9579. Anonymous (cpe-66-108-94-76.nyc.res.rr.com) –
22 Aug 2010 14:46:11
[ Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
I found a brown mushroom with a cap in my ceiling. About 2 years ago, we had a neighbor flood his bathroom from a running toilet. DISGUSTING. I happen to be home and caught it from dumping into my apartment. Needless to say, they just patched it up and painted over it. I live in Manhattan (NYC) and I thought the stem with the cap was a camera looking into my shower. i know - paranoid. I grabbed a hold of it to yank it out and it was a freaking mushroom. I just called the landlord and told them "yo, i got mold and a mushroom growing out of my ceiling. I saved it for you! It's from the leak from the apartment above me from 2 years ago" I have renters insurance so we'll see what they do. Has anyone has this happen to them in an apartment building. |
I have mushrooms around my toilet and along the baseboard behind it. They did come up fast. I had our toilet overflow about a month ago. I been putting peroxide on the areas after I pulled them up. However they keep coming back. I am afraid to tell my landlord for fear he will say I must have done something. I have the door closed now so our cat cannot get in and we are only going in there to use toilet or shower or shave. Its very disheartening. |
9577. N7DOT (c-71-231-161-95.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) –
20 Aug 2010 21:10:18
[ Scrabble Loophole ]
Swwwweeeeeeeet. |
Sorry, But the fact that the browser won't show your fastest solution automatically is a serious and elder bug and since it was found there hasn't been a good way around it. Tom tries to help make the game better and fix bugs, but for now there isn't much to be done about that bug. BTW, do you have an idea about ghosts for a new entity?(discussed up above aways. ↑) |
Hello there Everybody, I am not brand-new to the site but I thought today was as great as time as any to say whats up, so.. well greetings :)
If anyone wants to see, this is My weblog |
I love this game. The fact that the difficulty of each custom level is graded by the players makes it a snap to choose an easy or a hard level (depending on one's skill level or mood).
My main request is to add an option to make one's shortest solution the default solution, instead of having to change the default solution manually every time a shorter solution is found. |
There should be a button in the editor that switches the tile bar with an entity bar - therefore allowing faster entity placing and making more room for buttons on the top.
If you add ghosts you might want to make an entity bar, since the top bar of buttons is full at default size.
Another Idea: Cannons.
-Cannons would count as bots. (makes sense, right?)
-If you step on a fuse targeting the cannon, or if you or a bot step anywhere directly ahead of it (even if your on the other side of something), it will shoot a cannon ball that will travel across the level until it hits you, a wire, a bot, a block, a laser, or the edge of the level, and then the cannon ball will explode like a bomb. |
9570. ☮kaylie!! (hlfxns0188w-099192062189.pppoe-dynamic.high-speed.ns.bellaliant) –
18 Aug 2010 15:27:09
[ Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
Today, I just found a mushroom beside my tub too! I laughed at first then thought oh that means MOLD! What do you think would be the best thing to do.. Get it looked at, Just kill it, or? After I saw it I cut it out and put in the garbage.. I hope it doesn't come back!!!! |
ok this is an id 10 t error . you laundered it for 40 minutes but you still couldn't kill it . this watch is going to last forever in the physical universe coz plastic is infinite . have it since 10 years , replaced the battery thrice , its still on . talk of standing the test of time itself . |
The Idea for ghosts going in the bizzaro world has to do with the fact that often people who say that 'they've seen ghosts' will say that 'the ghost will disappear'. That and bots can't do it.
Floor tile idea: Trap doors. They flip the entire grid with the bizzaro world counter-part. You could also make certain spaces immune to flipping this way. Any spaces that are immune to flipping like this will show a small colored dot on them the size of a text 'bullet' (•) when you press 'd'.
Back to ghosts.
Ghosts can't destroy the last heart on the normal world (they don't know if that would be suicide for them). They also aren't natural creatures, and they aren't bots obviously, because if they were bots, wouldn't that totally get rid of the point of them being 'ghosts' in the first place?
Ghosts aren't from the 'material world', and since they are aberrations in the game, they can pass through things. (in real life some people say that they have felt 'ghosts pass through them'.) I think that when it tries to go through a dalek, the dalek should blow up like a bomb, and then the ghost stands where the dalek was. When the player pushes a bomb, the bomb ignites, ticking down until it blows up. The ghost does the same thing, except the bomb implodes immediately, the ghost is unharmed and it moves to where the bomb was. Ghosts are kinda like clouds. Stuff can be in clouds.
The story for ghosts in the game would be that they are creatures that somehow got stuck in a place unknown to them. Daleks and Bombs pose a threat to them, so they destroy them when they can. They originally traveled from their home world to the 'normal world' by getting 'flipped' by a batch of malfunctioning remotes that got activated by one of their creations which happened to have a striking resemblance of daleks.
Surprisingly to them, they can move in the normal world just fine, but when they go to the bizzaro world, they are helpless, and they don't ever even find out they were there, even when they are in the normal world. The ghosts look to you for help, but the normal world is completely unknown to them, and they have no idea what things do and how things react to different things. They destroy the hearts in boredom, leaving the last one and not realizing that taking the last one will send them back home.
Fine, Glass cant be on color or rough.
