Wowei I don't have any of those I have a G-Mail not E-Mail...
Get raedy when they invent F-Mail. :P |
Yes. But, Not all of us know each others e-mails, so how else do we communicate?
Besides, we WERE going to use e-mail to send it around.
The feedback thread, I have only used for escape-related comments.
The Only player e-mails I know are Tom's and Devin's. |
okay tweeties, i always thought generation 2.0 was _not_ a synonym for brain 0.0, was i wrong with that? all your last comments here are hardly to be considered as feedback, are they?
You have to know, that there's a brand-new and wow so damned cool invention, it's called e-mail. you may try it, it's free!
Darn, And some of those people whom I hoped could get in on it did it. Grrrrrr. |
It won't be ready yet, though. |
N7dot send me a pic of what you have at
Who Should I Send Level 3000 to? I Don't Know If Tom will be able to work on it. |
Your wire puzzle is still a wire puzzle. |
Mostly, when I make room levels I end it where it started. |
bot 1 is on a vertical line... wire... i dont care which way you edit it but not too much... |
Another problem is bot #1 is on a wire so the wire might get changed. |
It Might not be the same room at the end of my edit but I'll do my best. |
Ok, I'll do my best to edit the level |
Oh I can Email You a Photo! |
how are you supposed to email a level? |
We had a burst pipe in our bathroom in 2008 and the whole room got flooded, we tore up carpets and used a dehumidifier and central heating to dry out the room for over 3 weeks, we left the floor untouched for over 5 months before laying laminate flooring. In the past 6 months have noticed waxy pigs ear looking mushrooms sprouting from behind the toilet ( I originally blamed my partner for "missing" the toilet when he used it and told him to sit on it like a woman does !!!) We used bleach by the bucket full along with other bathroom cleaners and thought we'd solved the problem, no such luck, yesterday I noticed they were back !! yet when I cleaned the bathroom on Sunday there was no sign, I don't know if they have invaded us as a result of the flooding, or how the hell they even got there in the first place, it is a relief to know that other people have them as well as I thought my standards of cleanliness had dropped and was too embarrased to mention to people for advise. I thought it may have something to do with this laminate flooring but it is even appearing behind the tiled surface near the toilet cistern, it is making me feel sick to look at never mind removing it, I get my partner to get rid of it but as he's working away I can't afford to leave it growing otherwise it may "take over" the whole bathroom. Any ideas apart from bleach to get rid of for good ? |
BTW, The Above plan is how we could possibly get the level together. Tom, I hope you and some of the other pro's can get a part in making it. |
Ok, Devin, Could you Start the level #3000 level? When You Are Done With Your Part of the level, send it by e-mail to:
Then I'll add something To it And send it to whoever wants a part (someone has to do it). |
9658. Anonymous ( –
22 Sep 2010 04:41:05
[ Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
How do you treat the mushrooms and are they dangerous - health wise? I have contacted my landlord as this problem has recent occured after a leak with the shower. I can cope for a week or so as long as it wont effect our health. advice would be appreciated. the mushrooms are small-medium whitey/yellow I have cut them out of the carpet once and they grew back two weeks later. arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr |
Yeah, I Think That is a better idea. |
lets save level 3000 and make something with everyones help |
Please Don't submit level #3000. I Want to Make it But can't tonight. |