Landon, were you going to use Phonegap? I wanted to make an Escape app, but C++ isn't one of it's compatible languages, but Javascript is. |
A: Thx dood. #losing is pretty thick and I did spend a lot of time on it, though ultimately I feel like it's thematically not real enough. I think the one I'll stand by the most is "Just a drop," at least among gloaming songs. Shameless meta-meta-song is the clear crowd favorite, and I'm warming to it. For like ten years I've deliberately tried to keep myself to really minimal apparatus in terms of songwriting (e.g. in hundreds of midi ditties only using square waves and sawtooth waves, and in hundreds of mic jams only using acoustic guitar and singing), with the idea that this would force me to develop skills in the essence of songwriting because I couldn't cover for gaps with texture and/or extended midi patches, but I think I'm getting over this ascetic lifestyle. Glad that is tickling fancies. Now if only I could figure out how to operate the recording devices...
Also: Fake Mars and BATKOC are among my favorites too, but I'm surprised to hear sk7 in the mix! "Sun beam melts ice girlfriend" is the only track I have no regrets about (and it contains one of my favorite lyric achievements ever), and though I like most of it, I would put #s 22, 24, and 26 over it easy, maybe some others from the 2X series, and definitely #13.
I guess I often have this reaction when people say "I like this" which is "why do you like that one and not this other one?" which may come across wrong. I actually love that people have different tastes for my makes and when it defies my expectations, and thanks for sharing them. It's like having your kids not do what you had in mind for them but still be proud, you know?
BTW Chris: Your comments were the lead-up to comment #10,000 (yours) so I could never delete them! Epic! |
Wow, this album is great. #losing is a classic, doesn't even sound like the sort of song you would expect on an AAD just by the quality and density of the songwriting. I love how your arrangements are getting more and more elaborate, you can really tell how different (and probably not as interesting) it would be if certain songs were just guitar+voice. Plus some of the subject matter/lyrics being a bit darker/more personal is a nice departure from the more tongue-in-cheek or goofier fare of most of your previous ones. This album is definitely top-tier up there with Fake Mars, sk7 and Betrayal for me, great work.
Oh, also I just noticed some of the album pages are missing the links to all the other ones, actually a lot of them say "check out the links to the left" and there are none!! Oh no!!! |
Thanks Chris, Sontuk, jetfuel! I love album reviews.
CC: Looks like I am suffering from the same anonymity problem, in Chrome as well. I'll look into it; might just be like ancient illegal HTML since this web page is literally 10 years old. The songs appear in the notes in the order that I wrote them (at least, the order I started them), which is why the numbers are not the same as the album tracklisting. Often when I record a song I just put down some backing tracks but don't finish it enough to give it a name or even make it recognizable, so I need some kind of temporary way to remember which one it is. Glad you caught the reference to TXT adventures on get lamp; alas this disc's best entendres are too personal to be accessible to almost anyone.
fj: Well, yeah, it must be the facial expression and super tiny eyes that makes it eerie. :) 27 is possibly my favorite number (7 is too obvious right?) since it's my birthday. It's what I use on sports uniforms and stuff. But if you count three "Marm & Toc" AADs and two Taut Blue Quality ones, that's already 32! Still just over 1 a year for life, which I don't see why anyone would be impressed with that.
I really appreciate the positive words about the lyrics; that's probably the thing I'm most proud of on this one. I actually don't know what you mean by the old crazy song idea generation methods though... certainly there's been some change (maturation?) since AAD #1 but I feel like this cassette tape is on the same train as the last few have been. Maybe more dramatic twists than usual. Anyway I shouldn't cast question marks upon sentences that contain "successful marriage"; just curious. |
Now I'm waiting on an Android port. Well, I might as well take a stab at it as all of the code will have to be rewritten in Java. |
Sorry for double-posting, but I just remembered another thing to say. This album feels like a successful marriage of your old crazy song idea generation methods and your recent intricately clever lyric generation methods.
