A modern T7ES song entirely in 4/4? Preposterous!! Seriously though, this is great.
Seconding the wondering about the 2612 - I love that Genesis-style FM stuff, though if it's here it's a bit subtle. |
Hi Tom,
I recently downloaded your font 'valium' from Fontspace and tried to e-mail you from the e-mail address you had listed in the readme.txt. Unfortunately, it bounced back ~ guess you changed your e-mail!
Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks!! Also, congrats on your font being displayed in MW3! I'll have to look for it the next time I play.
Do I hear a Yamaha YM2612 in there? |
11093. Anonymous ( –
03 Mar 2012 09:30:27
heck!!!!!! all rubbish!!!!! 2400 and still wondering to have a retest??? retest for what???? just to scoe 0000 |
Very well written. Even though I never met your dad, I couldn't help feeling moved. |
11071. Tom 7 ( –
20 Feb 2012 17:41:59
I thought I was being supportive. What did I say? |
alright, so if you're a total shithead with a gpa... lets just say with a gpa over 2.0 (a 2.0 is a C average right?), where do i go to look for the "bad" colleges? cuz i seriously cant even find them online (you cant really search for "bad colleges" on google), and the only ones my mom ever shoves in my face are like eau claire and U of MN cuz shes dillusional, so what are my life possibilities? oh, and Tom 7, you need to quit being an asshole brah |
Thank you for sharing, Tom. It was very touching. I would also be interested to see some of articles, etc. you mentioned. |
Wow, you really rose to the occasion! Wonderful and touching eulogy for a man whom I only had the pleasure to meet briefly and fleetingly. |
Pepper Spray! All over my office at school! Bad time to read this. But it was beautiful, it was perfect. Thanks Tom for being a good Brother. |
"Stash of diamonds in the glove compartment". That is classic. |
Thank you for sharing, Tom 7. |
Very great. Thank you for sharing this. |
11026. Emily Marcroft ( –
31 Jan 2012 23:24:52
[ Eulogy for Tom 6 ]
Wow, how nice, Tom! You did such a good job. Your dad sounds like an amazing man. |
Congrats on having your font featured! That's so exciting!!!
Also, just randomly--I only just now have discovered your fonts, and may I say, sir, YOU ARE AMAZING. I love all of the fonts that you have created, but what I love even more are your short comments with hints of cynicism to them that accompany those fonts as a description. I found myself giggling almost as much as I was clicking the "Download" button. :) Thank you so much for being so awesome! My computer and I thank you! :D
Congrats again! You totally deserve that honor of having your font featured, even if it caused you to die in your ultra-manly war game. :) Cheers! |
11022. Anonymousi have mushrooms in myh kitc... ( –
27 Jan 2012 19:10:03
[ Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
i have mushrooms in my kitchen cuoboard cant cget rid of them |
10998. Anonymous ( –
24 Jan 2012 18:10:56
I think this is funny. First of all from my knowledge schools use the SAT/ACT for placement in classes (at least UNR and UNLV does). So this doesn't mean your rejected automatically. However I need advice... I got a 1260 on my SAT and a 17 on my ACT with a 8 out of 12 for my essay(which im taking again)...im not a stupid kid... i have a 3.5 gpa, all honors classes plus a college credit class in english, i have 200+ hours of community service, a top leadership position in my JROTC unit and im in the top 25% of my graduating class. My question is what are good universities that look pass bad test scores and focus primarly on your transcript, extra curricular, etc. or do most schools only look at the test scores when making that "final choice".
-bre |
Hi, I just came by looking for some Spastic Moose songs to go on our office playlist, namely How To Make A Dry Day Moist and that one that's in 11/23 timing to test our two dancing-hobbyists abilities.
I'm impressed to see you're on Last.fm, it wasn't a surprise but a little disappointing Spotify haven't picked you up yet.
I also liked your fonts from what I remember, which I found totally separately to your fantastic tunes... which I think were a Kazaa find back in the old days of mp3 sharing.
All the best! |
10980. Help someone? ( –
19 Jan 2012 18:17:53
gpa: 4.0
sat: 1800... (took it once no study)
satII Math II: 720... (didn't take it right after precalc so i forgot a lot...)
satII Physics: 680 (no study...)
rank: 22/1000
activities: three teams
and i've been working at the new york hall of science for 4 years...
top of my AP BC Calculus class at the moment...
good enough for Cooper Union or Columbia? respond please :|
oh and I'm also a hispanic from the projects... so... |
10971. puertas de herreria minimalistas ( –
18 Jan 2012 18:07:48
[ Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
Es serio? No!~ Es no posible! |
I just want to say, I'm still missing Wikiplia, even though it's been down for years now.
I dug Craequ. Confused the hell out of me at first, but when I finally caught on it was good times.
And Adhesion, your self promotion actually seems a bit shameful! I think you need to do it with less apologizing. |
I dislike the controls in Final Trip: they feel too much like real soccer, which on the one hand, awesome, but on the other, I can't stand (playing) soccer.
Nyan Nyan Stack: adorable almost to the point of obnoxious, but I really liked the mechanic & puzzles. |