I like to give permission on a case-by-case basis, but almost always do.
Some of the MP3s are available under CC at 8bc.org (username T7ES). Some of the source MIDIs are available as GPL from my T7eshero game (sourceforge) or as part of midimml (tom7.org/midimml), if you want blanket terms. Enjoy :) |
What License is the Music released under?
I'm a game develop (possible for a commercial flash) But even if not. It might be worthwhile to mention on the page what license the music is under, that way people know if they can use the music in a production if they give credit or something? Something like one of the creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Creative Commons license.
-Elmernite |
New Block Idea: Glass.
-Glass Blocks Would look kinda like frosted glass, except that the stuff below would be visible. (Ex: If there is a red panel below it, you could see a faded red panel through the block.)
-Since the stuff below would be visible, you can put special floors under it. (Rough, panels, non-raised colored floors, traps, and slick (Will be explained))
-Glass acts like Steel on Normal ground, Spheres on Slick, and like a normal red block when on rough.
-Glass will shatter on contact with stationary blocks (blue block, hole, black, electric) while on slick.
(Ex: You push a glass block upwards on a slick towards a normal blue block, like in the diagram below (s = slick, g = glass, n = normal floor,
b = blue block):
bssssb ^
bsssgb |
bnnnnb g
On contact the glass shatters. if you pushed it towards the normal floor, however, it will stop on the floor.)
-Glass Can be Colored.
New Block Idea: Slick.
-Slick is a slippery floor that glass and daleks will slide around on until they hit something or move off the slick.
-There can be panels on slick.
-Daleks can break on bombs, hugbots, and other daleks on slick just by sliding into them, and if the level maker switches on 'slide kill', they can kill you if they bump into you. (If not, they must be right next to you to kill you.) Slide kill levels will have electrified daleks (they will have a lightning bolt pic on the side of them)
This might take a lot of effort, but I can see how new and challenging levels could result from this. |
No, I wouldn't want to accidentally brick my Wii trying to install The Homebrew Channel JUST to be able to play escape on the Wii.
How about a WiiWare game that uses the Nunchuck and Wiimote or the Classic Controller that is less than 500 Wii Points? It would be better as a Wii Channel due to update and level reasons, But I don't know how that could happen. Also, You Might be able to make a smart phone version of escape with PhoneGap. |
9550. RadAcoustics (cpe-124-186-228-133.lns7.woo.bigpond.net.au) –
03 Aug 2010 12:00:40
[ Quake 3 Done! ]
The eternal thread....LIVES....:P
Devin's Zoink : My lost levels can't be uploaded because my aunt deleted the "escape but maybe ill find it in her Recycle BIn |
9548. Anonymous (c-98-235-97-187.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) –
29 Jul 2010 13:19:22
Yea thats a good score if it were out of 1600 youd have a 1090 out of 1600, which is reading and math combined. If its out of 2400 than you got a 1730 out of 2400 which is still very good.
These are average freshmen scores that got them into these colleges.
•Critical Reading: 690 - 770
•Mathematics: 690 - 790
•Writing: 680 - 780
•Critical Reading: 690 - 800
•Mathematics: 700 - 790
•Writing: 690 - 780
MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
•Critical Reading: 660 - 760
•Mathematics: 720 - 800
•Writing: 660 - 750
•Critical Reading: 630 - 740
•Mathematics: 640 - 740
•Writing: 630 - 740
•Critical Reading: 690 - 760
•Mathematics: 680 - 760
•Writing: 680 - 760
•Critical Reading: 660 - 760
•Mathematics: 680 - 780
•Writing: 670 - 770
•Critical Reading: 570 - 680
•Mathematics: 610 - 720
•Writing: 580 - 690 |
9547. roadie (c-71-196-227-59.hsd1.co.comcast.net) –
29 Jul 2010 06:04:24
[ Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
I love this post. Had me cracking up for a good long time.
Good luck to everyone who is waging war with the fungi!! |
9546. etosan (rev-195-91-79-254.t-mobile.sk) –
28 Jul 2010 09:55:35
[ Quake 3 Done! ]
Hi guys,
I was never good at Quakes, although I finished them all. I am more of a SP and modding guy. I usually play at "normal" difficulty whatever that is (in the middle), but they don't make good SP anymore (I don't count theatrical shit like Modern Warfare x into that).
