots
12429. jonas ( – 08 Mar 2014 13:52:53 3D printing ]
I see.
12426. Tom 7 ( – 08 Mar 2014 11:03:56 3D printing ]
Oh yeah, I didn't mean any funny business, I just skipped some parts to refocus/aim the camera, and because there's some maximum file size that my DSLR can record in one shot, and I was afraid of going over by trying to shoot the whole thing continuously (I think print time was like 80 minutes). It more or less looks just like that during the gaps too. :)
12422. jonas ( – 07 Mar 2014 01:48:08 3D printing ]
There appear to be some forward timejumps in that video. They're near 0:22, 0:29, 0:40, 0:43, 0:51, 0:57. Can you explain these?
12418. Tom 7 ( – 01 Mar 2014 13:34:06 3D printing ]
Yeah! Shapeways is really cool, though if you have access to a 3D printer then it's more fun to make them yourself. :)
12416. N7DOT ( – 28 Feb 2014 22:54:44 3D printing ]
Awesome. The "Thingiverse" site reminds me of the other site Shapeways, which will print models for you and ship them to you (of course it isn't free) or allow you to sell the object online so that other people can pay to get it 3D printed and then optionally give a small amount of profits to you.
12403. Jared Ashe ( – 17 Feb 2014 16:59:40 The adventures of learnfun and playfun, episode 3 ]
Tom 7: I Never I thought of myself as a good programmer, in fact I will try to go out of my way not to use lots of math formulas in my programs. Sadly when I realized I need fluid or organic movements I realized I need to start using quadratic formulas with a set of variables to generate that.

I was referring to most languages using similar syntax such as if statements and variables. Granted they way many langues deploy this seems different. I know java is almost the same as C or c++ when it comes to syntax. I don't know about javascript though. My meaning is when you know one language well it can get you in the door of figuring out another language fairly easy. Now that said I am sure there are some languages that are very different. This has been true in my experiences though, That said I do only know really know languages that are based off of one another so things like Delphi I don't know if it would be that way or not. I have heard Prolog is just different in general.

Thanks for your time and advice, just an FYI if you want to see what game I used your font int, it I should have it done it a week or two from now and would be happy to send you a copy. It will be meant for iOS or Android but I could make you a Windows or Linux executable.
12402. Tom 7 ( – 17 Feb 2014 16:20:02 My 48-hour videogame: Priority Cats in ''It's dangerous to go alone. Take sis!'' ]
Thank you, that is a well-received compliment. :)
12401. Tom 7 ( – 17 Feb 2014 16:19:40 The adventures of learnfun and playfun, episode 3 ]
zerothis: Yes, I think that's a straightforward way to improve it, though it would require some significant manual work to tell it "this was the part that was bad". I wanted to see how far I could get with only positive evidence. It's impossible to use playfun on the stock market unless I have a way of simulating the future, in which case much simpler approaches would suffice. :) If you have one let me know...

jared: Recognizing video output is pretty hard, though some people have had some success with it for simple games. I think the hardest part of MMO-like games would be learning a high-level strategy. Current techniques don't work at all here, at least not in the general case. BTW, I don't agree that all languages are pretty much the same. Maybe the ones you listed. But I'd say that C++, JavaScript, Standard ML, and Prolog are all very different, and learning to be a good programmer in lots of very different languages will expand your mind.

Thank you very much, andrea. :)
12400. andrea ( – 17 Feb 2014 03:25:17 The adventures of learnfun and playfun, episode 3 ]
You're amazingly sick. I salute your genius.
12399. andrea ( – 17 Feb 2014 03:24:32 The adventures of learnfun and playfun, episode 3 ]
I have read the paper.
12398. Jared Ashe ( – 15 Feb 2014 23:22:49 The adventures of learnfun and playfun, episode 3 ]
So I was looking for a font for a game I have been working on. I found one and it referred me to your site which referred me to this blog. I have to say This is a very interesting concept.

I got the programming bug when I started my CIS degree and found I loved C++, C, .NET, C#, Object C... Sadly I never got to finish my CS degree though I did get my CIS degree.

In all my years of programming I have learned a few things: All programming languages are about the same, arrays are nasty the more dimension you add to them, and programming auto configuring arrays is the worst.

I mostly make silly games for the iOS and Android devices.

When I read this and watched the video I was reminded about how I thinking about doing something like this some years back...

Computers are operationally driven. I mean as they do one thing then the next. Humans seem to be pattern recognition driven. I not certain I have a full grasp of what you are doing but I think you are scanning the memory and the software generates the understanding of what to do on a pattern as it sees you playing to learn objectives. Is that accurate?

