Tom 7 Radar: all comments

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10945. Anonymous ( – 11 Jan 2012 19:31:40 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
Soooooooooo Glad I found the site.
I thought i had Aliens or a dead body under ground when i found mushrooms in one corner of my bathroom.
But I found maggots around it..Anyone else have that problem??

I was so scared to sleep tonight so i looked on google and THANK GOD I found you all o this site...please help with my problem of maggots and mushrooms!!

I will try the vinegar!
10942. Anonymous ( – 08 Jan 2012 19:07:10 November 2011 font sightings ]
hi tom

love the toms roman, toms headache, initial, tom's handwriting. if you ever make another font with 'tom' in the title i'll bet i like it too!

10940. Anonymous ( – 07 Jan 2012 04:08:58 Pittsburgh Marathon 2011: Keystone Capers! ]

you are no longer the top google hit for "bathroom mushroom"!!!

(I believe I've already said I use this to track internet health.)
10939. matus ( – 07 Jan 2012 04:06:50 Pittsburgh Marathon 2011: Keystone Capers! ]
i am late to this party, and so let me say most emphatically: holy shit
10937. LiluCat ( – 06 Jan 2012 04:16:22 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
May be the radioactive blocks burned the game : the last updating was fatal... all the levels disappeared ! I hoped find a complete list of them here and dl them manually, but did'nt find any .esx, just the comments
10934. Adhesion ( – 03 Jan 2012 22:21:40 Some Ludum Dare #22 reviews ]
This post finally got me to play Final Trip; that was awesome. Word Alone is cool too, definitely did not expect anyone to be doing any word games. Now for some I found:

Arzea is a pretty solid action RPG, and ridiculously long:

While a bit clunky and difficult, Copy Killer has an interesting concept for a puzzle game:

Super Smash Lander Suicide Party, Bro? is about as absurd and hilarious as the title implies:

And (warning, shameless self promotion ahead, not actually claiming this is good) you could try mine?
10933. Anonymous ( – 03 Jan 2012 18:47:36 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
10931. PS ( – 03 Jan 2012 06:32:04 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
Ahhhh yes!! The old muchroom in the bathroom trick. Seen a few pop in the shower of 2 seperate sharehouses I've lived! Cute things, the latest one had a perfect stem and looked like a regular mushroom wasn't game to eat it however. I dare say it may be linked to possible cleanliness issues! Good luck with your mushrooms, they're tough to get rid of once you have them!
10930. Tom 7 ( – 02 Jan 2012 16:43:35 Quake 3 Done! ]
Haha yes. :) keep the dream alive!
10928. Anonymous ( – 02 Jan 2012 09:08:00 emacs lost-mode ]
It´s good, but it´s not great:)
I have a better version:)
10927. RadAcoustics ( – 02 Jan 2012 05:51:10 Quake 3 Done! ]
Well another year bites the dust...The eternal thread hangs on by a mere spider web thread...But I'm still here in 2012 ;).

Hey Tom :D.
10921. increpare ( – 30 Dec 2011 18:31:46 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Just spent an evening playing levels from this. Am feeling a little blockpushy overwhelmed. Surprised I haven't come across this before, it's a neat community of people you have making levels : )
10878. Anonymous ( – 08 Dec 2011 21:34:40 BAD SAT SCORES ]
SAT is terrible.
10875. Dave ( – 06 Dec 2011 07:16:37 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Gary has a serious point (refer comments level 1000). There needs to be something like a pop-up dialog to explain exactly what a cook is when you tick the box. Interestingly 8 people have cooked Modern Art Gallery whilst only 7 have cooked Art Gallery. What can be read ino that? hmm....
PS. - you may try to be anonymous but we know who you are :-)
10870. Anonymous ( – 01 Dec 2011 08:23:17 BAD SAT SCORES ]
i got a 1590, my gpa is 5.0. i hate the sat
10868. Anonymous ( – 30 Nov 2011 23:08:10 BAD SAT SCORES ]
3.2 GPA. 1520 on the SAT. I'm planning on retaking it because I didnt study. I'd probably score somewhere in the 1700s or 1800s
10867. Anonymous ( – 30 Nov 2011 20:49:33 BAD SAT SCORES ]
I feel like no one ever replies to these but whatever, it still kinda useful.
Im a senior and i dont think an SAT score of under 1500 is gonna get you anywhere, but im not positive.

I scored 1510 on it my second time.
Im applying to uc irvine, uc santa cruz, uc davis, uc santa barbra, cal state san luis obisbo, and humbolt state. I only have a gpa of 3.8.
Im really scared.... and F*CKED MY life up.

Does anyone know if i have any chance at getting into any of these schools??????????????????????????????????????????????
10864. Tom 7 ( – 30 Nov 2011 10:11:35 November 2011 font sightings ]
Blinky: I'm quite happy to have corporate bastards use my fonts, which is why I posted them for anyone to download for free. :) License fees for fonts are paltry, far less than the fun of spotting them while I'm playing a game!

Neal: ahaha, I love this story so much.
10863. Nels ( – 30 Nov 2011 09:51:57 November 2011 font sightings ]
@Neal Classic.
10862. Blinky-TT ( – 30 Nov 2011 04:33:13 November 2011 font sightings ]
Do you have a design patent on any of your fonts? If you have fonts that have been shown to the public for less than a year, you should talk to a patent agent to get design protection - not necessarily to make profit, but at least to prevent these corporate bastards form stealing from you! Although copyright protection is theoretically automatically available, I understand that in the US a court is very unlikely to give you damages without a design patent! :( .

Nevertheless, I think that this is at least a testament to your awesomeness as a designer!
10861. Neal ( – 29 Nov 2011 23:55:10 November 2011 font sightings ]
Recently I encountered what appeared to be "Boring Boron" in a comic book shop. I mentioned this to the store owner who responded "No, that is a real font, not something your friend would have made."
10859. Anonymous ( – 29 Nov 2011 22:24:20 Sick Ridiculous - Thursdees ]
Oh, I meant vocals-only. (I tried to do the phase-cancel thing, which I have never successfully done before, and failed again, but that was probably not helped by the fact that original and the karaoke version are seemingly one semitone apart (?))
10858. Tom 7 ( – 29 Nov 2011 22:05:29 Sick Ridiculous - Thursdees ]
Thanks guys! And oh, please do:
10856. ( – 29 Nov 2011 16:29:53 BAD SAT SCORES ]
If anyone is interested in applying to UConn (rank #19, 54% acceptance rate): I'm a senior at UConn, four years ago I only had a 1250 on my SATs. The writing part will help determine which English level course you're going into if accepted. There's a basic, and a level higher. My linguistic enthusiasm is what significantly helped me. In high school, I studied Spanish, French and Chinese. Now, at UConn, I've tried out an Arabic and Chinese course, and I'm only three courses away from a French minor. I'm a Political Science major, and that requires a foreign language competency. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
10854. Adhesion ( – 29 Nov 2011 00:05:11 Sick Ridiculous - Thursdees ]
Wow this song rules. Where's the a cappella for the sick remix EP?!

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