Also, I always love getting songs that are more than just acoustic guitar and vocals: backups, electric guitar, percussion, and synth all help make a song feel super fun. |
Huzzah, I really like it. The cover art looks like an eerily accurate likeness. 27 is a lot of albums, sir. |
my kids and i have asthma and we found another mushroom coming out of the wall in the bathroom. its on the second floor of our two story home. The landlord came out once and had it patched, but im afraid its back again and now i have Pneumonia and i wonder if its because of the mushroom. the doctor put me on antibiotics for pneumonia but I wonder if i am on the right antibiotics. after reading this im really scared for my children. my 7 year old has a rash and my 16 year old is missing so much school from coughing and runny nose constantly. |
Using chrome here, but it hardly matters and I won't be offended if you just delete those earlier posts.
Listened a couple times through. There is a lot of good stuff here!
I love the melancholy version of Spring Break (it was already one of my favorites). I like get lamp and it does a good job of hitting the mood I'm in when I play text adventures. Also I'm doing the PAX East thing this weekend and it got me pretty excited for the chiptune concerts. Shameless meta-meta-song is catchy and cute. #losing is nice, but I'm not sure I understand it.
The song numbers in the notes don't agree with the album, but that seems to be a theme. |
Yeah, I agree. It annoyed me forever, but since I have limited disk space on my server, I didn't want to maintain both a zip and the individual files. I figured out a pretty convenient way to efficiently generate them on the fly. It's on the list to go back and make zips for old ones, though unfortunately I can not give you your link clicking time back.
I don't understand what's going on with the name field? It's possible that you got unlucky electronic countermeasures (designed to foil lazy html parsers by spammers) that somehow rendered that field invalid, though I don't think it's possible. What browser? |
I should stop spamming your comments, but now I am really curious about how this is happening. I think if I edit the name field last, it will work. |
Yeah, your name field is broken and stuff. (Chris C here) |
Also even though I had typed my name, that strangely showed up as anonymous. Let's see if it happens again. |
Haven't had time to listen yet, but let me say that providing the album in a zip file is a major step forward in your AAD distribution efforts. I'm being totally serious. Clicking those links was annoying. |
9993. Anonymous ( –
07 Mar 2011 17:00:57
[ The Quartic Formula ]
For anonymous at 01.17.10 14:59:39
If you want a formula for ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e=0, just divide it through by a:
x^4+(b/a)x^3+(c/a)x^2+(d/a)x+e=0 |
The ZIP download is not up to date. Why? |
9971. Anonymous ( –
26 Feb 2011 16:47:08
[ Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
Same. Small brown/orange mushrooms, a small cluster of them in the kitchen growing out of a piece of wood used as a stand for a dishwasher (that was leaking before).
I've removed the mushrooms and bagged, bleached the area, and I've hopefully got someone coming in the next few days to look at the problem. Buying some fungicide tomorrow. I might get a flamethrower. |
9969. Trapdaar ( –
25 Feb 2011 01:28:06
[ Quake 3 Done! ]
Having Trouble with Anarki on Hardcore and I found this thread! |
Scott: Hah, thanks. Yes, it's a joke because they are only up to DSM-IV so far, like DSM-VII is the hypothetical manual I use to diagnose myself as having all sorts of problems like Running OCD and Chronic Nonhoptuitiveness and Telephobia and Catholic Guilt. But I bet I could convince a real doctor of real-style OCD with this project and some carefully chosen answers.
JSS: I want to do all that and more, definitely. But the only thing I have time to do is fix the image on the pac.tom7 page. |
I think I confused "polar" with "lunar" because I was totally expecting there to be a picture of your running routes as seen from the moon. Nevertheless, a unique and fascinating graphic explained with your trademark wry humor (the DSM thing is a joke, right?). |
Very cool. I couldn't figure out the graph just by looking at it, but some axis labels might've been sufficient. Of course, an interactive flash version where you can hover over each line and see its line, start and stop points highlighted would be pretty sweet also. I'd also like to see a graph showing your speed tracked over miles run. The for the post on the pac.tom7 page seems to be broken. |
Sorry. :) Here is the hint again:
You can't destroy the bottom laser. You need the bots to push the button to open up the blue floor. Bots will only start walking over when the panel is depressed. What could you use to press down that panel for a long time? |
I'm sorry, I did not understand your question, my English is very bad, I have not worked hard enough at school lool!
Is the hint immediately above helpful? |