Take three. I noticed that you finally updated the main page, and just to let you know, the flash emulator Ruffle seems to play all your games perfectly, so if you wanted to let people play your games you could add it to the site.
Hope you enjoyed Toronto despite it all, I haven’t been in years and I’m a little jealous
my kingdom for an edit button. Sorry about that. |
how do i even create a level, i can't seem to find any way to get into the editor? |
14787. Tom 7 ( –
03 Jun 2023 11:04:30
[ SIGBOVIK 2023 ]
gctwnl: Ugh, of course. I do know that but I must have been up too late!
Man, I know how you feel with scratching that project itch. I have done that with physical items and sorting so much, that I am starting to go stir crazy with nothing to do. I am planning on now doing my digital life, before re-doing my physical life, ect. ect.
Also, just in case you, Tom7, are reading this, you should remove your Google+ link, or move it to an archive. |
Yeah, I think that's a word that ought to exist; I wonder why it's not in my wordlist? |
I fixed the download a second time, and even tested it! |
gav: Thanks! Try not to get tape on my arm hair because it is painful to remove!
jonas: But what can usefully be done with a moustache?
arkansan and DigiNova: :) thank you!
Blind Observer: Thank you for watching! I think I've finally dealt with the bots on the comment threads, so I maybe the HTML4 vibes just make people think of the good ol' days. |
14781. jonas ( –
18 May 2023 16:45:33
[ SIGBOVIK 2023 ]
I was notified that, even though it's not linked from the SIGBOVIK 2023 website, there is a booklet resembling proceedings available at "http://sigbovik.org/2023/proceedings.pdf" . |
Hello, it seems that "Theme from alaplantine" and "12% of 360kb" link to the same file |
Ah, random small games eh?
Ever run Across Ross's Game Dungeon? His videos have a very similar vibe to yours in a way. I definitely feel like there's a need for cross-pollination.
Anyways, i should probably get back to the Pactom vid because i was totally ultra-distracted by the existence of an OST for it--which incidentally landed me here???!
Been a huge fan ever since the generalized kerning video was fresh on the channel! The term "lexicographic ordering" has been burnt into my wrinkly brain fat for that whole time now. I might have run across that video a Lot sooner than even the other ones, because I check in every once in a while for updates. This discovery will have me clambering back more often.
Also your comment threads are...super bizarre. Can't tell if a) bots b) ESL c) ancient "netspeak" or some combination of the above. Quite the throwback at any rate. |
First english word I learned was "Defenestrate". Sadly not in this portmantout. Maybe there's a portmanreste with it somewhere. :) |
I don't know why but I feel like your life is my dream and that I'll consider it a success if I'm living it like that in the future. Amazing content. Love from India <3 |
The main disappointing part was the moustache. I hope you did something more useful with it than what's in the video.
Video is now out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ae9EKCyI1xU |
tom i decided to add you to the list taped to my wall of people who i look to for inspiration. thanks |
14771. gctwnl ( –
02 May 2023 09:02:31
[ SIGBOVIK 2023 ]
After droning without end to my daughter about the limitations of digital computers (and the fact that their reals are fake), she passed this video on, and I must say, sir, you are (a) brilliant and (b) funny as hell (for my kind of funny, that is). Made me laugh out load quite a few times. Impressed as well.
One thing I noticed when skimming the paper afterwards. The name is either spelled Gödel or Goedel. The umlaut is a shorthand for the additional e (or the e is a replacement for the original umlaut for when umlauts are not available, I don't really know). I don't think English has the German ö sound. Anyway, not Goëdel, but Gödel. |
If you check this blog post(likely not) I'd like to say I like your work and I want to understand how you got into computer science and how you shaped your career. |
Thank you for being excited by that idea :) |
> relax with your weird friend Tom as he gives an hour-long lecture about esoteric computer things
Yesss! |
I did just get Rain World on sale! I have heard it recommended several times now, with some encouragement that it might take a little patience to get into. Thank you :) |
14765. Anonymous ( –
18 Apr 2023 23:15:42
[ SIGBOVIK 2023 ]
Looking forward to the video. I have not read the full paper yet (do not want to spoil the premium experience), but based on the introduction, I am certain this is going to be so much fun.
Tom, all your work is utterly brilliant: the wit, the art, the humour, the storytelling. Your YouTube channel is by far the best on the whole platform, I swear. Thank you for being an inspiration. I love you. |