14764. Dakota ( –
18 Apr 2023 17:44:16
[ SIGBOVIK 2023 ]
Amazing and beautiful as always! I very much enjoyed your general approach of taking a model and making a chess strategy out of it. That part made me wonder how learnfun/playfun would do in Elo World. I expect it would be quite a chore because you would have to be running learnfun and performing all the chessmaster memory shenanigans, but this time with other engine's moves. |
14763. Tom 7 ( –
07 Apr 2023 18:51:49
[ SIGBOVIK 2023 ]
Thanks both! I'm looking forward to reading the proceedings but I like to do it on a paper copy, like an old bearded professor! |
14762. Lucien ( –
05 Apr 2023 04:20:36
[ SIGBOVIK 2023 ]
Wish there were a livestream! Would be great for next year. Though already excited to read through GradIEEEnt descent (great title) and the many other exciting titles seen skimming the contents to check for mine.
Loved the Pac Tom project, and am excited for your paper video whenever you eagerly get it done! |
14761. Clayton ( –
03 Apr 2023 20:40:35
[ SIGBOVIK 2023 ]
I like your paper and I'm looking forward to the video. Funny coincidence as I also submitted a paper on optimization and gradient descent. But where you went half, I went larger. |
14760. jonas ( –
28 Mar 2023 02:25:58
[ Handlebar ]
It looks like a SIGBOVIK 2023 is announced after all. |
14759. max ( –
24 Mar 2023 18:31:25
[ Handlebar ]
big fan of Acronymy good tip! |
14758. Dan ( –
14 Mar 2023 13:13:44
[ Handlebar ]
Happy Pi Day Tom7! - Dan |
Congratulations Tom. You are an extremely patient, integral, thorough master/king/hero of the dotting of 'i's & the crossing of 't's.
The relief... and as always with panache. Thanks. *Phew* |
And here's yet another project where someone builds a custom Game Boy cartridge that behaves differently from normal cartridges. The power here can hardly be called a superpower, a contemporary manufacturer who made cartridges could probably have done it with the hardware they had available. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ix5yZm4fwFQ |
14755. Brendan ( –
01 Mar 2023 15:16:42
[ Handlebar ]
I can't believe I innocently opened a tab to read a Radar post and thereby subjected myself to the phrase "mustache meat." |
14754. cheddar ( –
01 Mar 2023 03:02:37
[ Handlebar ]
“playing” Acronymy is more fun than I’d care to admit
Also I hope we get a peak at the mustache meat you’re packing if it’s still around come a new video :P |
14753. Tom 7 ( –
28 Feb 2023 22:37:22
[ Quake 3 Done! ]
They still make cool games, but none like Quake 3 Arena, it's true! :`( |
14751. Razvan Musaloiu-E. ( –
06 Feb 2023 23:19:33
[ Chores and chores ]
Maybe you would enjoy <b>Rain World<b/>. One video that made the game interesting to me is this one: https://youtu.be/GMx8OsTDHfM |
14750. Anonymous ( –
05 Feb 2023 20:47:46
[ Quake 3 Done! ]
Greetings from future! We don't make cool games like this here anymore |
Hello! I'm unsure if this is still a good way to reach you, but if it is I have some questions I'd like to ask. Well, just one, really. Since I don't have any notable experience with computer science, I'm not sure how to go about compiling the project - and none of the advice I've been able to find is... beginner friendly. If you could give me a quick and easy guide to compiling this thing, your assistance would be much appreciated.
(I also wouldn't mind, like, an installer, or a precompiled version? But I recognize that the former would probably be a pain to make, and... all right, I'm not sure why the latter wouldn't work but I'm sure you have a reason.)
Anyways, the point is that anything you could do to make this the slightest bit easier to set up would be a great help. Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings.
Someone Who Has No Idea What They're Doing |
Hello, it seems that "Theme from alaplantine" and "12% of 360kb" link to the same file |
Thanks Anon, I fixed the download to 12% of 360kb! |
Feel free to follow me on Strava if you find it interesting (but you'll see a lot of me running my regular routes and treadmills and things!): https://www.strava.com/athletes/23127792
I fixed the soundtrack; thanks for the bug report! It was missing the Training Montage due to a typo, urgh!
Axel: I'm happy to hear this! :) |
I started running because of pactom back in 2020 when I was 30 years old. It turns out not running for 30 years and then suddenly running a lot was a really bad idea - but thankfully my knees healed after a month of inactivity, and I'm now running 2/3 times a week at a healthy pace :)
Upvote the strava question. |
I just wanna say that this is a really cool site! |
This still holds up really well in 2023! |
the downloadable soundtrack has tracks going up to 04, but there's no track 02 |
Hello, it seems that "Theme from alaplantine" and "12% of 360kb" link to the same file |
Hello, it seems that "Theme from alaplantine" and "12% of 360kb" link to the same file |