10713. San Francisco apartment tenants worst... ( –
27 Sep 2011 01:46:59
[ Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
I have mushrooms growing form the ceiling. What happened was my neighbor upstairs clogged the toilet because she is a obese piggy who can not fathom to flush in between her monster craps. The flooding got so bad one night that toilet water started seeping down the walls, from the interior of my adjacent bathroom wall. I was furious enough to find her problems dripping down my bathroom walls. Now I find a jungle of mushrooms grown from above and poking ceiling holes.
The landlord is a cheap slut who is afraid of using home insurance to fix this mess because she is only thinking about her resale value going down. She hired a undocumented handy man to replace the bathroom ceiling instead of correcting the problem. Im so fed up that I just want something done, and went along with it. When the ceiling came down there was visible evidence of a mushroom community thriving in between the dry wall. Now the bathroom is fixed cosmetically but I know the real story behind the new shiny white egg gloss bathroom ceiling.
Beware of renting apartments that are old for they will most likely have these kind of mycelium rot damage in areas of dampness. This also goes out to purchasing old homes. |
I do like it. Especially the layering. The "cover" art is also good.
BTW, Hella's new album is streamable:
http://hella.bandcamp.com/album/tripper |
10711. Seniior ( –
26 Sep 2011 22:37:46
Haha yea we r all freaking out. What do u think my chances r of getting into UCI or USC (environmental engineering majors).
GPA: weighted 3.84/ 10-11 weighted 3.95 unweighted its something like a 3.3 or 3.4
SAT 1: 1570 retaking it twice (october and december) aiming for a min of 1800
Over 100 hrs of community service
Multiple sports throughout highschool
President of my Environmental club
& california resident, top 10%, disadvantaged (economically) student, ELC index (which guarantees me admission to atleast one UC school) |
We have a white mushroom that grows out of the wall between the floor and the tile... No space between the two.... It is about 3 in. tall and white and then all of a sudden it just bursts into a black mess.... Very Creepy and kind of scary.... can not seem to find a pic on line that looks anything like this.... We have a 10yr old and I know this can be a serious health issue... It is only in My Master Bathroom ,and only by the toilet, but Why ???? No leaks... No dampness ....
Has anyone any idea what this could be ????
Looking for any info....
Thank You
Sheila in So Cal |
10707. Anonymous ( –
25 Sep 2011 17:50:43
please answer this! i got a 1230 on sats the new one and i have a gpa of 3.5 got to the best highschool in the stat have all honor classes graduating with 5 AP coarses and have been on 2 varsity sports for 4 years going to districts 4 years too i have some volunteer work and wa t chance do i have getting into colege ..........give me a reason to live. |
awesome! it sounds like Ratatat trapped inside a vic-20.
always thirsty for more. |
My husband thought I was CRAZY! I said No hunnie,go look,we have a huge shroom growing beside our bathtub,LOL! Its happend before & went away overnight! So,I let it slide.But this time its huge & right beside our bathtub.Now,our home isnt the nicest home ever,but I do try to keep my house very clean,So needless to say,this made me feel awful! So,it is very nice to know that were not alone in this.Our home is old & that worries me,but unfortunatley we cant afford anything else at the time & since the home was given to me by my grandmother,were gunna stay.We have been trying to fix the place up,but dont have much money to do so.But,I will try my best to take the linoleum rug up & spray with bleach and let it dry out.....I hope it helps,lol.Until then I guess I will have to just keep spraying & gettin the little boogers up,LOL! |
Well, for a thread started in 2003, this one sure has legs! Google offered it as 3rd choice for the search terms Bathroom Mushroom - not bad going Tom!
and yes, I came here because I found one - a hyowj bugger. I'm doing up the bathroom and I pulled off the ancient bath panel ... and there it was, a great big brown mushroom.
not nice, not nice at all :( |
10684. Anonymite ( –
15 Sep 2011 00:42:53
Hooray for random numbers on the interwebz.
2050 SAT - single sitting (retake?)
760 U.S. History
740 Biology M
800 Math 2c
4.3 GPA weighted
I'm definitely not applying to any ivies, there are too many insane applicants that are 15x better than me. The most selective school that i'm applying to is Johns Hopkins University. I hope my SAT I won't keep me out. Other schools that I'm applying to include UC's, Georgia Tech and NYU. Anyways, good luck class of 2012, and why am i posting here again?
how many time i do not do what i want to do but do what i dont want to do |
Never, ever use Bleach!! When it dries it forms a different toxin. Try white vinegar. Go to this website to learn more, http.// truthaboutmold.info. or http.//globalindoorhealthnetwork.com |
plexiglass RULES!!!!!!!!!!!
in small quantities ....
The are already some electronic countermeasures in place, incuding poison fields I think, but I usually end up deleting a few spam messages per day manually. It's not that bad but I have been busy this week. I wish there were a clever solution that didn't involve captchas; I don't want to resort to that because I think it also reduces the rate of legitimate feedback. |
I thought no one would have this problems except us, what a surprise and very concerning. Last night when looking for something in our semi finished basement I found the carpeting in front of some bookshelves to be wet. On top of the carpeting we had a jute area rug. When I moved the area rug I found the pale almost sheer mushrooms about 10 of them scattered within the area. I freaked. We moved the bookcases and pulled back the broadloom to find a leak along the foundation. After reading this site we removed the mushrooms and covered the area with salt. Some spots have black mold which we removed with bleach and also poured it along the floor where the wall meets. We were told to run the A/C to keep moisture from building and to use a fan to keep the air circulating. Unfortunately our story will have a... to be continued... when the contractor arrives to inspect the foundation. We will be purchasing a dehumidifier as soon as we can to keep on top of the humidity issues in the future. |
Has Tom considered adding a hidden field on these forms that has an id of something like "email"? In actuality, of course, the server should look at that field and if there's anything at all there, reject the comment as autogenerated spam.
Might go a long way toward cutting out the crap that's coming in recently, and for everyone else the field is hidden so not a bother at all.
(After taking care of this last block of spam, you can go ahead and delete this comment too.) |
I'm not getting any error. Maybe it was a transient thing? (or on your end? I don't think that's an error string that's even in my code...) |
RSS feed for radar.spacebar.org gives the following error:
Prescript ping failed: MySQL server has gone away |
Oh cool you made something, and it's kindaaaaaaaaaa neat (but yeah, it has problemmmss)
Christ, those spiral fish >_<
My favorite piece of textfile insight was:
It is impossible to write computer software without calling atan2 at some point |
Actually, many songs are on 8bc, under the user name T7ES. :) But you won't get anything new by going there; my site is the one-stop shop... |
hey guys check this page and sent your mushroom pictures shrooms.com/help_identify.htm |
Yuck, again I'm not alone it appears...I had some about 2 weeks growing right below the trim on my carpet in my bedroom and my husband found them and took care of them then poured bleach and scrubbed, well tonight, found another one...We are trying to sell our house in the next few months, and not sure what to do. I guess we will get an inspector and go from there..gross!!