9429. Anonymous (host86-144-97-154.range86-144.btcentralplus.com) –
13 Apr 2010 13:41:22
[ Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
Ive got a house that is 550 years old. The old occupents, about 20 years ago layed a flagstone floor on top of the soil in the living room. Nothing between the gaps. Looks great and old, but if freezing cold, and feels damp, even though some of the slabs are 4 inches thick. Then about a year ago we noticed mushrooms coming through some of the gaps. I lifted the slabs ( a real job! ), and pulled them up, right from underneath. Treated with fungiside, and layed the slabs back. Now they are spreading underneath, and its a nightmare. They are totally gross, but I think we need to leift the whole floor. Lay plastic sheeting, and then put sand down and put the slabs back. Its all I can think of. Im worried the spores are going to be in the slabs and grow back "0ver" the plastic. Im temted to take it all, put plastic down and pour concrete over the whole thing. The trouble is, wont this spread the damp sideways to the walls? Being a timber framed house thats really bad news, as the base timbers hold the whole house up! Any suggestions would be great. I could do the last suggestion and leave a gap all the way round, so the moisture isnt being forced up the walls. If its starts going up the walls, then im covering it up and selling! |
Yep, be my guest! Please send me the game when it's ready or previewable. :) |
Wow, Tom7, Love these tunes. I'm making a indie game in the style of an 8-bit NES game, would you mind if I use some of your tunes? I'll give you full credit of course. |
9426. Anonymous (proxy1.dmu.ac.uk) –
12 Apr 2010 11:31:44
boo |
I think it was 2001 when I first found your Illustrated Guide to Breaking Your Computer. I looked at all your other pages, got hooked, and I've been checking up on you (in a non-stalker-like way, really!) ever since. |
9424. Anonymous (6532242hfc166.tampabay.res.rr.com) –
09 Apr 2010 21:42:19
1580 is fine if your trying to get into a normal public university. 1500 is average. If you want to be really competitive i would try to get to the 1700 range but regardless its a solid score. If ur GPA is decent you shouldn't be worried. I haven't taken the ACT but my friend said that is was easier than SAT. good luck :) |
Well, Tom, I've been a fan since I first randomly typed snoot.com into a webtv browser window back in (I think) 1999. SICO is still one of the best toys ever devised. |
9422. Anonymous (cpe-76-88-77-174.san.res.rr.com) –
03 Apr 2010 18:46:19
1000 is average? I recieved 1580 and I'm still freaking out. About to take the ACT in a week.. Hopefully that is better. My cousin recived a 1940 on his and Im constantly being compared to him.. Parents are going to freak. Is a 1580 bad? |
I love how when a post seems to be easily-googleable the comments all turn into HALP what do i do????? LOL and other times it's like normal humans.
On a Pac Tom note, I now know what you were talking about when you mentioned how hilly it could be. I was in Pittsburgh for a concert the other day, staying at a friend's place in the Duquesne Heights area, and it was seriously like XTREEEEM hills, I was surprised. |
Sometimes when I'm having a bad day I read the bathroom page to lift my spirits. I hope it is still the #1 hit for the search term "bathroom mushroom." |
Thanks for pointing out the bathroom mushroom post. I've been a Tom 7 reader for some time, but hadn't read many pre-2005 posts. After reading that, my life is that much more complete. Happy 10th! |
9418. Anonymous (pool-96-232-146-150.nycmny.east.verizon.net) –
01 Apr 2010 17:14:54
happy april fools day!
9417. Anonymous (pool-96-232-146-150.nycmny.east.verizon.net) –
01 Apr 2010 17:13:51
1000 is a bad sat score |
I discovered a bug where the timestamp reflects the time the post was drafted, not submitted. There goes my down-to-the-minute-anniversary strategy! |
You may comment on any historic post at any moment. |
So wait, you want us to post on the first entry? |
9413. Anonymous (pool-96-232-154-7.nycmny.east.verizon.net) –
31 Mar 2010 21:45:20
to get into a decent college try aiming to the 1700 range |
Thank you for what you do. Your efforts are appreciated. |
fj: (Somehow missed this comment, sorry!) Thanks. I like to think that I'm getting pretty good at crapping out songs on a deadline. Too bad it's my only real music skill. :) |
It's right on there, but it's called "Totally Membrane":
mp3.tom7.org/t7es/2004/tom7=totally-membrane8.mp3 |
i canĀ“t find the total membrane song
I use Cakewalk (now Sonar) to write most of my music, and a Roland SC-880 for the sounds. Both are commercially available but I can't give them out for obvious reasons. I'd be happy to send you original song data in MIDI or Cakewalk format, just place your requests here or in e-mail.
PS. A handful of my songs were made with my homebrew software called 'midimml', which you could find at tom7.org/midimml.
PPS. I love hearing covers and remixes, so send them along! |
Tom7 I do plenty of remixes of your songs. I was wondering if the software you wrote to write the songs we all love so could be attained by somebody like me? And whether or not its approachable by somebody that isn't 1337. I haven't even really surfsearched yet, perhaps you already have it available. |
Hi guys! Glad you enjoyed the thingy. I'm 30, isn't that old?? |
So. Tom. we asked u how old u were and u said 7 in dog years how olr r u really?? u dont have to tell me.... |