I have no idea, that's two weeks that I downloaded escape, like many elsewhere, only I'm stuck for 1 week at level 21. I managed to destroy the laser from the top, but I have not managed to open the blue door ... What should I do? |
Should use the new thread, but tutorial 21 hint from above:
Tutorial 21: You can't destroy the bottom laser. You need the bots to push the button to open up the blue floor, but they'll only start walking over when the panel is depressed. What could you use to press down that panel for a long time? |
hello everyone, I'm stuck at level 21, witch can help me pleaaase?? |
i call this an awesome art game, i've had dreams like that |
Ctrl-0 ing an easy level. it said it found matches. |
Here is an idea: Containers.
• Containers act like maroon blocks normally, but can have colors.
• Containers have handles, so when you move away from an adjacent Container, it gets pulled with you, as long as the movement is strictly away - not to either side, or it stays in place.
Extra (optional) possible behavior:
• Containers may contain heart framers (optional). Only when a container is zapped by a laser (container is destroyed) or is "scanned" by a electric wire pulse that sets off the container's color lights (machine opened) can the heart be removed. The container is conductive. Hearts inside containers do count as being on the same layer ("world") as the container. A container with a heart inside has a heart shape on it.
The last option is not necessary. Tom, feel free to say the 3rd option is too complex, but I think it would be neat. |
9930. Tom 7 (c-67-186-6-86.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) –
12 Feb 2011 14:37:22
[ Quake 3 Done! ]
2011 represent! :) |
9929. RadAcoustics (cpe-121-223-108-212.lnse2.woo.bigpond.net.au) –
12 Feb 2011 05:33:39
[ Quake 3 Done! ]
N1 Apoc impressive stats ... also Kudos on the 1st post of 2011... Long live the the eternal thread ... Sup Tom :) |
9921. Anonymous (netapp1.wcpss.net) –
10 Feb 2011 08:15:49
i got a 1326 on my sat is that bad?
Devin-here are my thoughts on that.
Tom already has advertisements on web searches , but the thing is, I've never seen a single one. I have no idea how I originally found this site.
Tom, will you try to find a way to get escape to come up a little more often in search engine results, if you can and have time? (just enough to get some more activity.)
Thanks. |
I think there should be levels that are grouped. For example ; Maryll all of Maryll's levels will be grouped together because shes the author. Also the level selector won't get a wide span of levels going down the screen. |
My mistake, sorry. I remembered the solution. |
Is there any difference between 2009 version and an previous one? I found impossible to solve again level number 508 - And there were three...-, level that I'm sure I solved once. Unfortunately I changed the hdd and it is impossible to see my solution. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think something went wrong with the electricity... |
4 words Ad-Ver-Tise-Ments. |
Also Beck's song "Harry Partch" gets completely amazing at the 4:30 minute mark. |
Thanks man! To be honest I don't know which part is the "chorus". :)
I can't believe I didn't know about Harry Partch. Love guys like that. On my long list of projects (but this one high enough that I believe I'll get to it) is to write my own software tracker that makes it easy to compose in microtonal scales and with irrational time signatures and stuff like that. I love Cakewalk but it has Western idioms baked into its core. |
We want Line Bots and Paths! |
Walt Anderson: "Goaltending. Defense, number 43. Foul occurred in the end zone--safety, Green Bay."
Troy: "Hey! I'm safety for Pittsburgh! At least get your teams right!" |
Heya, I came across these via Google looking for some 8-bit music for my iOS game. It looks like you said I can use them freely? If so that's awesome, but can I at least credit you in the game? :) If so, let me know what name and/or picture to use!
Cheers |
Gday Guys
Are there any Blu-Ray/dvd
combination players?
Actually , i know you can get dvd/vcr players. Are there any players that will perform both of dvds and blu-rays that I can shop for rather than getting couple of different players?
With thanks !
9887. vimal Gabrielsen (195-241-91-183.ip.telfort.nl) –
26 Jan 2011 12:17:17
[ Free Plexiglass! ]
have you sold the plexiglass ,see it was put up many years ago?
Love from Vimal |