9604. maitesanti (hosted.by.pacificrack.com) –
31 Aug 2010 05:55:51
[ emacs lost-mode ]
activity rays dimming |
And for the re-upload at the same time as wedge idea I just posted, It Still won't be the original. I hope there is still a copy somewhere. |
Well, It already was (Data Chip #1 instead of just Data Chip 1) As soon as I could I re-uploaded it.
There can't be a level 2959 without server side level edits, and you can't just 'remake' an 'original' since the point of original is that it is unique and the first of its kind. That is why I pushed not deleting it, preferred editing the game to just let the download continue when errors were encountered, and wanted to keep it as a record of the incident.
But it is likely too late. Unless you have 2959 in your recycle bin or stored some other place, I'll have to figure out how to upload again at the exact same time as the server was to wedge again, and then if it was to be 'the' 2959 it's level number would have to be edited to say 2959 instead of some other number.
2959 has been thrown into the world's recycle bin and wiped from existence. The true file is dead. |
Tom, thank you for fixing it! :-) |
I don't actually know what happened with that level, so I don't know how to detect the situation in the future. I'm hoping it will just not happen again, or only once every few years, which is easy to fix manually. The client should not do what it currently does when the server reports an error; I already made a note of that but it's not a high priority.
If you want credit for 2959, just upload that level again. :) |
Tom, can you make it so that if a portion of the level never makes it when uploading it, Escape will say:
"Error: Phantom 2959 Uploaded - Level file severed in transit. Please try re-uploading again at another time."
And then the server will get rid of the level.
BTW, If you make note of fixing this occurrence, can you mention that I accidentally uploaded 2959, since now there is no level page proving That I uploaded it? |
Before 2959 went bye-bye, you couldn't download ANY triage levels beyond 2959 PERIOD. Oh well. |
I fixed the level 2959 problem, I believe. I just deleted it and all the comments/solutions/etc. It probably was the same event (probably some rare bug of mine) that wedged the server last weekend. Sorry about that. |
Dear Tom,
Since level 2959 I can't load new levels from N7DOT. Do you or N7DOT help me fix this? |
Sorry for that previous post, accidentally hit post.
I just got a mystery bookmark (?) using the current version(?!?!?) after trying to make a fix to the cook by radiant. at move two the player dies and then there are 512 'moves' (a power of 2 and 2 moves less than my solution).
If I optimize won't it go down to 2 moves? |
I don't know. I Use Windows. Radiant is the only one playing the levels after 2959 that I know of. Radiant, What Operating System do you use? |
9591. Barb Garner (c-76-125-232-12.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) –
27 Aug 2010 13:39:52
[ Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
Okay, I can't believe there is a "year's long" thread talking about this!!! I just googled it because I remembered reading about 10-11 years ago that the poison control center said their oddest question was from a woman who wanted to know if the mushrooms growing around her toilet were safe to put into the spaghetti sauce!!! I absolutely can't believe that this many people have this issue!!! I'm speechless!!! |
Is there a possibility to manually download the levels for OSX? |
For the time being DON'T TRY TO DOWNLOAD TRIAGE WITH THE LEVEL AUTO-DOWNLOADER. 2959 is a Serious problem and due to it you cannot download triage levels 2960+ in the normal fashion. |
In The mean time, New Block Idea: Steel & Sphere Sliders
They are like spheres by shooting or steel blocks by getting to be able to push 2 or more in a row (depending on the kind)
They are like sliders in that they can only go up & down or left & right (if a 0/1 button is pressed, they switch just like sliders.)
I can't believe I am the first one to have the server turn one of my levels into a severely malformed level. |
Yes, not your fault... I will tend to this problem when I have a free hour. It should be easy to fix. |
Basically I Submitted a level at just the right moment to create a server-made phantom 'level' that isn't really a level at all that for all intentions hopefully will never happen again. Tom, Please Move Level 2959 to Quarantine or some other folder where levels not meant to be in minor league, graveyard or triage go AFTER you allow the game to continue downloading when a download error occurs. It might be interesting to have record of this.
BTW, the comment above about prismatic stuff has nothing to do with radiant's comment before that.
It could be interesting to have prismatic(rainbow) spheres/steel/panels, and even prismatic floor/lights. |
How are number blocks at all different from just adding more colors to red/green/blue blocks?
Also, the first version of Data Chip 1 (level 2959) gives a 404 when fetched, which prevents the in-game updater from ever completing. Right now the only ways to get the levels after that are by patching the client to continue after download errors, or fetching the files from a direct browse to escape.spacebar.org/triage (you probably want to sort by modified date, to find the levels more easily and to rename them with the correct level numbers). |
I Hope my most recent ghost ideas have been heard.
Idea: Number blocks.
They can trigger normal panels and corresponding number panels.
they are other wise like maroon blocks.
Another ghost Idea: Ghosts can go over holes and won't make traps activate (they don't actually touch the traps) |
Sorry, yeah, the server was wedged for a while and is fixed now. |
Was anyone else kept from accessing escape.spacebar.org or any other part of spacebar.org yesterday and the day before? It started immediately after I submitted Data Chip 1. |