Tom 7 Radar: all comments

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10590. Anonymous ( – 19 Aug 2011 00:40:11 NEW: Tom 7 Entertainment System site ]
Your stuff should be on 8bc!
10582. Upper Marlboro, MD Girl ( – 17 Aug 2011 11:58:37 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
I don't have a mushroom in my bath but I did notice what appears to be a sprout like thing growing in the space between my hardwood and wall by my dishwasher. My dishwasher overflowed a few weeks ago. Not a mjor leak but had some water spill out onto the floor and I cleaned it up. Since then I notice these little sprout like things. I initially thought it was something electrical as it apparently died quickly and left a black residue on my floor. My Dad came & checked and knocked out my electrical theory and just cleaned it up. Last night while loading the dishwasher I noticed a new spout growing from under the same space. And again this morning it was keeled over leaving a black residue on the floor. Ugh. It's creepy. Has anyone else had the sprout? Is it the same as the mushroom. What do I do? Salt? Bleach? btw I'm the homeowner & bought my place 2 years ago so looking for least costly method of repairing.
10576. Anonymous ( – 17 Aug 2011 00:52:08 BAD SAT SCORES ]
I got a 1530 on my SAT. I took it in my junior year so i've still got a chance. I will also take the French and literature SAT IIs next fall. In my last practice at my prep class i got 1680 (still pretty bad). I have a 3.9 GPA but not many extra-curriculars. I was in a school band in 9th grade, did a week internship at mount sinai hospital in 10th grade, am going to participate in a student run musical this fall. Also did some voluntering with bake sales and i have about 40 hours of community service (required by the school). I really dont think that is enough. I am thinking of applying to Fordham university or NYU, but i'll probably go to a suny. How am I looking???
10568. Fungus in Florida ( – 15 Aug 2011 14:10:39 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
P.S. I live in a rental house and the owner is a slumlord...I've already reported him to Code Enforcement in our city.
10567. Fungus in Florida ( – 15 Aug 2011 14:09:31 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
There is a colony of mushrooms growing out of a board covering a huge hole in my bedroom wall, right under a window unit a/c. It's all wet there and I know (from living in Florida) that mushrooms love this type of climate. Are they poisonous? They are the skinny white kind. There is also another one that looks wavy and whitish/light beige color growing on the baseboard. Is this going to make me sick? I may have to move into the other bedroom...
10565. Anonymous ( – 15 Aug 2011 02:01:33 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
Okay the same thing happened in my bathroom except it is on the second floor. this has never happened before and it used to be that my bathroom almost never got cleaned and now we have a cleaning lady who comes every 2 weeks and now all of a sudden it happens and i don't get it. can anyone exlain to me what is going on
10538. Anonymous ( – 09 Aug 2011 14:41:45 BAD SAT SCORES ]
I had a 1120 on the SAT, I'll be a Senior this year and my GPA is 3.78. Can i get into a good college?
10525. Anonymous ( – 07 Aug 2011 22:37:51 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
Wow all of this mushroom talk! I found one coming out of my tile floor by my bathtub. we try to keep the area dry but at times it's moist. Will try the salt first. I really hope this is not a big problem.

nikki from ny
10521. kikay ako. horn y din. f u k c me ( – 06 Aug 2011 03:16:55 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
same with me, ugh. but i dont think this is a serious matter, its just that, the WOODEN door gets WET always, thats the reason, and it grows fast because the BATHROOM tiles makes the environment COOL. what i do, i just pull it out then let it grow again, i dont mind if there's mushroom, its harmless, it just look gross. you can just pull it every time there's one. it wont take you so long to do that, maybe a second or three. ;)
10499. Anonymous ( – 31 Jul 2011 16:09:00 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
I found a mushroom growing out of my counter top in the kitchen. The water may have leaked behind the backsplash. My concern is whether or not just dampness creates the mushroom or does another microoraganism or substance, or bacteria have to be present and if so is that substance dangerous. Does anyone know? My e-mail is please contact me if you have any info. Also my apartment is on a cement slab and near adamp area. There is a small creek. Deer live in the woods around me., but it is damp, My apartment is cold on an 80 degree day. I think I have to move because I have developed arthritis, but I like it there. I just feel the cold and dampness have contributed to my pains. Also my mushroom gave a dust that was sandy colored.
10489. N7DOT ( – 28 Jul 2011 11:40:23 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
I just realized I left my rather long post about how Pre-solving levels is not worth the effort, with the "Anonymous" name yet again. Maybe a catch to ask if someone really wants to be Anonymous?

