Ok, big problem in terms of possible data loss: using Ctrl + Middle Click to swap the normal and bizarro layers at a given spot doesn't trigger the unsaved changes warning, when it should. This needs to be fixed in the next update, whenever that is. |
12311. Tom 7 ( –
30 Dec 2013 17:28:53
[ SIGBOVIK 2013! ]
Fixed, thanks. :) |
Nice work cousin! Bruins in 4! |
Well done. I enjoyed this! I did notice that if I switch to another tab in Firefox, the music goes BLURRRRR as if all the notes have piled up and just aren't stopping. Maybe you could silence it when the tab's not active? You can do that by listening to a "blur" or "focus" event on the window. Also one of your links goes to game.spacebar.org instead of the right place.
Anyway, fun game. Ending was hilarious. I like that I was able to actually beat this one :) Cheers and happy new year's, Tom! |
12306. N7DOT (c-50-139-55-109.hsd1.or.comcast.net) –
26 Dec 2013 00:54:14
[ SIGBOVIK 2013! ]
uh, the 'Point One Hurts' game page links here instead of to its corresponding thread. Could you fix this? |
Nice! This is probably your most hilarious one yet! Actual gameplay feels pretty clunky but I guess so did River City Ransom? Nice work on the music too btw, I don't think I've ever heard an HTML5 game with its own chiptune player. I'm always amazed with the level of effort you put into these. |
Nice job, 21 Jerk Street! lol |
12280. Zientman (host-101.sun.net.pl) –
18 Dec 2013 12:03:07
[ Quake 3 Done! ]
I just googled my past actions on the internet, and I found this one ;-) I still remember those days asking for an advice to beat up those guys ;-) |
Yeah, of course, it's criminal that I never did in-game reading. The biggest obstacle right now is that my last attempt at releasing the game (switching to newer software tools) broke it for some users and I had to revert, so it's unfortunately not that easy for me to make even trivial changes at the moment. :( |
I do read this thread fairly regularly, although admittedly there's rarely anything new. I agree, the ability to read comments in-game would be hugely helpful, and would likely allow new players to enter the community easier. |
Hi Tom, I'm glad you're still around and reading and supporting us once in a while! Hopefully you'll be around more often, you had been missing...! |
Thanks Tom. It doesn't seem to mess with the actual game logic so I guess it's not that critical. Funny that it has never shown up before.
We are not 'supposed' to be using 'i' even though our conversations reveal that most of us actually do .-) It's just too useful. I guess it is just a feature that was never intended for public consumption, like ctrl-e.
If there ever is a upgrade, in-level comments has to be the top priority, new players are not going to going to the effort of doing it the way we do.
Taken to playing Scribble a bit after your comment in the 'chat' level. Started about 3 days ago, still learning from my mistakes (and will be forever) but getting the hang of it. It is bloody frustrating though, some people just don't grasp that is co-operative. The highlight so far (apart from scoring 324 in one play) was seeing a game I was heavily involved in hit 1300+. My only wish is that it allowed International English as well as strictly American English. Anyway, brilliant tip, thanks for mentioning it. And, Tom, thanks (again) for creating it. |
I do still read it; sorry for never responding or maintaining the game. :) I'm pretty sure this is just an animation bug, but it is quite weird and I didn't know about it. Thanks for the report! |
Ah, it may be an animation bug. If you move before the animation is complete everything is as expected, if you wait for the animation before moving, things get weird... especially if you undo it because you don't go back to the previous position. Sorry Mark if this is a spoiler. I haven't actually solved it yet, but it is seriously screwed up. Don't worry, nobody reads this anyway :-) |
We've got a bug! Take 'Don't blow the candles', place a transponder on 14,6 and another on 14,14 ... have fun. |
12252. jonas (catv-89-132-197-38.catv.broadband.hu) –
09 Dec 2013 09:25:11
[ Pac Tom article ]
I'd still like to see the completed neighborhoods marked on the map, but maybe it's a bit too late if there's only 10 trips left.
Yay! Thank you for the update.
Dave - A friend of mine has compiled the source code on Linux successfully, after removing the line in the makefile referencing sound. Maybe something like that is causing problem for compiling on windows?
And about the Towers of Hanoi thing, there is already an implementation with 5 discs using 3 steel for each disk. It is slightly cookable and takes up a lot of space. (Not only that, but 6 or 7 disks is possible if you use wowei's idea of adding a row of spheres as an extra 'color'.) 8 discs or more without repeating colors is definitely possible, so I won't continue talking about it. |
12236. MK (209-6-67-225.c3-0.abr-ubr1.sbo-abr.ma.cable.rcn.com) –
30 Nov 2013 10:16:03
[ Pac Tom article ]
Love this project! |
Here's a rather serious suggestion that has been stated in the past and I will now state again: make it so that the 'i' hotkey accepts level filenames as well as MD5 checksums; typing a 32 digit hexadecimal number without copy/paste and without the ability to even move the cursor back and forth without having to delete everything in between is painful. I would suggest the ability to move the cursor back and forth without deleting should be added to any single-line input prompt. It makes things much easier and makes sense - the comment screen can do it, so why not everything else?
One more resuggestion, but with a different method of implementation - glue. Glue would attach multiple blocks with the same general movement behavior together, such that they act as one large block. Any time a constituent block is destroyed or flipped into the bizarro world, it is permanently unglued from the rest, and acts like a normal block. One possible twist to this would allow attaching red, grey, or steel to the player or a bot, therefore hindering its ability to move. (no attaching both classic and steel blocks to the same entity, however.)
(Dave - I would like to help, but I have no idea how to correctly compile Escape either...) |
OK, I know that's never going to happen, and it may be best that it doesn't. Here's a more serious suggestion: It would be nice to have a way to edit typos in comments. Not that I ever make mistakes ... ;)
Is anybody out there able to get the source code to compile? I haven't had a go for while, but I failed miserably on all previous attempts. Which version of VS and which version of SDL actually works. Came close with C++ 6.0 but still no cigar. Tips please ... |
I noticed that it's hard to find your website in google, i found it on 23th spot, you should get some quality backlinks to rank it in google and increase traffic. I had the same problem with my site, your should search in google for - insane google ranking boost - it helped me a lot |
12230. Anonymous (adsl-76-212-185-190.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) –
27 Nov 2013 12:58:33
SAT I: 1760
math 680
writing 600
reading 480 -__-
chem 700
math 2 650
but then again my weighted gpa is 4.33 and unweighted is 3.96...