Whatever, I always loved to play Quake 3 for fun with friends on LAN but I was in the lower half every time. My bro, he is especially good at it with one other friend, pwning everybody else.
So the LAN play became boring with them, they kill everybody, and they are bored too, so our Quake 3 circle slowly dissolved.
Recently I started to play Q3 every morning for 10 minutes with fraglimit 20 right after morning cofee, before I go to work. It pumps me really up for the day. Soon I needed to "up" the difficulty to Hardcore because it was too easy. I usually play "multiplayer" against 8 bots. During our LAN we played especially q3dm18 and qdm17 (I really do like jumppad flying - not good against rail tho). So I got that idea to try to finish the SP mode on Hardcore.
To my surprise I waded through all levels in one day, to end up stucked on Xaero for around 2 weekends. I beat him with cheap tactics finally. Railing him running zigzag between two pillars where the rail is, and occasionally rox him down when he got on my platform. It was tight 10:9. However Nightmare is clearly out of my reach, I suck even at q3dm1.
The point I want to make is, to train often, even short time. I guess that playing long stretches is actually counterproductive. Before I really sucked, and I mean really. Trust me 10 minutes every day is enough for average brain to beat this kind of SP. My bro was surprised how good I got, after we decided to play together after long time. I have not his skill tho, he still wins. Looking back it was really pleasant experience. I should have started this training tactic when I was younger and it really mattered to me to be good at Quake 3. It took around 2-3 months to get to this point. Who knows maybe one day I would be able to start the Nightmare skill. |
All the internet levels should be uploaded to Wii and Worded in the Title like line rider wii's Title |
There should be an option to sort by level type e.g. levels that are primarily about pushing balls around would be grouped together if the user so wishes. |
haha. this album is superior. another good job tom7. vulgar fraction three quarters!
i did a vocaloid remix sort of of one of your chiptunes, Theme from Petrolatum. its on youtube:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JT7_MY_M8DI |
haha. this album is superior. another good job tom7. vulgar fraction three quarters!
i did a vocaloid remix sort of of one of your chiptunes, Theme from Petrolatum. its on youtube:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JT7_MY_M8DI |
My main issues with Literally Fall come from knowing that I basically gave up on it while recording. There's the aforementioned dynamics problem, which burns my ears, and though there is stuff to like about the lyric tricks, some of them just don't make sense and that's also because I just gave up on some of them. Was one of the last songs I finished. But like I said, knowing that at least 1 person likes this does make it better for me.
Label Me Purple I'll stand behind. There are several throwbacks to the Tom 7 Formula there, but it hangs together and the recording's among the best on this disc. I doubt there have been enough albums to derive a trend, but I definitely believe in the concept of "summer music" and I even had that in mind when recording this one. I don't know if winter music's a thing, but e.g. Wrecking the Ghostlines is definitely not summer music. |
If you evaluated me at 2 am, I'd be LUCKY to score a "purple." |
Wow, 2 am purple. Good idea for a mashup, maybe. |
Oh, nice rhyme with yinz, btw. |
Seems all the best songs are towards the end of this one. 2 am purple (new bass? I'm definitely liking the variety of arrangement in these last few AADs) and the last 4 tracks are all awesome, especially Label me purple and dancer etc.
Count me in as another one for wanting a best-of-AAD album. Aren't there newer, better versions of some of the older songs? |
Just noticed, in the verses, "Label Me Purple" reminds me strongly of "This Works on Average." Similar vox melody? |
Dude who wouldn't love "Literally Fall"? Clever, tricky vocals + pretty melodies = epic win.
Moreover, I'm all about tracks 8 thru 10. "Label Me Purple"'s been growing on me, and not just because the title features in a nonsense poem I wrote once while extremely sleep-deprived. The high notes at the end of "that hurtful ma-chi-ine" really get me. It's so emotional, you seem so oppressed by the machine.
Also I just realized I tend to get into your even numbered (summer) albums more than the odd (winter) ones lately. Not sure whether it's you (do you make a different type of music in the summer?) or me (am I more receptive to new music in the summer?). |
Hamden: Definitely. I've had in mind that I'd do this when I reached 31 albums (one month) but that might be a few more years at this rate. One per album probably wouldn't be enough since the songs are so short. Maybe up to two.
Scott: You always have the oddest favorites! But thanks. I think knowing that someone likes that song actually makes it better for me. |
I think my favorite is "Literally Fall." I love the lyrics, vocal melody and phrasing. |