So what exactly is Level 2?
|, FTW! |
Sure does. I have some manual corrections on my map which aren't displaying in this particular rendering. Fortunately that appears to be the only "urban canyon" causing that much trouble, or this project would be a lot less fun. There are also some places where the GPS trail is consistently distorted, like on Fort Pitt bridge (not visible here), which is interesting.
I think it was the first long run I did with the GPS where I went to Frick and ran in a spiral on the top of the hill. I guess I wanted to see whether it would be able to handle that, and it did. Unfortunately it makes this unsightly eyeball on my map. |
One of the interesting aspects of that PDF is the visible evidence of how GPS gets f-ed up downtown.
Why did you go to Frick Park and run in a little circle? |
9325. oootini ( –
29 Jan 2010 21:14:35
[ Quake 3 Done! ]
Well, right after my last post here I managed to beat q3dm1 on Nightmare and in the time since then have managed to pull it off a couple more times so now I KNOW I can make it happen (at least SOME of the time). The truth is I still get my ass kicked there more than 9 out of 10 times so this means I still have a LONG way to go to improve my so-called 'skills'. When I can beat this level at will and with relative ease than I'll feel a lot better about my playing....Anyhow, thanks again for your encouraging remarks and contributions to this thread....
Take Care Out There! |
how to make this new thing?
oops, the bm-bug is just worse, it erases a solution, when you press "bookmark current state" |
bookmark-handling in latest version is buggy:
1. "bookmark current state" only works once and only on empty bookmarks/solutions
2. making a solution default by pressing INS has opposite effect |
9319. Pianist ( –
25 Jan 2010 20:52:30
[ Quake 3 Done! ]
Hahaha no problem oootini =P Q3DM18, you must analyze the bot's routing in the map, and try being very good with the railgun, that's the way to win. The funny part about Angie= he's my real life brother, so yeah he can do nightmare real good =)
I think that the hardest levels were Q3DM18+space maps ( space maps because you can fall anytime, and you know that you can die easily when bots use the railgun =-/
Q3DM10 was hard because bots starts with full armor and there's health almost everywhere, so you have to shoot them longer time and manage to stay in life =P So many times I died trying to make the last kill, even losing 19-20 =(
anyway yes, its all in good fun !
Thanks for your comment sir, and have a nice evening !
(actually, part3 HD is now available to watch) Leave comments as you wish! |
9318. oootini ( –
25 Jan 2010 04:08:47
[ Quake 3 Done! ]
Hey Pianist! Thanx for the comment. You're playing WAY above me that's for sure! (so are you Angie-UE) Haven't beaten Ranger on Nightmare yet, but I'm writing this after just losing to him 9 to 10, so I guess if I keep it up he's eventually gotta fall, since in the beginning i used to get beat 10 to Nothing almost every time. And yeah q3dm18 is a @#$%! I've already beaten every level on 'Hardcore' (though not without dying) and am currently stuck there again....damn but it's a tuff level...I always feel so stupid when I simply fall to my death or just get knocked off a ledge into oblivion by one of the bots.....anyway it's all in good fun I guess :-)
Best Wishes guys and keep on Fraggin' dem bots! |
radiant's level 2647 should be a new, good hided block block on Escape beta 3 |
I was browsing through the source tree and noticed some insufficient checks in the sanitize function, so I decided to see what kind of levels could be opened up as a result of the shortcomings. 2647 is the one with invisible panels, and as bad as it is, it's easy to imagine much worse. Just be thankful the world will never see such things. |
yes tapped on it zillions of times. the i-key between step-back and step-forward is not exactly a very good choice for a maintaining feature. ... aaaand a help-key which lists all active hotkeys would be nice. |
[ was exactly going to be my advice.
You can still load malformed levels if you navigate to them from the editor rather than from the main menu, but when it loads them it sanitizes them, which unfortunately for radiant's levels makes them unwinnable.
The i key was never necessary, but it's occasionally useful to me. Why do you ask? I guess it is easy to hit by accident, so maybe I should move it to the bookmarks menu or something. |
thanks for the [-key wink. btw how did you discover the malforming? as far as i remember now there was one level with a hidden panel somewhere. That one was extraordinary evil %-) |
9312. Angie-UE- ( –
24 Jan 2010 00:31:47
[ Quake 3 Done! ]
I'm gonna try aswell to do a kind of run for sda...maybe they'll do just like they did for Mario kart 64, al llvl rate individually...Anyway, i can beat most of the lvls on nightmare without dying and rly fast but q3dm18. :( How the **** is this that hard ? Oh Well, nice to see ppl are still playing and keeping this good old game alive :) |
The malformed levels (including those 3 random levels from way back) are now no longer recognized as sane, and don't even appear in the level list. The list of regression tests now has those in a subfolder as though to say "The proper behavior for this test is that the subfolder shouldn't appear."
Until there's a dedicated animation shortcut, just remember that [ doubles as a "disable animation" key. |
yup it was the text-link on homepage.
the new version shows only 10 levels instead of 19 in the quarantine-folder. is it a bug or a tighter test of what is an allowed level and not a "malformed" one?
is the md5-input (i-key) during play still necessary?
i'd very much like to have a hotkey for switching animations temporarily.
9309. Anonymous ( –
23 Jan 2010 17:57:57
[ Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
mushrooms are so uhhhhhh theyre growing in the woodchips in front of my apartments but how
9308. Pianist ( –
23 Jan 2010 01:02:21
[ Quake 3 Done! ]
Hahaha funny to read all the stuff here , I love it, and im back to post another surprise, good news for you all =)
First of all, the run.. Yes finally it's done, and ripped HD, 8 parts of 500MB!
1st part is already on Youtube. You can find it by searching "Pianist quake" or even "Quake+nightmare" or by going into supra's page:
More info about the run :
It is all levels on nightmare skill, without dying !
oootini: If you find it frustrating, try q3m18 without dying hahaha =P
Ok now have a nice time watching the 1st part, and leave comments !
Next parts are going to be online as soon as possible ! TY! |
Thanks, I had update the side link but forgot about the "feedback" text. Done now. I probably won't have time until the weekend to look at the update problems, but I will then. Thanks for the info everybody! |
Yay! Dont post here now. This page is just for seeing what was posted before the new thread.
-----------NO----------------MORE-----------------POSTS------------ |
He means the homepage still links to the 2007 release's discussion thread where it says "I appreciate your feedback." It should clearly point to this one now.
I don't use Windows so can't give any advice on finding or recovering files. |