Tile Idea: Negative. Negative is like normal floor, except that bots that go in it get flooded with negative energy, ruining their circuits, and ghosts that go in it get reverse-polarized and turn into dust. |
9567. Anon. (cpe-124-183-181-114.lns17.ken.bigpond.net.au) –
12 Aug 2010 21:51:40
[ Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
Glad to hear I'm not the only one. We're in a rental and a while back, I found a weird-looking yellow growth in the corner where the wall meets the shower ledge. I called my boyfriend in to find out what it was. It looked to me like an ear.. Sick! He used a tissue to pull it off.. We had no idea what it could have been. I thought nothing of it until it grew back again a few weeks later. That time, after pulling it off, I sprayed the area with plenty of bleach. It's never grown back in that spot, but.. Just this morning, I found another one growing about 5cm from the area it had last inhabited. Freaky... I suppose I'm just gonna keep removing and spraying it every time they pop up. That and I'll clean my bathroom twice as often, in the hope that it will eliminate the problem. Wishful thinking.. Maybe. Good luck guys! |
I certainly do want to add more bots. I had intended to make lots, but when I saw how complex Hugbots and Daleks made the game, I decided not to pile it on, until we had figured all the corners out. I think we have (and bombs too), so I'm up for more. Sideways bots doesn't really appeal... When I introduced that asymmetry (regretful) I thought of it as adding a new fundamental axis to the game, so that anything asymmetric should follow that in the future. Ghosts (something like that) is a good idea; I like the idea that they'd move over stuff the player and blocks can't. I think one thing the next bots should have is the property that they don't get stuck on the player. Hugbots are great, but the stuck gameplay is well tapped out. (I have some other ideas for thus but haven't implemented them yet.) Any ideas? As a technical matter, no entities can go in the bizarro world, nor can two entities be on the same square (so a bot can't "pass through" a bomb, which is also an entity (bot)).
BTW, there's also a technical limitation that regular blocks (like your proposed glass) canonly be on plain floor or panels. It's not just about visibility. |
Yeah, radiant's right: I'm not trying to keep a determined player from discovering solutions, just preventing spoilers from being too tempting. I probably should be testing something internally to prevent solutions that verify for some other level from being treated as correct for another level just because they're under that level in the file. Not sure what's going on, but that sounds like a pretty easy client-only fix (mainly for the purpose of catching accidental corruption). I'll keep it in mind for the fabled in-progress rewrite of the level browser, which includes the player solution database.
Please don't abuse my player file. :) |
But then again... the side effects and effort needed make it not as worthy to bother. Besides, Once you have done the player file hack, trying it again on a new level automatically makes your file on the player selection screen say:
_____.esp --ERROR-- (-1)
The _____ is what ever your file name is. |
The same could be accomplished by tracking down whichever source file it is that controls the download of solutions, and commenting out the check that requires a level to be solved before it puts the button up. Or heck, since the game connects on port 80, that probably implies there's a simple Web address you could visit to nab a solution.
While there's no way to stop a determined cheater this way without mandating a solution upload with every rate that purports to solve the level, I don't think Tom seems to mind the security situation that much--he includes his own player file in the source distribution, from which you can instantly crack over 2000 levels...and that's not even the worst of it. Unless someone repeatedly moves all of his levels to the graveyard, or starts swiping all the solutions and reposting them in comments, it's just not that high a priority. |
That is really weird. Talk about Ultimate Spoiler. Don't Know what
Tom 7 will say, but I can predict that it is something he would want fixed. |
I have found a way to get the game to give you the solutions to any level and have used this to obtain the solution to "block cipher".
To do this, edit your player file and copy the entry for a solved level, but alter the MD5 hash to match the level you want to have a solution for. Then play that level and go to the bookmarks menu. The solution download button will be there. (This is odd because in other respects the game still treats the level as unsolved.)
So, Tom 7, are you going to bother fixing this? A complete fix will require both the game and the server code to be updated and will break compatibility with previous versions of Escape. |
Bot Idea: Reverse Hugbots And Reverse Daleks.
-The Only Difference Between normal and reverse bots is that reverse bots prefer to move up or down rather than left or right, essentially following the reverse of the asymmetry.
??? Idea: Ghosts?
-They can get Flipped Into Bizzaro world
-They can move over black, electric, and raised colored floor as well as anything the player can walk on
-They will push like hugbots except when moving off electric (then they kill)
-They are destroyed when they are in the normal world and you pick up the last heart that is in the normal world
-Lasers pass through them
-They can't press panels but can press wire buttons
-They won't move in bizzaro world but will follow you when in the normal world
-They can destroy Hearts if they move over them
-They pass through bots and ignite bombs
Any Thoughts about these or glass/slick? |
The Dalek Question is not solvable at all under the current ruleset, but under a much older set of rules (fixed over 5 years ago) a Dalek that moved from a panel directly to an electric field would fail to register that it stepped off the panel, with the effect of creating a permanent flip. Levels that relied on that interaction, as with all such interactions that get written out of the game, are now only in the quarantine folder, where they aren't backed by a guarantee of solvability. |
I wish there was a video of The Dalek Question being solved that I could see, since it seems that it is now impossible. |
For Dalek movement on slick, If They bump into you means if they slide into you from a distance, and when slide kill is off they must already be next to you when they make their move. |
9555. Rose in Virginia ( –
07 Aug 2010 13:16:49
[ Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
Well, thank you all so much for sharing your mushroom in the bathroom stories. I thought I was loosing my mind when I found a mushroom in the bathroom next to the toilet. This one was shaped like a mushroom that night and by morning it had bloomed open. Now that was weird! I used toilet bowl cleaner called The Works on the area. NEVER use toilet bowl cleaner on carpet. It took out my carpet along with the ink spot the mushroom left. Not only do I need to find the leak now but I also need to replace the bathroom carpet. |