Tom 7 Radar: all comments

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14827. Anonymous ( – 30 Dec 2023 16:06:46 NEW: Tom's Novel: 'Name of Author by Title of Book' ]
I had a fun time reading the book, it was strange and demented, and thoroughly fun. It reminded me that books don't have to make sense, which has inspired me to write my own, of a similar format.
14826. fungus@ ( – 10 Dec 2023 22:16:33 NEW: His Sophomoric Effort ]
I just remembered your novels when talking to my girlfriend about some surrealist-adjacent books the other day--getting the hardcopies right now. (By the way, looks like the Lulu links may be broken, but the books still show up when you search for them.)

I'm always inspired discovering your various projects--they tend to make me wish I had whatever job you have so that I could have the free time to be as creative as you...but apparently now I have no excuse because I just realized we are coworkers.

Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm with technology/arts/more with all of us! I have to agree with the above immortal words of Anthony Michael: truly "ROBIN WILLIAMS GENIUS" stuff.
14825. jonas ( – 10 Dec 2023 05:12:32 New content on ]
Tom, have you played the abstract puzzle game Insight yet? That one is long, so don't start it right before some important deadline like I would do.
14824. Sam ( – 02 Dec 2023 17:15:25 New content on ]
I wholeheartedly agree with your opinion on spoken dialog, and I also love the way games like Zelda do it, where every character has a few different noises for speaking, surprise, sadness, etc. but doesn't speak in sentences or even words.
14823. Tom 7 ( – 01 Dec 2023 00:15:52 New content on ]
I 100%ed Golf Peaks right after posting this. But I would've had -1,000 points if I tried to finish it before posting!
14822. Tom 7 ( – 01 Dec 2023 00:07:21 NEW: Tom 7 Entertainment System site ]
Man, I only got two more quarters??
14821. Tom 7 ( – 01 Dec 2023 00:05:11 October, the 8th month ]
Thanks for the recommendation! My anagrammic friend Jason told me about Squishcraft, by the same guy. I couldn't handle the hyperugly aesthetic of that one, but this one is approachable. I'm impressed with the programming that must have gone into this, especially for a game jam!
14820. Tom 7 ( – 30 Nov 2023 23:37:06 Happy birthday to me! (44) ]
I wouldn't know!
14819. Tom 8 ( – 24 Nov 2023 04:05:42 NEW: Tom 7 Entertainment System site ]
Hey all, Tom 8 here. I'm happy to announce that the years of development effort spent creating a new and improved version of everyone's favorite Tom have been a resounding success. I'm really excited to be here, and can't wait to start engaging with all you "Tom-heads" out there in meaningful and interesting ways.

This has been the most expensive Tom development cycle to date - between research, prototyping, and all-time high human costs, the folks over at the lab have been able to create the first truly convincing humanoid Tom! The guys back at the lab have been calling me a sort of "chimerical aberration" between Tom and Man. They're a real riot!

With Tom 8, we've packed even more of what you love about Tom, into Tom! Through a series of intense focus group sessions, we've identified the parts of Tom you just can't seem to live without, and we've boiled it down to three core competencies:

1. On-demand explanations of how Turing Machines work
2. Whimsy
3. Inexorable conquest of the heartland

Tom 8 delivers on these categories in spades! And don't worry -- we haven't forgotten to throw in a dash of that classic Tom wit! Besides turning the dial up to 11 on your favorite parts of Tom, we've also listened to community feedback, and toned down some of the pain points, including:

1. Veiled references to 20-year-old flash websites
2. Eternal incarceration to the mortal coil
3. Bald

You guessed it, Tom 8 comes with a full head of hair! How's that for a killer feature?

On a more reverent note, innovation means big changes, and that means out with the old and in with the new. The rumor mill was right - Tom 8 will not be backwards compatible with Tom 7. We expect to phase Tom 7 out by Q2 '24. This was a tough decision, and we know this will come as a shock to long term Tom-heads. We plan to support the current Tom 7 API until Q2 '24, and have prepared extensive migration docs as well a robust TDK for application developers.