Yes, bot levels can be annoying, but they do have really simple rules:

The simplified rule of the bot:

Bots move in order of their number.
Bots move towards the player.
Bots prefer to move horizontally over vertically.
10473. Tom 7 ( – 24 Jul 2011 16:23:44 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
For my part, it's not about giving away the solutions or respect (though I understand why authors might feel that way), but just that every time I've seen a solution to a level, I felt like 1% of the satisfaction I got from actually solving it. But I've definitely often felt the temptation to peek and wouldn't have been able to stop myself if they were easily available. So basically I'm just protecting you guys from yourselves. :) I understand the frustration, though. "Jungle Fever" and "Crosshairs (Potetz variation)" have used up hours of my life without any satisfaction yet!

To comment, press ctrl-c when the level is selected in the 'load level' screen in the game. Oddly, you can only read comments from the web. Of course I plan to fix that mismatch some day!

I know what you mean about bots. That was a Pandora's box I was somewhat hesitant to open, mainly because as I was implementing them I started to realize how complex the behavior could be with multiple bots and I have a long-standing principle of predictability in the game's design. I worked hard to make the rules for bots as simple as I could, but when there are a couple of them it can easily get confusing (the 'n' key might help, because it shows the order that bots will move in). With some practice some of their movements can even become intuitive, but more than any other element, it's not hard to make a level that's simply obnoxious by using bots. The onus has always been on the level author to use the features of the game to make good levels, though, and there have definitely been some amazing ideas using bots. So I don't regret it!
10472. Zargblast ( – 24 Jul 2011 13:19:07 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Fine, I understand all of the above, but it doesn't diminish my frustration.

How does one comment upon a level? I can't see any links which allow one to do so.

Can I just say also that I hate bots? I gather that some levels can only be solved via some arcane knowledge of the ways in which multiple bots function.
10471. Anonymous ( – 23 Jul 2011 19:03:11 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Tom is right. It can take tons and tons of work to make a level that has a difficulty rating of 8 or higher, as the harder the level gets, the harder it is to find a solution, the harder it is to make it harder, and so the harder it is to upload such a hard level. Plus, the author needs to add some cool/clever bits to actually justify the work, as not so many people want to play a 9-1-7 level or something like that.

If there was an option to view the solutions to hard levels without beating said levels, many hours, days, maybe even weeks or months of very hard work on building, testing, debugging, and fine-tuning would all be ruined.

Besides, how could we possibly put in place such a system so that nobody has a level that has been pre-spoiled that they might find 'beatable' woithout any help? An example that just shows how thoughts can vary: mjn's "Memory Hole (final!)" is rated a difficulty of 7 (or was if it isn't); I found it rather simple.

Another (not really related to escape, but is a good point) example is that many people, when presented with a (legally) scrambled Rubik's cube, they are unable to solve it, no matter how long or hard they try, without some sort of help; Yet, there are some people who can, without recording or learning any tricks, or knowing who to solve one, can intuitively picture the cube or some other method, and make judgements on what they may need to do next, and continue working away at the problem, until they finally solve it.

Different people are skilled at different things, and a 'One size fits all' approach will not work for some, and a 'Customized plan' method will allow somebody to somehow game the system and get auto-solves on pretty much everything. That sort of thing just won't work. It's not just about respect for the level author and that finally knowing the solution to a level isn't worth spoiling it for yourself and not getting to have that sense of accomplishment. It's also that not everybody wants certain levels to be spoiled. Some just want to solve it themselves.

Also, having a pre-solve for grand prix or rouge-like-like (I've gotten to this point in the rouge-like series, and that level is purely devilish. Rouge-Like was tricky, but is quite tame compared to Rouge-Like-Like.)
would mean that any new player might rate them easy, or after having it spoiled, seeing the 'spoilers' section comments and not understanding what the 'trick' or 'twist' is, as they may think that the provided solution is the one that is the expected route, and so not see a 'trick' or 'twist'.