I Thought about using Linux and modifying some chat AI software in conjunction with visual pattern recognition software and usb hook ups and a video capture card to play something as complex as an mmo that comes from another computer.

when you boil it down the rules in an mmo are simple. find it > do function > return.
The key would be figuring out how to utilize recognition software and alter aspects, which to be honest I don't think I have to know how to do, to make in find the right kind of patterns on screen or screen input.

The reasoning I have for this is after spending many a night playing such video games I true believe with out scanning the memory and using pattern recognition software one could make a computer to function on par or even better than a human player.

Nice project and it looks really cool.
12397. zerothis ( – 15 Feb 2014 23:12:26 The adventures of learnfun and playfun, episode 3 ]
Why not add a 'bad' training session to teach playfun behaviors to avoid? I realise it probably can't be done with one training. But you could pause a long time, pause and unpause repeatedly, get hit a few times (for some games), engage in some other time wasting activities, before dying. Then playfun would have data about subtracting from the objective function and therefore, hopefully, try to avoid such subtractions.

And why not try it on real the wall street by feeding it actual stock market ticker data, rather than an 8-bit simulation?
12396. Anonymous ( – 15 Feb 2014 22:42:14 My 48-hour videogame: Priority Cats in ''It's dangerous to go alone. Take sis!'' ]
Awesome. Dude, you are the best kind of weird.
12395. furrysalamander ( – 15 Feb 2014 13:46:48 The adventures of learnfun and playfun, episode 3 ]
Alright, I'll see what I can do, and I'll be sure to contact you once I have some results. Time to learn some C++!
12394. Tom 7 ( – 15 Feb 2014 08:55:09 The adventures of learnfun and playfun, episode 3 ]
furrysalamander: GetAnswers::FetchWork in netutil.h calls ConnectLocal. Should be reasonably straightforward to add a ConnectRemote function and call it there instead, especially if you're just hard-coding some address constant.
12393. Tom 7 ( – 15 Feb 2014 08:53:22 The adventures of learnfun and playfun, episode 3 ]
This one is attempting to be generic, so it has to learn what to do just from watching me play. The paper at explains everything! :)
12391. Tom 7 ( – 14 Feb 2014 21:26:53 NEW: Tom 7 Entertainment System site ]
Thanks! :) Rutgers is one of my favorites, too. Good choice. I wish I could get back into whatever groove I was in that summer.
12389. andrea ( – 14 Feb 2014 19:23:33 The adventures of learnfun and playfun, episode 3 ]
Brilliant. I wrote a stupid thing to beat Bank Panic on Mame years ago - no idea of how you implemented playfun - Bank Panic was quite simple to beat on a functional level but what about understanding the playfield? I basically quickly scanned the screen for some pre-stored patterns (a gun, a coin back, the red dot you're supposed to aim at... etc.) and then acted accordingly. GO MACHINES!
12388. Chuff ( – 13 Feb 2014 23:57:57 NEW: Tom 7 Entertainment System site ]
Thank you! I've loved this song in particular but also all your other chiptunes ever since I first found your site.
12385. Tom 7 ( – 10 Feb 2014 08:47:21 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Part of the design philosophy of the tutorial is to not hide any gameplay mechanics from you... They typically force you into a situation where you see the behavior of the tile being introduced before you need to use that behavior in a straightforward way, then in a way that is a consequence of what you know, but that you haven't seen. That said, I guess I don't really have any problem with deep spoilers for the tutorial, since as you say the point is to teach the game and people have different learning styles. (In my case, I learn better when I had a hand in "figuring out" what someone is trying to teach me, which is the reason for that design.) Unfortunately right now I'm on vacation and can't post spoilers, cuz I don't remember how the end goes. :)
12384. Tom 7 ( – 10 Feb 2014 08:33:22 Great Race 2013: Hockey Is Life ]
Thanks :)
12383. Tom 7 ( – 10 Feb 2014 08:30:54 NEW: Tom 7 Entertainment System site ]
Sure, please do! Thanks for asking :)
12382. N7DOT ( – 10 Feb 2014 01:00:00 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Hmm. The issue of big spoilers has been covered, previously. I don't want to spoil it for others who do not want it, so here's what I'll say: Describe what you've been trying as a spoiler comment for that tutorial, so we can see what is holding you up. Another mild hint: how are you going to get around that laser, and note that sometimes a bit of repetition is required to solve a level.
12381. Noumenon ( – 10 Feb 2014 00:35:34 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Doesn't help, I had that already. 90% of the time with this kind of thing the "spoiler" is not something I missed about the level but something I didn't know about the game, eg the ability to pull blocks as well as push them. So I am absolutely looking for maximum spoilers. It's just too bad your game is not popular enough to have YouTube videos of the answers, because without them I will not get to play any more.

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