m u s i c |
The 7evenths
(28 Aug 2010 at 00:06) |
Over a year ago an old friend Taleen was visiting town and Mike was off doing boy stuff like Hockey, so she and Erin and I made a one night band, which is called The 7evenths. I just finally mastered together our album for internet ridicule. Due caution: There are two songs about monkeys, if you know what I mean. For what it's worth, my favorite track is "Belly Button." The photo above is a lightly doctored (to put all the best moments in the same picture) one from an unrelated party, but featuring the band at its finest. Which one is me? Click to confirm your selection. |
l a m u s i c a |
Crapversity Marching Band – Upright Base
(06 Sep 2009 at 23:58) |
One of my longest time buddies (since I think 1998) Jason (aka jcreed) is leaving Pittsburgh tomorrow, having graduated and now needing a post-doc. In the spirit of doing things that we should have done a long time ago, we had a One Night Band, which was actually two nights, to write and record a song. Our band is called Crapversity Marching Band for our dream to some day make a university formed upon Crap Art philosophy and then to be its marching band. Here is our album cover:
 caption: man plays drum with butter knives illustration: jcreed MP3: Crapversity Marching Band – Upright Base
The song is called Upright Base. We wrote the chords together, me using the guitar and my illiterate florid language to try to try to describe what I was getting at chord-wise, and him with the keyboard eptly naming those funny fingerings and then being like, "Oh well if we have B♭m6 then obviously Dadd9 will go next," which is funny and also really useful when you get stuck off in chord lala land. Today we wrote the words and recorded it. Jason did the keyboard playing (basically improvising all that fancy shit on the spot) and I did the guitars and the singing. Jason was going to do some singing too but then he started guts-clutching like always and it was getting urgent since he needs to get up at 7am to drive to Philadelphia. So just me on sings. I think it came out pretty well.
Two more new recordings for other projects in the queue. |
n e w |
(21 May 2008 at 09:03) |
Hey, you know how I am always being in bands? Here's a new band. It is called Malpheasants. We only have two songs because we formed this band merely a week before Moira took off for her summer internship in California. The songs are: Against Me In Dimensions. Yo this song is about math, dudes. Sorry those of you who don't like songs about math. You might be surprised/impressed to know that this is the first song Moira ever worked on the writing of! A team effort. Under the Moonshine. Yo this song is about the famousest of family feuds, dudes. Sorry those of you who don't like songs about the famousest of family feuds. It's the Hatfields vs. The McCoys who apparently had some kind of weird brain cancer that makes them go into angry rages. You can't blame all problems on lumps in the brain, though. The story is a good read but one can also pretty much get all of that information more obliquely from our song. Listen to it while sleeping before every Americana edition Trivial Pursuit match for increased scoring potential. |