Tom, has written a few very hard levels that could be seen as 'impossible' levels (a great example is Newark Liberty Airport (EWR), as it has a rating set of 9-9-6), and I expect he wouldn't want to just giveaway the solutions.
10470. Tom 7 ( – 23 Jul 2011 13:29:41 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
It's deliberate that you can't see the solutions. I've occasionally had a solution spoiled while debugging with somebody else's player file, and I can tell you it's not worth it to just see the solution. If you're stuck, my recommendation is to leave a comment on the levels that vex you asking if anybody has a bit of a hint (marked as a spoiler).

There are lots of levels I've spent hours on and not been able to solve, including grand prix. :)
10450. Anonymous ( – 20 Jul 2011 00:48:33 BAD SAT SCORES ]
got a 1330, 3.7 gpa with nooo EC's..yup, my life's over. hello community college :(
10434. Zargblast ( – 18 Jul 2011 14:00:22 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
I've been playing this excellent game for some three years, but there's some puzzles I'll never solve in a thousand years. Is there any chance, Tom, that you could revise your system so that we could view solved versions of puzzles? I'm not talking about all those 'small' or 'bot' ones compiled by Kacper, but 'impossible' levels like 'grand prix'.
10427. Anonymous ( – 17 Jul 2011 12:26:06 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
It's Coprinus Domesticus a mushroom which is classed as a type of white wet rot, it feeds on plaster apparently. there must be a big damp problem behind the plaster for this to be happening.
10417. Tom 7 ( – 14 Jul 2011 18:49:25 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
animation.png is a packed version of all the individual .png files making up the animation frames. If you want to modify the graphics the right way to do it is to get the source code and build it; part of that process is taking all the individual .png files and automatically packing them into a single animation.png file. The arrangement in that file is basically arbitrary, but packing them into one file makes it much more efficient to start the program and to do updates. Go ahead and play with the graphics (or anything else) all you want, but the graphics is one of my favorite parts do, so I'm not really looking for contributions here. :) In the font, the characters after the name are used for incidental font-sized stuff like the ratings bars in the level browser. You can't really type them. You could see the whole list in chars.h:
10416. N7DOT ( – 14 Jul 2011 14:26:36 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Update: On the lost player files thing I seem to have found both. Weird, and now I have no idea what happened. I do know that the game did Something weird when my updates had trouble, but I am not sure what. Very odd.
10415. N7DOT ( – 14 Jul 2011 14:10:30 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
That last one was me, i forgot to type my user name in.
10414. Anonymous ( – 14 Jul 2011 14:02:16 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Also, what were some of the symbols in the font.png after each of the colored ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz...
lines, what are they for, and how are you supposed to get them?

I mean the weird ones like the very end's arrows and such. I know what the Blocky-ish things are for (viewing ratings), but like the 'esc.' one.
10413. N7DOT ( – 14 Jul 2011 13:54:44 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
However, I think the Animation.png would be MUCH easier to navigate if the snippets had some sort of natural order, rather than being like if all the little pictures had been coughed up onto a green background and then smeared about in weird square rings. I mean, Is there any reason for this current configuration, other than that's just how it turned out?

Due to animation.png's messiness, editing the player's look would be near impossible, as most players probably wouldn't know the order of the frames when moving a given direction even when looking at the pictures. So although *sort of* easy to make happen, it won't be so easy for the player. Plus, it easily gets wiped.

Maybe make player animation a separate file, and maybe when updating, having escape copy player animation file ____.png to ____2.png, replace original ____.png with the new one, paste ____2.png onto the new file ____.png so the background of ____2.png doesn't obscure anything, and then delete ____2.png.

It might be long, but it should be possible, as all the steps that are not already part of procedure can be done in a generic paint program (as long as the program is as good as or better than MS Paint). If not then the player could manually do the procedure.

My original thought really was just a "this would be cool" kind of thing.
10412. N7DOT ( – 14 Jul 2011 13:00:45 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Oh well. Thanks for the link, even though it might be a while until i get around to using it.

Anyway, something I thought of: Maybe that if there become Registered player pages showing progress and everything, that the little picture of the 'office' dude that might be displayed would be whatever the player's normal start position snippet in the proper picture file looked like the last time they connected to the site through the game (upload anything or download levels/updates).

Just a thought, but, it would be cool... and if you can do the user pages, the picture thing shouldn't be too hard...
10408. radiant ( – 14 Jul 2011 04:47:07 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
If you still want to be able to play them unmodified, you can either maintain a copy of the source tree where you simply don't include the patch that removes insane levels from the level list, or (much easier) play on a version of the game that predates that patch. to the rescue.

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