Tom 7 Radar: all comments

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14897. Anonymous ( – 01 Jul 13:44:00 June 2024 ]
I highly agree with mixmix, thank you for bringing this issue to attention in the Tom 7 Radar comment section
14896. mixmix ( – 01 Jul 00:36:02 June 2024 ]
I once again encourage you to make a technical, supplementary video on BoVeX. The world needs a 2 hour crash course on compilers by Tom 7.
14895. 7 ( – 22 Jun 23:58:23 Found: RAP SNACKS ]
I just saw rap snacks in 2024!
14894. Tom 7 ( – 12 Jun 23:26:10 Green scream ]
Rory: I didn't banish the spider, but I don't do a lot of "SEO," you know? It works for me to search for something like " prime".

I haven't played Factorio (or Satisfactory, or Dwarf Fortress), though I am aware of all of those! I'm worried to try them because I would obviously get way too into 'em and lose precious life force. I am mostly playing games that you can just play through and be done with, these days.

On the ! issue, this is because I just crammed zeroes into that line until it looked as good as it could. Only the hyphens go outside the end-of-line, though I agree that other punctuation can look good there too.
14893. João Vítor Fernandes Dias ( – 10 Jun 21:00:24 Green scream ]
Rory, Factorio and Satisfactory may be games the he would like. Also Dwarf Fortress.
14892. João Vítor Fernandes Dias ( – 10 Jun 20:07:34 ARST ARSW ]
Conan Link?
14891. João Vítor Fernandes Dias ( – 10 Jun 20:02:58 NEW: Apacer Audio Steno: The Final Solution ]
It's funny to go through all this Tom VII rabbit hole
14890. João Vítor Fernandes Dias ( – 10 Jun 19:20:14 Ludum Dare 24: One of the best birthdays ]
No flash support :(
14889. Anonymous ( – 10 Jun 18:54:51 Green scream ]
I was somewhat shocked to find that the Epsom's version of the paper uses the fornication epithet "for) and" in describing C++: "AST pools. datatype declarations are for) and annoying in C++."

The Knuth version has the much more polite "AST pools. One of the main things I need to do is
create tree-structureddata to represent the abstract
syntax tree of the various languages involved.
This is very nice in ML (it is what the datatype declaration is for) and annoying in C++."

I also was disappointed that the style for "!" at the end of a line was inconsistent in the Knuth version. Just before "Maybe!" two lines above "The boxes-and-glue algorithm" does not extend beyond end-of-line, while, as expected, "10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000!" does.
14888. João Vítor Fernandes Dias ( – 10 Jun 18:45:38 The Entire Screen of One Game ]
Oh, hello! 💠
14887. Rory ( – 10 Jun 17:54:09 Green scream ]
Hi Tom

Two questions

Have you played Factorio? I think I'm the last person on the planet to discover it.

Is it possible to search your blog? Google is a bust - I presume you banished the spider

14886. Anonymous ( – 10 Jun 04:44:15 "April" 2024 ]
Since you like to meddle with the GPL justification, you may be surprised that there are many versions of the GPL 2.0,
14885. Anonymous ( – 08 Jun 15:45:36 Green scream ]
Amazeballs video/project. You dot the i in me, and cross the t.
14884. Tom 7 ( – 08 Jun 11:06:40 "April" 2024 ]
I added the Widths table, but it turns out there was another issue (which I could only find by stepping through pdf.js in the debugger!): Firefox really wants the "argument" to /FontName to begin with a slash. I guess that makes sense, but none of the validators I found reported any issue here!

FWIW I think the text rendering looks much better in Chrome, but I am happy to have it working in Firefox. Thank you everyone (especially mixmix) for the help and encouragement.

The PDFs on the site should work now. They still don't open in Illustrator; that would be nice to fix but I don't think it'd be a serious obstacle for the main use of the papers, which is to print them out and shred them.

I'll try to make the source code a bit easier to use when I find some more energy.
14883. Tom 7 ( – 08 Jun 09:34:09 Green scream ]
mixmix: I do have a lot to say on all those things and the fact that you're interested is heartening! I am not going to think about making videos for at least 2 days, however.
14882. mixmix ( – 07 Jun 21:53:44 Green scream ]
I really enjoyed the video, Tom! It's such a pleasure to watch you having fun together with your family.

Now, what does it take to make you produce a supplementary, low production cost video on BoVeX (full language description including its type system, semantics, lowering it down to the EL and the IL, and the register machine with its own primops), the boxes-and-glue algorithm, and the PDF generator?

We want to know everything, from how you compile mutually-recursive polymorphic functions through how you traverse the rephrasing tree (any hope for A*?) to how you cope with the missing kerning pairs. What you've tried, what did work and what didn't, what unexpected problems arose, and what's your secret on maintaining sanity while writing a compiler in C++.
14881. jonas ( – 07 Jun 06:24:41 Green scream ]
The video about this project is now online at
14880. Elijah ( – 05 Jun 12:13:10 Green scream ]
Super excited for it! Take your time :)
14879. jonas ( – 01 Jun 16:18:45 Green scream ]
Joe: thank you, I was wondering if it was in that repository somewhere, but I'd still like a release too.
14878. Joe ( – 01 Jun 16:12:03 Green scream ]
Is this what you are looking for, Jonas?
14877. jonas ( – 01 Jun 10:12:40 Green scream ]
I'm less excited about the video, because the articles in the robot dance proceedings appear to describe the project well enough. I'd be more happy if you made a source code release of BoVeX, especially of the parts that do not require an expensive video card with 128 GB of RAM. The "Coming soon" message currently at "" is teasing me a bit too much.
14876. TubbDoose ( – 31 May 23:40:55 Green scream ]
Excited for the video!
14875. Anonymous ( – 31 May 21:55:07 ARST ARSW ]
Goodbye Conan link
14874. Tom 7 ( – 19 May 11:10:43 "April" 2024 ]
Awesome, thank you!
I think the Widths table is a likely explanation. That would be redundant with the information already in the embedded font, so it would make sense that some readers would care and others would just use the font metrics. I have the widths from the TTF so it should be pretty easy to add that.

I am working on the video this weekend, so I will try not to let this distract me :)
14873. mixmix ( – 14 May 23:48:01 "April" 2024 ]
OK, so I've spent a bit more time investigating the rendering issues some of the folks are having.

Turns out, there's actually plenty of PDF validators out there. I used one from whose output looked reasonably constructive. Basically, I was immediately yelled at for a bunch of missing keys, one of which was Widths.

I checked (page 255), and apparently it is really required. I couldn't find what a reader is supposed to do in case of its absence, so I guess it's implementation specific.

Then I went to see what pdf.js (which is what Firefox uses under the hood) does, and to my surprise instead of reading the actual glyph widths from the font data, it relies on BaseFont metrics:

If the referenced BaseFont is not a real thing, it falls back to Times Roman for serif typefaces and Helvetica sanswise:

A fun side note: because Font18 and its brothers (which is what Palatino goes by after are not known serif typefaces, nor do they contain the word "serif" in their name, pdf.js treats them on par with Helvetica.

I also was curious why reprocessing your paper seemingly fixes all issues so I compared the original with what macOS Preview exports it as, and it seems like it completely revamps the whole thing and even embeds the kerning values.

Speaking of kerning, it's apparently not very portable to rely on a PDF reader in hope it'd apply it. TIL: it may not and in some cases it absolutely doesn't. I didn't read too much of your code (trying not to spoil the fun), but if you in any way rely on kerning to position the word pieces, I suggest you use the TJ operator instead of Tj.

I hope all these discoveries don't distract you from making the video to which I'm really looking forward!

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