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10300. Anonymous ( – 23 Jun 2011 11:43:02 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Dave, I do agree. Another thing is that much older levels take a lot longer to get to than new ones, and scrolling down the levels is nowhere near as fast as if there were [levels 1-999], [levels 1000-1999], [levels 2000-2999], & [levels 3000+] folders.

Plus, Although there are way more than (due to different factorings of areas and panels, remotes, & teleports) t nPr a (what my calc says is # of permutations of items t (tiles) taken a (area) possible levels, which is gigantic at the moment), many are basically duplicates or not solvable. Many of these solvable ones are really bad or too similar to another level to upload, and a few are essentially impossible for the human mind to solve, like pieguy's "block cipher", which most of those are probably too similar to block cipher. Many good level possibilities have been exhausted, but adding one more tile or bot will increase the amount of possible levels.

One off note thing that still relates to escape: This probably won't happen, but it would be bad if a piece of malware ended up having the same MD5 string (or close enough) as an escape level, or if an antivirus's MD5 list contained one which corresponded to an escape level, as then an antivirus might say that the level would be dangerous. Just a thought.
10298. Dave ( – 23 Jun 2011 06:30:41 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Sorry about the typo (undeleted unrequired sentence fragment) in the middle of that.
10297. Dave ( – 23 Jun 2011 06:13:37 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
As I finally got my triage solved count up to 2000 today (I very much doubt that I am alone or first to acheive that), I think I've earned myself a soapbox moment:-

The level rating system:

At the moment, most levels get rated immediately by a small group of experienced regulars who, me included, are pretty harsh scorers. This means that many levels, especially ones by new players, are ignominiously dumped into 'minor leagues'. This is not exactly an encouragement for these people to stay, build more levels, experiment and learn the game. This is particularly apparent when you look at the quality of some levels created, say, 5 years ago (2 years before I started playing) which are still in triage but wouldn't stand a chance now.

Next, I understand where the term 'minor leagues' come from but, from a non-US perspective, it's sounds incredibly derogatory. The other thing I remember from when I started playing, which was in the midst of a pretty mediocre series of levels, was my utter disappointment with a game that promised so much... why? ... because the first levels you play are always the most recent, whatever they happen to be at the time. I stuck with it, how many left? You're not going to test a game for potential by obeying the rules and working through the tutuorial, you only do that after you've had a bit of poke around first.

This is a brilliant and unique game but sadly under-appreciated. Maybe a restructure of the level browsing system will help. Certainly the old plan of an official series of levels, presumably over a cross-section of difficulty raings, which will become the default level directory may help. Or, how about a multi-division system which allows for demotion and promotion (minor leagues is currently a life sentence for a level). Whatever, this is probably something of higher priority than all the discussion about new blocks.

Just food for thought.

We seem to be very small community, and the game deserves better than that. Why is the CC community so much bigger? I seem to recall John Lewis' comments about competitive play.
10287. Anonymous ( – 20 Jun 2011 11:46:53 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
The website

you can identify your mushrooms here. I too had the curly one. My landlord is being a d*** about getting it seen to. Landlords are the scum of the fungus infested inside of the toiletbowl of life.
10257. N7DOT ( – 14 Jun 2011 18:28:41 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Well I'm glad you like it! If you have any good Ideas for the game, feel free to post them.
10253. servicio tag heuer ( – 14 Jun 2011 13:15:39 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
I like it very much!
10236. Dave ( – 09 Jun 2011 05:10:37 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Just testing comments are working after N7DOT's problems.

While I am here... just a minor bug.

On one computer I had about 10 deleted levels permanently stuck in triage. No major mystery... they were in the Program Files/Escape/Triage but all level updates were being applied to Users/...Blah Blah.../AppData/.... Consequently, any file in the original triage dir at the time I installed it but which was later deleted was never being detected as stray and therefore not being moved to the attic.

Anyway, I finally decided to do something about it and deleted all the esx files from the former directory. And the effect: The recurring 'program not responding' problem during level load between the main menu and level select menu has completely disappeared. In fact, I reckon overall that start-up is about 10 times quicker than it was even when the program didn't hang up.

