Tom 7 Radar: all comments

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12897. MrBawn ( – 09 Dec 2014 20:53:03 The Entire Screen of One Game ]
Hold down left and space. The pieces stack up and eventually escape the game field.
12896. Tom 7 ( – 09 Dec 2014 18:45:45 The Entire Screen of One Game ]
Shift is like a debug mode (or "Second Quest"), and allows you to pan around and zoom in and out (with -/=).
12895. William ( – 09 Dec 2014 12:36:04 The Entire Screen of One Game ]
I think I won, too :P on my phone, no less!
12894. Anonymous ( – 09 Dec 2014 11:09:09 The Entire Screen of One Game ]
I won
12893. ominous ( – 09 Dec 2014 07:27:13 The Entire Screen of One Game ]
What am I doing when holding shift?
12891. Anonymous ( – 08 Dec 2014 20:15:23 The Entire Screen of One Game ]
Not sure "game" is the right word, but holy mindfuck...
12890. Anonymous ( – 08 Dec 2014 19:38:23 The Entire Screen of One Game ]
welcome to the tower of trickery
12875. Tom 7 ( – 15 Nov 2014 18:02:54 The adventures of learnfun and playfun, part 2 ]
The helper won't do anything until a master connects to it. You have to do (in another window):

playfun --master 8001

You probably want to run more than one helper (also in different windows). About two per core on your computer. You just give the ports of each one to playfun like

playfun --master 8001 8002 8003

Also, if you run ansicon, then it'll show colors and stuff instead of the [1;36;40m garbage. :) Good luck!
12872. Anonymous ( – 12 Nov 2014 02:30:28 The adventures of learnfun and playfun, part 2 ]
The big things I found from this are:

1. The user (you, reading this now) needs to open up a blank Notepad and write four lines of code, of which lines 2 and 4 are left empty/blank...

-----code starts here------
game smb

movie smb.fm2

-----code ends here---------

...where "smb" is the name of the rom file (in this case, smb is Super Mario Brothers 1) and omitting the .nes filetype, and, a copy of the aforementioned recorded 1000-frame movie (in this case, smb-0.fm2 which I renamed smb.fm2 for my own purposes).

This file should be saved as "config.txt" in the same folder where learnfun and playfun reside.

2. The rom and the 1000-frame movie should also be copied (and named according to how you worded it in the config.txt file) into the same folder where learnfun and playfun reside.

3. Using the Command Line program in the Start menu, the user needs to navigate to where the learnfun / playfun / config.txt folder is. Once there, simply type in:


...and watch the fun happen.

But, see, this is where things go a bit wonky for me. Now, with the motifs and objectives set and ready to go, I type in:

playfun --helper 8001

...and it runs some text, until the final line is given:

[8000] <-[1;36;40m Ready.<-[m

...and that's where it hangs. It just hangs and does nothing.

12864. Tom 7 ( – 02 Nov 2014 19:05:05 The adventures of learnfun and playfun, part 2 ]
Glad you figured it out. :) There's currently no way to save and restore playfun's progress, though only because I didn't get around to it (it would be a pretty straightforward feature and I agree it would be useful). I'm sorry it isn't that user-friendly...
12863. Fez ( – 02 Nov 2014 09:10:53 The adventures of learnfun and playfun, part 2 ]
UPDATE 2: I figured everything out. It wasn't as hard as I thought. I do have one question though... is there a way to continue running the emulation (let playfun pick up where I stopped it)? This would save much time and resources. Thanks again.
12862. Fez ( – 01 Nov 2014 23:40:16 The adventures of learnfun and playfun, part 2 ]
UPDATE: I got everything to work up to the point where you have to run the "helpers" (What NUMW last asked about). How to I set up ANSI or whatever the software requires. I'm really looking forward to using the program, if I can ever figure it out! Thanks for any help!
12861. Fez ( – 01 Nov 2014 21:53:05 The adventures of learnfun and playfun, part 2 ]
If you still check this (and you probably don't), I am very new to this side of computers (setting up networks, compiling, etc.) and was wondering if you could explain the process from downloading learnfun/playfun (whether it's the source code or the 64 bit binaries, as I have 64 bit windows 7) to getting the software running playing games? I have the emulator and roms, can record an example for the software, but from there, the read me gets very complicated. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Tom (or anyone else)!
12849. andrea ( – 19 Oct 2014 01:41:43 Connector World by Tom 7 ]
You're right, I think my memory is more musical than visual. The tune and the way it repeats itself is reminiscent of the C=64 days (the intermission screens too!).

But then the visual style is mode 13h indeed. More heart-sinking memories.. SEG A000 ... :°°°°(
12848. Tom 7 ( – 18 Oct 2014 11:09:22 Connector World by Tom 7 ]
Thanks! :) I was going for 320x200x256 mode 13H 90s aesthetic, but maybe you had a better compute than me. ;)

LOAD *,8,1
12847. andrea ( – 18 Oct 2014 06:18:51 Connector World by Tom 7 ]
this time more than ever you captured the feeling of those cheap but awesome games of the mid 80s afternoons.

now just add a 10 minutes loading screen otherwise I have no excuse for the milk and cookies I had while waiting..
12837. scottf ( – 10 Oct 2014 01:20:52 Pittsburgh Great Race 2014: Balloon Fight ]
happy birthday! The colors in that race photo are tremendous. I've been reading for like 7 years I think.
12836. Tom 7 ( – 08 Oct 2014 00:14:36 Pittsburgh Great Race 2014: Balloon Fight ]
Thank you long time marathon-readers! :)
12835. yxhQK ( – 07 Oct 2014 19:23:03 Many Happy Returns ]
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12834. jonas ( – 06 Oct 2014 07:28:17 Pittsburgh Great Race 2014: Balloon Fight ]
Happy birthday!
12833. Harry ( – 06 Oct 2014 01:19:21 Pittsburgh Great Race 2014: Balloon Fight ]
The nicest sort of marathon has been reading your blog for nearly that long Tom. Happy Birthday! and best wishes as you keep going and going..
12832. Sophia ( – 05 Oct 2014 19:36:41 Pittsburgh Great Race 2014: Balloon Fight ]
FYI I have been reading your blog for that long (and also am that old).
12831. Tom 7 ( – 05 Oct 2014 17:54:55 Pittsburgh Great Race 2014: Balloon Fight ]
This was my first time actually buying one. They're usually such a rip-off and so workmanlike, but what sold me on this one was all the death faces behind me.
12830. Nels ( – 05 Oct 2014 16:28:56 Pittsburgh Great Race 2014: Balloon Fight ]
Always purchase the official race photos.
12825. Tom 7 ( – 01 Oct 2014 17:31:14 Connector World by Tom 7 ]
Best kind of bug!

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