We're so excited to present Tom 8 to the world, and I couldn't be happier to be here with you all. The engineers expect to "release" me by EOY, but it doesn't stop there! Tom 8 will be the first Tom to receive true OTA updates, and we have some exciting stuff lined up for the coming year, including:

1. Finally being able to explain what a "Lambda Calculus" is
2. Omnipresence
3. UTF-8 support*

Big stuff on the way! And before we go, for the real Tom fans out there, we've got one last piece of "Tom Tech" on the horizon - by FY '25, we expect Tom 8 to be fully incorporeal. Until next time,

- Tom 8

* Supplementary and Tertiary Ideographic Planes only
14818. Geb ( – 17 Nov 2023 03:57:03 NEW: Tom 7 Entertainment System site ]
Hi real Tom 7 (presumably), I send Rutgers to my music friend and they called it "so silly" in the most sincere way possible. I should perhaps not be surprised how much I love it.
14817. jonas ( – 13 Nov 2023 11:06:54 October, the 8th month ]
PortalSnake "" is a short puzzle game developed in a limited time, and it's one that you Tom should probably play.
14816. Axel ( – 13 Nov 2023 04:43:51 A Failure Is Me ]
Dammit! I'm so jealous. I just saw Alex G was in Australia - and everything is sold out :(
14815. Anonymous ( – 01 Nov 2023 22:52:32 October, the 8th month ]
Happy to check another box with the innovative cliff case: congratulations to TOM MURphy vil.
14814. arkansan ( – 01 Nov 2023 00:18:12 October, the 8th month ]
I was berated for my use of "artful" earlier, so I'm glad to see some confirmation that it is a real word.
14813. J̴̓̇̂̎̔́̑̓͆̉́̍̊̍͘͠͠... ( – 15 Oct 2023 13:47:33 Happy birthday to me! (44) ]
Is this where the cool kids hang?
14812. Anonymous ( – 13 Oct 2023 01:20:04 Happy birthday to me! (44) ]
Belated happy birthday!
14811. andrea ( – 09 Oct 2023 08:48:30 Happy birthday to me! (44) ]
H.B. from that italian guy
14810. jonas ( – 04 Oct 2023 03:30:16 GradIEEEnt half decent ]
It occurs to me that if you represent true and false with the floating point numbers +0 and -0, then you can simulate any boolean operation with linear floating point operations. Add two numbers to simulate anding booleans, multiply a number with constant -1 to simulate noting a boolean. This won't help you in training neural nets, but it would be another way to make NaN gates.
14809. Otto Jung ( – 01 Oct 2023 16:13:09 Happy birthday to me! (44) ]
Happy Birthday, Tom!
14808. Phront ( – 01 Oct 2023 01:51:33 Happy birthday to me! (44) ]
Merry Birthday!
You're becoming antediluvian (a word I definitely don't only know because it was today's Wiktionary Word of the Day_)
14807. Razvan Musaloiu-E. ( – 30 Sep 2023 19:23:18 Happy birthday to me! (44) ]
Happy-happy birthday!
14806. Tom 7 ( – 30 Sep 2023 18:24:23 CHESSBOVIK ]
I saw that one! I also think this is the person who made "Semantle", which my friends and I were playing a lot at one point.
14805. Tom 7 ( – 30 Sep 2023 18:21:30 NEW: Tom 7 Entertainment System site ]
I'm confused about how these repeated bug reports are possible, unless I'm just being trolled!

Fake Tom 7: Fraud is actually even sincerer!
14804. Anonymous ( – 11 Sep 2023 18:09:11 NEW: Tom 7 Entertainment System site ]
Hello, it seems that "Theme from alaplantine" and "12% of 360kb" link to the same file
14803. Klesk ( – 11 Sep 2023 09:23:33 Quake 3 Done! ]
Simplicity and Fun-wise, no other FPS comes anywhere close to this game's entertainment value and replayability.

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