Has anyone else noticed anything similar? It only seems to be a problem in Vista.
10232. Anonymous ( – 07 Jun 2011 16:49:46 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
the mushroom is just the fruiting body of a fungus. They are produced when the fungus (which would be covering any amount of timber out of sight) goes to reproduce. like the tip of an iceberg

so could bleach/salt/peroxide/any chemical really be anything but a short term solution?
i suppose anyone seriously considering salt as a cure is too cheap to have a bathroom inspected, ripped out and a new one installed, ventilated and heated properly with proper materials by a skilled installer...
10229. Anonymous ( – 07 Jun 2011 01:21:54 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
nevermind i got it ^thanks man
10227. Anonymous ( – 06 Jun 2011 20:11:34 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
my bad i could have been more specific. i move the on transponder to block the laser and get to the heart to wake uo the door but then i'm stuck. if you dont want to put a spoiler here you can send it to my e-mail. i love this game btw. i d/loaded it back in 1999 or so. had forgotten about it and found it again. yay!!
10226. N7DOT ( – 06 Jun 2011 19:11:10 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
New Tile idea: Gel Blocks & Rough blocks
The idea is that gel blocks act like greys normally and rough blocks act like maroon blocks normally, but both share one key feature which makes them special: They can be pushed onto rough, causing the block to disappear, but also turning the rough into floor, allowing other blocks to be pushed through.

Instead, they could stick around, but that would give to much power to the blocks.

Also, I thought that if you Replaced the hugbot in 'Hugbot Framer' with a timer x Nervous bot, or just added a nervous bot, it would likely be an interesting level, and at the same time you would be able to push the door even farther to the right.
10225. N7DOT ( – 06 Jun 2011 18:48:56 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Oh yes, transponders... that's a tricky one. If this hint doesn't help, then feel free to say what your having trouble with. One thing that trips people up is that they don't realize they can move transponders, which are the wire type that can send signals across empty areas. however, you'll have have to figure out how to make use of this fact. So, as my hint, you'll need to move the transponders.
10223. Anonymous ( – 06 Jun 2011 01:19:29 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
how do you do tutorial 20? i'm soooo stuck.
10222. Anonymous ( – 05 Jun 2011 00:50:40 BAD SAT SCORES ]
I go to a Jesuit Prep School surrounded by loads of students who thing anything below a 3.8 is shameful. I'm a teachers worst nightmare, unmotivated and stubborn. And due to that I never turned any work in my freshman or sophmore year. this year I got a GPA of 3.5 but my overall is a 2.5. But on the SAT i scored a 2130... with a perfect score in writing. what's going to happen to me? have i messed up my gpa and ruined my life already? or will the sat score save me? what are my college options? what if i can pull a really good essay explaining my poor grades?
10221. Anonymous ( – 04 Jun 2011 16:52:18 BAD SAT SCORES ]
10218. Anonymous ( – 02 Jun 2011 13:42:03 BAD SAT SCORES ]
Hey all you people saying you got like 1300 and did horrible. All you guys just shut up! Yeah you may not get into Harvard or whatever, but if you do your research there are a lot of fantastic colleges that put little emphasis on the SAT. Look at the average SAT scores for certain colleges, and then remember that they had to have accepted people with score quite a bit lower than those. Try taking the ACT. some people do better on that.
My first SAT i got 1190, and I've maintained a 3.8 unweighted GPA through high school. I'm taking the SAT again this Saturday, then in a few months I'll take the ACT. I'm aiming for 1250-1300. I've taken the prep course and studied like mad. I'm 100% sure I'll get a good education in college.
So all you people with less than 1500: you'e FINE!
10216. Robalore ( – 31 May 2011 22:08:23 Before / After ]
10215. T.T ( – 30 May 2011 22:15:20 BAD SAT SCORES ]
Math: 420
Critical Reading: 440
Writing: 410

Essay : 8/12


My first SAT and I did horrible )':
10213. Jo is soo embarassed ( – 29 May 2011 13:43:28 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
So today I found a mushroom growing out of the base board near the tub. There has been a lot of water puddling near there after my showers. Guess I know the reason it occured, now to fix it. I had poured bleach on it but now going to try salt and peroxide as well.
10212. Someone Please Help ( – 29 May 2011 10:56:14 BAD SAT SCORES ]
So I just got my SAT scores and I got an 1190 I have 3.1 GPA and I run varsity track, and I also volunteer at a suicide hotline. So I have to ask if my life is over. I'm a Junior and I already sighed up for some AP and Honors class for Senior Year. So is my life over, will I even get into college?
10209. Anonymous ( – 28 May 2011 16:09:25 BAD SAT SCORES ]
I'm a freshman and I just got a 1560 on my SAT...haha..FAIL.
10205. obuv ( – 26 May 2011 21:45:03 NEW: Escape Beta 2! ]
10204. klari ( – 26 May 2011 20:26:21 Pittsburgh Marathon 2011: Keystone Capers! ]
That totally rocks! Not sure I could beat your time without the shackles.
10202. Lance ( – 25 May 2011 23:41:38 Pittsburgh Marathon 2011: Keystone Capers! ]
Here's another news page with some photos in case you haven't seen them. You're in photo #25:
10200. jpearce ( – 24 May 2011 22:24:24 Pittsburgh Marathon 2011: Keystone Capers! ]
The lesson here is only buy leather cuffs, cats and kittens.

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