If the U isn't a safe letter, why is it colored like one?
Why doesn't the rule "?T^ vA=Y." do anything? |
Sorry, "Anonymous" is a known bug that seems to come and go with Chrome. It's on the list...
Anyway, thanks! :) I regret "don't hug me" because it's too hard for its level of fun and there are better things I could have done, but one has to live with such things in a 48h contest. :) I'm looking forward to seeing your inventions, and future games! |
I'm glad I found this board! I had a leak in my shower pipes, and it has seriously damaged the wood in the wall. Ripped out the walls a few months ago, and now there are mushrooms growing from the dry rotting wood. Not to mention a serious mold/mildew problem in the shower etc. I'm going to get a dehumidifier tonight, a ton of bleach, a mask, and go to town cleaning this shit |
I got a problem... And it is that I can`t make more than one bookmark for a game, so... what hapened? Can somebody help me?? |
Argh!! That was me (adhesion) |
Awesome!! I don't think I've ever seen anything like this in an LD game. It makes me feel dumb in a good way - I think. Totally blew my mind when I figured out the rule-affecting level. The hug level also gave me quite a bit of trouble, that was kind of annoying. Hopefully I can come up with something clever ("clever") to add.
Also I was gonna shamelessly plug my team's entry but you already played it :)
"Anonymous"?? What. I totally had "Scott F" in that name field. Your blog better not anonymize me this time too. |
Cool. Was stuck on "Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared" for a while but finally got it.
Here's an Action Jackson spotting: http://try.redis-db.com/ |
11178. Anonymous (100-182-78-94.net.stream.pl) –
22 Apr 2012 08:58:45
[ Quake 3 Done! ]
Heh, it was a matter of bringing up r_intensity to see him and turning down music :q |
11171. Anonymous (100-182-78-94.net.stream.pl) –
13 Apr 2012 15:52:26
[ Quake 3 Done! ]
Also have pummelled Xaero on nightmare. But win, no. Not yet. |
11170. Anonymous (100-182-78-94.net.stream.pl) –
13 Apr 2012 15:17:55
[ Quake 3 Done! ]
Xaero on nightmare, is bad dream indeed. I EASILY conquered rest of levels on nightmare, and yet, I don't have patience for Xaero after all these years... R.I.P masterserver btw :( |
11168. jonas (5400fe90.dsl.pool.telekom.hu) –
13 Apr 2012 03:18:19
Hi tom 7 got a copy of T7ES - Theme from large dark ...you got a lot going on there.I wonder if you tried to blend it with others you've made.Web streaming programs contact me if you'd like to air any of your work online with me...onlyin2012@gmail.com till then..GIL |
Thank you for believing in me |
You can dismiss it as a silly little 16-bit trampoline session if you want... but this is a strikingly beautiful piece of music, T7. Wow. Really stopped my ear in its tracks. |
Yeah! I love it. Thanks for keeping the absurd slow chromatic portamento, which I think is my song's sole lasting contribution. Keep 'em coming!! |
i had to sample it.
check my remix:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVLmlZM-IHE |
You have a youtube channel? |
You can use Lulu and take a cut. You can also set it to sell at cost, and then you don't make any money (but the book is cheaper that way). I'm not trying to make money off my books so they're set to at cost, which means the cheapest price for you guys! |
On your book's main website page, you say that you don't make any money off of Lulu sales? I'm thinking of publishing via Lulu, but of course not if I won't get a portion of the sales. Do you really NOT make any money via Lulu at all? Then, why do you use it? |
11142. Tom 7 ( –
23 Mar 2012 21:30:59
This paper was supposed to be a direct satire of Erik Demaine's work, so I am glad it actually came to pass. :) |
Thanky guys. It's not a real Genesis (all the sounds still come from SC-880) but it was definitely a Nintendon't moment. So I'm happy with that sound idea. |
11118. jonas ( –
15 Mar 2012 14:56:53
Here's a fresh paper about Super Mario and NP-completeness.
Greg Aloupis, Erik D. Demaine, Alan Guo, Classic Nintendo Games are (NP-)Hard, "htt p://arxiv.org/abs/1203.1895" .
11115. candybars84 ( –
11 Mar 2012 21:07:31
[ Quake 3 Done! ]
I just started playing again...died on hurt me plenty but after a few rounds ive progressed to beating lvl 1 on nightmare.
Ive came back to Q3 for years. Ive played thru on nightmare twice. |