9279. Anonymous (adsl-68-88-235-111.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) –
17 Jan 2010 14:59:39
[ The Quartic Formula ]
Isn't there a formula with the x^4 coefficient (ax^4 +bx^3+cx^2+dx+e=0)? |
I Don't Know. Bots that run away from you, or "Shybots" would be interesting. |
will there be any new blocks in the next version? |
9276. Anonymous (c-71-63-11-81.hsd1.va.comcast.net) –
17 Jan 2010 13:53:42
cx,b cxmb,l;xcb mlcfgbl;cl;cx |
9275. Anonymous (c-71-63-11-81.hsd1.va.comcast.net) –
17 Jan 2010 13:53:36
fb mcv lm cblxml |
Whew... No more scrolling down! Thanks again for the new version. |
9273. Chazthegreat (c-75-69-94-121.hsd1.nh.comcast.net) –
16 Jan 2010 21:26:46
[ The Quartic Formula ]
There's an error in the formula for r4. It's easy to see what they meant though. When you first load the page and scroll down just enough to see the formula for r4, most of the other equations are taken up by an expression of something over something. 2^(1/3)(b^2-3ac+12d) is the numerator. But that expression of something over something is not in the r4 formula. Where that expression is supposed to start, instead you see a smaller expression of something over nothing! But notice this: the numerators for both the expression of something over something, and for the expression of something over nothing, are the same. I said what the numerator is earlier. The expression following the expression of something over nothing starts with 3(2b^3-9abc... . This is the denominator of the expression of something over something.
The real formula for r4 is instead of having the expression of something over nothing, NEXT TO the expression that is the denominator of the expression of something over something, you have numerator of the expression of something over nothing OVER the expression that is the denominator of the expression of something over something. |
9272. Anonymous (adsl-69-232-119-105.dsl.frs2ca.pacbell.net) –
16 Jan 2010 18:52:50
[ Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
Eww me and my sister discovered some next to our shower stall and i agree with just getting shower doors so does any one know a way to COMPLETELY get rid of them they are freakin disgusting !! ??? |
9270. Anonymous ( –
16 Jan 2010 06:27:41
我爱中国 |
Oops, thought I had already done that. Now it's there. |
Oh wow! Could you make a new tarball at http://escape.spacebar.org/source/ so I can put out a new Fedora release? |
Sophia: Sounds like our scene. |
9266. Anonymous (c-71-225-159-114.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) –
15 Jan 2010 22:48:10
Anonymous, it isn't worth applying past the deadline for the simplest of reasons. Thousands of students with grades comparable to yours and SAT scores considerably superior to yours have already applied in time to meet the deadline. Think of it this way. You hope to be America's Idol. You are very good-looking but are uncomfortably aware that you can't quite carry a tune. You would like Simon to overlook the fact that you can't sing, as well as the fact that you have showed up unannounced in the studio, and put you on national television in preference to tens of thousands of people who have more talent and have met the deadline for an audition. Now, answer your own question. |
devin: Sorry. :( If the files are gone there's nothing we can do... Levels and solutions are only stored on the server if you upload them.
N7: Yeah, I've often yearned to make cell phone and console versions of escape. I think the computer is the best platform for it, but there are probably a bunch of people out there who only play games on cell phones...
There's now a new thread! It continues here:
radar.spacebar.org/f/a/weblog/comment/1/1038 |
You know, you might be able to make a WiiWare version of this game. I don't know how it could be done, but it might increase the amount of people who play. |
But, I Really like the New Transporter animation. |
I think you're a sellout. You should've stopped at AAD #24 because clearly you have run out of ideas and are just retreading old ground. Or really you jumped the shark after AAD #20. Actually, scratch that, it's all been downhill since S-P-E-C-T-R-E. And even that album would be nothing without the constant references to your true masterpiece, "Welcome New Friend With Bomb." Besides, the whole solo project is just a pale echo of Spastic Moose, which in turn has nothing on Awkward Sexual Music. Face it, Tom -- you've lost the magic. |
I think the update had reset the directory to default. Also Make Escape Check the internet to make sure the files are exactly the same as they should end up, and if not, say "Update failed". |
they were unpublished so they would be in mylevels\ |
No, if you deleted escape then everything on that computer is probably gone. If you still have the escape directory then we can probably get them back. You could try doing a search of all your hard drives for .esx files, to see if they're still there somewhere. |
(the laptop does work on windows) |